Page 144 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               5.  H. Goldstein, C. P. Poole & J. Safko, Classical Mechanics
                  (Pearson, 2011)                               1.  Mary L. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 3rd
                                                                   ed. (John Wiley & Sons, 2006)
               6.  M.J. Benacquista, J.D. Romano, Classical Mechanics (Springer,   2.  S. Hassani, Mathematical Methods: For Students of Physics and
                  2018)                                            Related Fields, , 2rd Edition (Springer, 2009)
                                                                3.  K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, Essential Mathematical Methods for the
                                                                   Physical Sciences (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
               SIF2027 OPTICS (3 CREDITS)
                                                                4.  G.B. Arfken, H.J. Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A
                                                                   Comprehensive Guide, 7th Edition (Elsevier Acad. Press, 2012)
               Nature of light: brief history; Wave-particle duality; The electromagnetic   5.  G. N. Felder, K. M. Felder, Mathematical Methods in Engineering
               spectrum;  Radiometry  &  Photometry;  Black  body  radiation;  Optical
               radiation sources.                                  and Physics (John Wiley & Sons, 2015)
               Matrix  methods  in  paraxial  optics;  ABCD  matrix;  Reflection  in  plane   6.  B.  Borden,  J.  Luscombe,  Mathematical  Methods  in  Physics,
               mirrors and refraction through plane surfaces; Reflection and refraction     Engineering and Chemistry (John Wiley & Sons, 2020).
               at spherical surface; thin lenses, cylindrical lenses, thick lenses; prisms.
               Wave equation; Harmonic waveforms: plane, spherical, and cylindrical;
               Electromagnetic waves; superposition; two-beam interference & two slit   SIF2029 APPLIED PHYSICS PRACTICAL (2 CREDITS)
               (Young)  interference;  Interference  in  dielectric  films,  multiple-beam
               interference;  Optical  interferometry:  Michelson  interferometer,  Fabry-   Applied  physics  experiments  covering  topics  in  Solid  State  Physics,
                                                                Plasma  Physics,  Optics,  Radiation  Physics,  Materials  Science,  and
               Perot Interferometer.                            Photonics.
               Huygen-Fresnel principle; Fraunhofer diffraction: diffraction from single
               slit, multiple slits-diffraction grating.
               Polarized  light;  Polarization  by  selective  absorption,  reflection,   Assessment Method:   0%
                                                                 Final Examination:
               scattering,  birefringence  &  dichroism;  Jones  vectors  and  matrices;   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               Fresnel equations. Fresnel diffraction & Fresnel lens
               Assessment Method:                               1.  Lab manual Applied Physics
                 Final Examination:    60%
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                   2.  M.I. Pergament, Methods of Experimental Physics, 1st Ed. (CRC
                                                                   Press, 2019)
               1.  F. L. Pedrotti, L. M. Pedrotti, & L. S. Pedrotti, Introduction to Optics,
                  3rd Ed. (Cambridge Univ Press, 2018)          LEVEL 3
               2.  E. Hecht, Optics, 5th ed. (Pearson, 2016)
               3.  I. Kenyon, The Light Fantastic: A modern Introduction to Classical   SIF3001 NUCLEAR PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
                  and Quantum Optics, 2nd Ed. (Oxford Univ Press, 2011)
               4.  F.A.  Jenkins  &  H.  E.  White,  Fundamentals  of  Optics,  4th  ed.   Nuclear structure and properties, Nuclear scattering, Nuclear force and
                  (McGraw-Hill, 2001                            force exchange.
               5.  Robert D. Guenther, Modern Optics Simplified (Oxford University   The physics of nuclear decays (alpha, beta & gamma), isospin.
                  Press, 2020)                                  Physics of nuclear reactions : fission and fusion, Nuclear reactions in
                                                                astrophysics (big bang nucleosynthesis, stellar nucleosynthesis).

               SIF2028 MATHEMATICAL METHOD III (4 CREDITS)      Assessment Method:
                                                                 Final Examination:     60%
               Fourier Series and Transformation Series: Periodic functions, Fourier   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               series,  average  value  of  a  function,  Fourier  coefficient,  Dirichlet
               condition, complex form of Fourier Series, general interval, even and odd   References:
               functions,  Parseval  theorem.  Fourier  transformation  and  Parserval
               Theorem.  Laplace  Transforms,  Solution  of  differential  equations  by   References:
               Laplace transforms, Dirac Delta Function, Laplace transform of a delta   1.  Kenneth S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics (Wiley, 1987)
               function; Fourier transform of a delta function   2.  Richard  Dunlap,  An  Introduction  to  the  Physics  of  Nuclei  and
               Special  Functions:  Factorial  functions,  Gamma  functions,  Beta   Particles (Brooks & Cole, 2004)
               functions,  relationship  between  Beta  and  Gamma  functions,  error   3.  C.A. Bertulani, Nuclear Physics in a Nutshell (Princeton, 2007)
               functions, asymptotic series, Stirling formula and elliptical integrals.   4.  J. Liley, Nuclear Physics: Principles and Applications (Wiley, 2013)
               Series Solution for Differential Equations: Legendre equations, Leibnitz   5.  Raymond Murray, Keith E. Holbert, Nuclear Energy: An Introduction
               rule, Rodriguez formula, generating functions for Legendre polynomial,   to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes
               orthogonal functions, orthogonalization and normalization of Legendre   (Elsivier, 2015)
               polynomials, Legendre series, Associate Legendre function, Frobenius   6.  C. Iliadis, Nuclear Physics of the Stars (Wiley, 2015)
               method,  Bessel  equation,  second  solution  of  Bessel  equation,   7.  Saverio  D:Auria,  Introduction  to  Nuclear  and  Particle  Physics
               recurrence  relationship,  general  differential  equation  with  Bessel   (Springer, 2018).
               function  as  a  solution,  orthogonalization  of  Bessel  function,  Hermite
               function, Laguerre function, step operator.
               Partial Differential Equation: Separation of variables method applied to   SIF3002 ATOMICS AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
               partial  differential  equation;  applications  to  Laplace  equation,  steady
               state temperature in a square plate, Schrödinger equation, heat and   Single-electron  atoms,  magnetic  moment,  spin-orbit  interaction,  total
               diffusion  equation.  Wave  equation,  vibrating  string,  steady  state   angular momentum, relativistic effect, fine structure, identical particles,
               temperature in a cylinder, steady state temperature in a sphere, Poisson   two-electron  atoms,  multi-electron  atoms,  coupling  of  angular
               equation.                                        momentum, periodic table, hyperfine structure, spectral linewidth, time-
                                                                dependent perturbation theorem, atom and photonic interaction, excited
               Assessment Method:                               radiation, spontaneous emission, stimulated absorbtion and emission,
                 Final Examination:    60%                      Einstein A and B coefficients, diatomic molecules and their spectral –
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                   vibration, rotation, electronic.

                                                                Assessment Method:
                                                                 Final Examination:     60%
                                                                 Continuous Assessment:   40%

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