Page 142 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                5.  W. Greiner, Quantum Mechanics. An Introduction (Springer,
               ethics  and  values,  history  and  philosophy,  economics,  policy  and
               management. Such combination encourages communication of diverse   6.  Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D.J., Grifiths and D.F.,
               diciplines and students will better appreciate the complex ways in which   Schroeter, Cambridge University Press, 3rd edition (2018).
               science, technology and society interact. Based on this understanding,   7.  Quantum Mechanics vol 1 : Basic Concept, Tools and Application,
               students will debate on the status, issues and challenges of selected
               S&T activities in the local context.                Claudr Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Frank Laloe, 2nd edition,
                                                                   Wiley VCH (2019)
               Assessment Method:
                 Final Examination:    60%
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                   SIF2002 ELECTROMAGNETISM I (3 CREDITS)

               References:                                      Electrostatics: electric charge and force, Coulomb’s law, electric field,
               1.  Pittinsky,  T.L.  (2019).  Science,  Technology,  and  Society:  New   discrete  and  continuous  charge  distributions,  Gauss’  law,  electric
                                                                potential  and  electric  potential  energy,  electric  conductors,  induced
                  Perspectives  and  Directions.  United  Kingdom:Cambridge   charges, capacitance and capacitors.
                  University Press.
               2.  Dalby, S. (2019). Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.   Electrostatics in matter: electric dipole, dielectric polarization, electric
                  Global Governance Challenges. London: Routledge.   field in dielectric, capacitance with dielectrics, energy density in electric
               3.  Beck,  S.,  (2019).  The  value  of  scientific  knowledge   fields.
                  dissemination  for  scientist  –  A  value  capture  perspective.   Electric  currents:  electric  charge  conservation,  Ohm’s  law,  electrical
                                                                resistivity and conductivity, microscopic view of electric current, electric
                  Publication 2019,  7(54):1-23.                power.

                                                                Magnetostatics: Lorentz's force on charges and currents in magnetic and
                                                                electric field, Biot-Savart’s law, steady current, stable current magnetic
               SIX1016 STATISTICS (3 CREDITS)
                                                                field, Ampere’s law.
               Introduction  to  statistics;  Experimental  and  observational  studies;   Magnetostatics   in   matter:   magnetization,   diamagnetism,
               Display and organisation of data; Descriptive statistics; Population and   paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and anti-ferromagnetism.
                                                                Electrodynamics:  Faraday’s  law  and  Lenz’s  law,  electromotive  force
               samples;  Sampling  methods;  Basic  probability  theory;  Useful
               probability  distributions:  binomial,  Poisson  and  normal;  Sampling   (emf),  electromagnetic  induction,  mutual  inductance,  self-inductance,
               distributions; Central Limit Theorem; Point estimation and confidence   inductor, energy stored in magnetic field.
               interval;                                        Maxwell’s  equations:  Maxwell’s  displacement  current,  the  general
               Hypothesis testing for mean and proportion in one and two populations;   Maxwell’s  equations  in  integral  form  and  differential  form,  Maxwell’s
                                                                equations in vacuum and electromagnetic waves in vacuum.
               Chi-square tests; Simple linear regression and correlation analysis.

               Assessment Method:                               Assessment Method:      60%
                                                                 Final Examination:
                 Final Examination:    0%
                 Continuous Assessment:   100%                   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               1.  McClave,  J.T.,  Sincich,  T.T.  (2016).  Statistics  (13th  ed.).  Upper   1.  I. S. Grant and W. R. Phillips, Electromagnetism, 2nd ed. (Wiley,
                  Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.                       1990)
               2.  Mann, P.  S.  (2010).  Introductory  Statistics  (7th  ed.).  New York:   2.  E.  M.  Purcell,  D.  J.  Morin,  Electricity  and  Magnetism,  3rd  ed.
                  Wiley.                                           (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
               3.  Freedman, D., Pisani, R. and Purves, R. (2007). Statistics (4th ed.)   3.  J.  Reitz,  F.  Milford,  R.  Christy,  Foundations  of  Electromagnetic
                  New York: W.W. Norton.                           theory, 4th ed. (Pearson, 2008)
                                                                4.  David K. Cheng, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics,
                                                                   Rev. ed., (Pearson, 2013)
                                                                5.  W. K. H. Panofsky, M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism,
               LEVEL 2                                             2nd ed. (Addison-Wesley, 2012)
                                                                6.  Ophelia Burgess, Principles of Electromagnetism (Larsen & Keller
               SIF2001 QUANTUM MECHANICS I (3 CREDITS)             Education, 2019)

               Operators:  Hilbert  space,  observables,  eigenfunctions  of  Hermitian
               operator, generalised uncertainty principle, Dirac notation.   SIF2003 ELECTROMAGNETISM II (3 CREDITS)
               Quantum  mechanics  in  3-D:  Schrödinger  equation  in  3-D,  hydrogen
               atom, angular momentum, spin.                    Revision on electricity and magnetism in derivative forms. Coordinate
               Identical  Particles:  Two-particle  system,  atoms,  solids,  quantum   systems:  cylindrical, rectangle and spherical coordinates, Divergence
               statistical mechanics.                           theorem  and  Stokes’  theorem,  imaging  method,  Gauss  theorem  in
               Time-Independent  Perturbation  Theory:  Nondegenerate  perturbation   derivative form, divergence and curl of magnetic field, Laplace equation
               theory,  degenerate  perturbation  theory,  fine  structure  of  hydrogen,   in 2 and 3 dimensions, boundary conditions and theorem of uniqueness,
               Zeeman effect, hyperfine splitting.              boundary  conditions  for  D,  E,  B  and  H  vectors,  Free  and  bounded
               Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory: Two-level system, emission and   charges, Field variation with time, Maxwell’s equations in differential and
               absorption of radiation, spontaneous emission.   integral forms, Solution to Maxwell’s equations in free space, Maxwell
               Molecules: H2 molecule, rotation of molecules.   equations  in  matter,  Scalar  potential,  vector  potential  and  Gauge
                                                                transformation.  Electromagnetic  waves:  In  free  space,  polarization,
               Assessment Method:                               reflection and transmission in medium, Helmholtz’s equation.
                 Final Examination:    60%                      Electromagnetic  wave  propagation:  Poynting  theorem  and  Poynting
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                   vector, electromagnetic wave in conducting and nonconducting medium,
                                                                frequency  dependence  of  permittivity  and  conductivity,  dispersion  in
               References:                                      nonconducting  medium,  propagation  of  electromagnetic  wave  in
               1.  Franz Mandl, Quantum Mechanics (John Wiley & Sons, 2013)   between conducting planes, guided rectangular wave and hollow.
               2.  Albert Messiah, Quantum Mechanics (Dover Pubns, 2011)
               3.  Y.B. Band & Y vishal, Quantum Mechanics with Applications to   Assessment Method:   60%
                                                                 Final Examination:
                   Nanotechnology & Information Science (Elsevier Ltd, 2013)   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               4.  D. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Prentice Hall,

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