Page 132 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                  2.  Ascroft,  W.,  (2011).  A  petroleum  geologist  guide  to
               References:                                            seismic reflection: Wiley-Blackwell, 176p.
               1.  Haldar, S.K. (2018) Mineral Exploration: Principles and  3.  Bjorlykke,  K.  (2011).  Petroleum  geoscience:  from
                   Applications. Elsevier, ISBN 9780128140222         sedimentary environment to rock physic.  Springe, 517p.
               2.  Hawkes  H.E.  &  Webb,  J.S.  (2014)  Geochemistry  in  4.  Gluyas.  J.  and  Swarbrick,  R.  (2004)  Petroleum
                   Mineral Exploration, Whitefish, ISBN 9781258452001  Geoscience. Blackwell Publishing, UK.
               3.  Jain,  R.  (2015).  Environmental  Impact  of  Mining  and  5.  Hunt,  J.M.  (1996)  Petroleum  Geochemistry  and
                                                                      Geology,  Second  Edition, W.H.  Freeman  &  Co.,  New
                   Mineral  Processing:  Management,  Monitoring,  and
                   Auditing  Strategies,  Butterworth-Heinemann,  ISBN  York.
                   9780128040409                                  6.  Hantschel, T., and Kauerauf, A. I.  (2009). Fundamentals
               4.  Moon,  C.J.,  Whateley,  M.E.G.  &  Evans,  A.M.  (2006).  of basin and petroleum systems modeling. New York:
                                                                      Springer, 475 p.
                   Introduction to mineral exploration. 2   edition, Blackwell
                   Publishing, 481 p.                             7.  Magoon,  L.B.  and  Dow,  W.G.  (1994)  The  petroleum
               5.  Marjoribanks, R. (2010). Geological methods in Mineral  system - from source to trap, AAPG Memoir 60.
                   Exploration and Mining. 2  edition, Springer, 238 p.  8.  Tissot, B.P. & Welte, D.H. (1984) Petroleum Formation
               6.  Mineral Development Act 1994 [Act 525], Government of  and  Occurrence,  Second  Revised  and   Enlarged
                   Malaysia.                                          Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
               Description,  classification  and  characteristics  of   rock
               material, rock mass and aggregates. Methods of engineering
               geological site investigation. Geological terrain mapping and
               analysis. Site investigations for various engineering structures
               and works.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%
               Examination           : 60%
               1.  Griffiths,  J.S.  &  Bell,  F.G.  (2020)  Environmental  and
                   Engineering  Geology:  Beyond  the  Basics,  Whittles
                   Publishing, ISBN 9781849954013
               2.  Watson,  T.L.,  (2018)  Engineering  Geology,  Franklin
                   Classics, ISBN 9780341967842
               3.  Fookes, P., Pettifer, G, & Waltham, T. (2015) Geomodels
                   in  Engineering  Geology:  An  Introduction,  Whittles
                   Publishing, ISBN 9781849951395
               4.  de  Vallejo,  L.I.  &  Ferrer,  M.  (2011)  Geological
                   Engineering. CRC Press
               5.  Bell. F.G. (2004) Engineering Geology  and Construction.
                   Taylor & Francis.
               6.  Smith, M.R. & Collis, L. (eds.) (2001).  Aggregates. Sand,
                   gravel  and  crushed  rock  aggregates  for  construction
                   purposes.  3rd  Edition.  Geological  Society of  London
                   Engineering Geology Special Publication 17, 340 p.

               Unconventional resources reside in tight formations and are
               of  lower  reservoir  quality  and  more  difficult  from  which  to
               extract hydrocarbons. Unconventional resources represent a
               variety of geological formations, including tight gas sands, gas
               shales, heavy oil sands, coalbed methane, oil shales, and gas
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%
               Examination           : 60%
               1.  Barati,  R.  &  Alhubail,  M.M.  (2020)  Unconventional
                   Hydrocarbon Resources. John Wiley & Sons, 350 p.

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