Page 134 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS
                                                      SESSION 2021/2022
                                                        (135 CREDITS)
             COURSE CODE      COURSE TITLE                                                           CREDITS
             GIG1012 /        Philosophy and Current Issues (local students) /                          2
             GLT1017*         Basic Malay Language (*only for international students)
             GIG1013          Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations                                  2
             GIG1003          Basic Entrepreneurship Enculturation                                      2
             GKA/GKI/GKK/     Co-Curriculum                                                             4
             GLTxxxx          English Course (subject to MUET bands)                                    4
             CORE COURSES (83 CREDITS)
               COURSE CODE                     COURSE TITLE                      PRE-REQUISITE       CREDITS
             LEVEL 1 (25 credits)
             SIF1003          Thermal Physics                                                           2
             SIF1005          Electronics I                                                             2
             SIF1006          Practical Physics 1                                                       2
             SIF1014          Vibrations and Waves                                                      3
             SIF1015          Quantum Physics                                                           2
             SIF1016          Mechanics I                                                               2
             SIF1017          Mathematical Methods I                                                    3
             SIF1018          Mathematical Methods II                        SIF1017                    4
             SIX1015          Science, Technology and Society                                           2
             SIX1016          Statistics                                                                3
             LEVEL 2 (31 credits)
             SIF2001          Quantum Mechanics I                            SIF1017 & SIF1015          3
             SIF2002          Electromagnetism I                             SIF1017 & SIF1014          3
             SIF2003          Electromagnetism II                            SIF1018 & SIF2002          3
             SIF2005          Statistical Physics                            SIF1017 & SIF1003          3
             SIF2007          Numerical and Computational Methods            SIF1017                    3
             SIF2009          Electronics Practical                          SIF1005                    2
             SIF2010          Physics Practical II                           SIF1006                    2
             SIF2026          Mechanics II                                   SIF1016                    3
             SIF2027          Optics                                         SIF1014                    3
             SIF2028          Mathematical Methods III                       SIF1018                    4
             SIF2029          Applied Physics Practical                      SIF1006                    2
             LEVEL 3 (11 credits)
             SIF3001          Nuclear Physics                                SIF2001                    3
             SIF3002          Atomics and Molecular Physics                  SIF2001                    3
             SIF3003          Solid State Physics                            SIF2001                    3
             SIF3018          Physics@Work                                   SIF2029                    2
             LEVEL 4 (16 credits)
                                                                             SIF2001, SIF2003, SIF2005   8
             SIF4001          Project
                                                                             & SIF3018
             SIF4002          Industrial Training                            SIF3018, SIF2007 & SIF2009   8
             COURSE CODE      COURSE TITLE                                   PRE-REQUISITE           CREDITS
             SIF2012          Modern Optics and Laser Physics                SIF1014                    3
             SIF2013          Photonics                                      SIF1014                    3
             SIF2015          Astrophysics                                   SIF1016                    3
             SIF2016          Materials Science                              SIF1003                    3
             SIF2018          Radiation Physics                              SIF1015                    3
             SIF2019          Gas Discharge Physics                          SIF1003                    3
             SIF2020          Electronics II                                 SIF1005                    3
             SIF2021          Digital Electronics                            SIF2020                    3
             SIF3006          Optoelectronics                                SIF2027                    3
             SIF3007          Elementary Particle Physics                    SIF2001 & SIF3021          3
             SIF3008          Condensed Matter Physics                       SIF3003                    3
             SIF3009          Plasma Physics and Technology                  SIF2002                    3
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