Page 137 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                     DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS                      Raymond Ooi Chong Heng,
                                                                PhD (Konstanz), MEng(NTU), BSc(USM) (Quantum and Nonlinear
                                                                Optics, Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy & Microscopy, Photonic
               The Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science, Universiti
               Malaya was established in 1961. From the beginning, education in   Sithi Vinayakam Muniandy,
               Physics  was  meant  to  be  a  union  of  theoretical  and  practical   DPhil(Oxford), MSc(UKM), BSc(Hons)(UKM), (Stochastic
               aspects. The Department of Physics, under the current leadership   Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Systems; Fluctuation and
               of the Head of Department, Prof. Dr. Zurina Osman, endeavor to   Noises; Fractional Calculus; Complex Systems)
               impart  a  thorough  knowledge  of  the  fundamental  principles  of
               Physics,  as  mathematically  and  experimentally  demonstrated  to   Siti Rohana Majid,
                                                                PhD(UM), BSc(UM) (Polymer Membrane, Advanced Material)
               younger generation. Academics and researchers of the Department
               of Physics are conducting internationally relevant and competitive   Wan Haliza Abd. Majid,
               research, they also collaborate on joint projects with the industry to   PhD(Sheffield), MSc(UM), BSc(Aberystwyth), FIPM, (Low
               contribute to the development of knowledge and innovation-based   Dimensional Materials, Organic Electronics, Advanced Materials)
               economy,  as  well  as  other  components  of  strengthen
               multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary research. Their scientific work   ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS:
               is connected with innovative teaching techniques, thus providing a   Ahmad Shuhaimi Abu Bakar,
                                                                DEng(NITech, Japan), MEng(NITech, Japan), BEng(NITech,
               creative  and  stimulating  environment  for  the  education  of  future   Japan) (III-V Nitride Semiconductors, Optoelectronics Fabrication)
               generations of physicists.
                                                                Azzuliani Binti Supangat,
               The Department offers Bachelor of Science in Physics Program. Our   PhD (Australia), MSc(UM), BSc(UPM) (Semi-conducting Polymers,
               academics are  committed to the flexible delivery of learning and   Nanomaterials, Semiconductor Devices)
               teaching methods. Depending on the course, students will enjoy a
               variety  of  teaching  modes,  such  as  tutorials,  problem-based   Chew Khian-Hooi,
                                                                PhD(USM), BSc(UM) (Condensed Matter and Materials Theory)
               learning, online learning, practical experience and laboratory work.
               At  level  three,  students  will  also  undergo  industrial  training  and   Goh Boon Tong,
               complete a final year project to strengthen the knowledge and skills   PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Semiconductor Physics, Inorganic
               obtained and adapt to the ever-advancing knowledge in science and   Nanomaterials, Optical and x-ray Spectroscopies)
                                                                Jeong Heejeong
                                                                PhD (Duke), MSc (SNU), BSc (Soongsil) (AMO and Quantum
               The  Department  offers  graduate  study  leading  to  the  Master  of   Optics)
               Science  (M.Sc.)  and  Doctor  of  Philosophy  (Ph.D.).  Details  are
               available in the Graduate Program Guidebook of Faculty of Science.   Khaulah @ Che Som Sulaiman,
               Students who graduate with the Bachelor of Science degree from   PhD(UM), MSc(UKM), BSc(UM) (Solar Energy, Organic
               the Department of Physics are encouraged to pursue their studies   Electronics)
               to the higher degree levels in the field of Physics or other related
               fields.                                          Ramesh Kasi,
                                                                PhD(UM), MS(ANNA), BE(ANNAMALAI) (Corrosion coatings,
                                                                antifouling coatings, polymer electrolytes)
                                                                Vengadesh Periasamy,
               HEAD OF DEPARTMENT:                              PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) DNA Electronics, Langmuir-
               Prof. Dr. Zurina Osman,                          Blodgett, Biophotovoltaics(BPV)
               PhD(UM), BSc(UM) (Advanced Materials, Polymeric Materials,
               Battery)                                         Woon Kai Lin,
                                                                PhD(Hull), BSc(Hull) (Carbon based electronics machine learning,
               DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR:                         Applied Physics)
               Datuk Harith Ahmad,
               PhD(Wales), MSc(Wales), BSc (UM), FASc (Photonics)   Yap Seong Ling,
                                                                PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Plasma Physics and Technology,
               EMERITUS PROFESSORS:                             Parallel Processes and Innovative Technology)
               Lee Sing,
               PhD(ANU), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Plasma Physics)      Zamri Zainal Abidin,
                                                                PhD(Manc.),MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Astrophysics, Cosmology, Radio
               Wong Chiow San,                                  Astronomy)
               PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Plasma Devices and Applications)
                                                                Zul Hazrin Zainal Abidin,
               PROFESSORS:                                      PhD(UM), BSc(UM) (Advanced Material, Coatings Technology)
               Hasan Abu Kassim,
               PhD(Manc), MSc(Manc), BSc(UM), MIPM (Theoretical Nuclear   SENIOR LECTURERS:
               Physics, Nuclear Astrophysics)
                                                                Chiu Wee Siong,
               Ramesh T.Subramaniam,                            PhD(Nottingham), MSc(UKM), BSc(UKM) (Magnetic
               PhD(UM), MTech (Mat. Sc) (UM), BSc (UM), FASc, FRSC,   Nanomaterials, Semiconductor Photocatalysis, Materials
               CChem, FMIC, FIMM, FMSA (Polymer Electrolytes, Advanced   Characterization)

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