Page 140 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                4.  J.R. Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis (University Science,
                 Final Examination:    60%
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                      1997)
                                                                5.  N.C. Barford, Experimental Measurements: Precision, Error and
                                                                   Truth (Wiley, 1991).
               References:                                      6.  M.I. Pergament, Methods of Experimental Physics, 1st Ed. (CRC
               1.  F.W. Sears & G.L. Salinger, Thermo-dynamics, Kinetic Theory &
                  Statistical Thermodynamics, 3 Ed. (Addison-Wesley, 1977)   Press, 2019)
               2.  Mark  W.  Zemansky  &  Richard  H.  Dittman,  Heat  and
                  Thermodynamics, 7 Ed. (McGraw-Hill Int’l Ed., 1997)   SIF1014 VIBRATIONS AND WAVES (3 CREDITS)
               3.  Daniel V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Thermal Physics (Pearson
                  Education, Limited, 2013)
               4.  S.J. Blundell & K.M. Blundell, Concepts in Thermal Physics, 2nd   Sinusoidal  vibrations:  Description  of  simple  harmonic  motion,  The
                  ed. (Oxford, 2012)                            rotating-vector representation, Rotating vectors and complex numbers,
               5.  David  Goodstein,  Thermal  Physics:  Energy  and  Entropy   Complex exponential in waves, Superposed vibrations in one dimension,
                                                                Two superposed vibrations of equal frequency.
                  (Cambridge University Press, 2015)            Superposed vibrations of different frequency: beats, Many superposed
               6.  Andrew Rex, C. B. P. Finn, Thermal Physics, 3rd Ed. (CRC Press,
                  2017)                                         vibrations of the same frequency, Combination of two vibrations at right
               7.  Joe Khachan, Thermal Properties of Matter (Morgan & Claypool   angles, Perpendicular motions with equal frequencies.
                  Publishers, 2018)                             Perpendicular motions with different frequencies: Lissajous figures, Free
                                                                vibrations of physical systems; basic mass-string problem, Solving the
                                                                harmonic  oscillator  equation  using  complex  exponentials,  Damped
                                                                oscillations, Forced vibrations and resonance, Undamped oscillator with
               SIF1005 ELECTRONICS I (2 CREDITS)
                                                                harmonic forcing, Complex exponential method for forced oscillations,
                                                                Forced  oscillations  with  damping,  transient  phenomena,  Power
               Circuit Theory: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s   absorbed by a driven oscillator.
                                                                Coupled oscillators and normal modes: Two coupled pendulums,
               theorem, Current and voltage divider. Circuit analysis technique: mesh   Superposition of normal modes, Normal frequencies - general analytical
               and nodal analysis methods.                      approach, Forced vibration and resonance for two coupled oscillators.
               Energy  band  diagrams,  properties  of  semiconductor,  PN  junction,   Progressive  waves:  what  is  a  wave?,  Normal  modes  and  travelling
               forward and reverse bias conditions, the current-voltage characteristics   waves, Progressive waves in one direction, Superposition of wave
               and simple diode circuits; Diodes Application: Zener diode, half-wave,   Dispersion: phase and group velocities
               full-wave, bridge rectifiers; transformer, capacitor-input and choke-input
               filters, voltage regulators.
               Bipolar junction Transistor (BJT): Characteristics of transistor, simple   Assessment Method:   60%
                                                                 Final Examination:
               transistor circuit, current and voltage gain, load line concept, biasing     Continuous Assessment:   40%
               requirements, D.C analysis of the BJT circuit。
               Assessment Method:                               1   P. French, Vibrations and Waves. (CRC Press, 2003)
                 Final Examination:    60%                      2   H.J.  Pain,  The  Physics  of  Vibrations  &  Waves,  6th  ed.  (Wiley,
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                      Chichester, 2013)
                                                                3   G.C. King, Vibrations and Waves, 2nd ed. (Wiley, 2013)
               References:                                      4   I.G. Main, Vibrations and Waves in Physics, 3rd ed. (Cambridge
               1.  Charles  K.  Alexander,  Matthew  N.  O.  Sadiku,  Fundamentals  of   Univ. Press,
                  Electric Circuits, 5th Ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2013)   5   H. J. Pain, P. Rankin, Introduction to Vibrations and Waves (Wiley,
               2.  R.  Boylestad  &  L.  Nashelsky,  Electronic  Devices  and  Circuit   2015)
                  Theory, 11th ed. (Pearson Education Limited, 2013)   6   Arnt Inge Vistnes, Physics of Oscillations and Waves (Springer,
               3.  T.L.  Floyd  &  D.  Buchla,  Electronics  Fundamentals:  Circuits,   2018)
                  Devices, and Applications (Prentice Hall, 2013)
               4.  A.P. Malvino & D. Bates, Electronic Principles with simulation CD
                  (McGraw-Hill Education, 2015)                 SIF1015 QUANTUM PHYSICS (2 CREDITS)
               5.  J.C. Olivier, Electrical Circuits: A Primer (Artech House, 2018)
               6.  S. Salivahanan & N. Suresh Kumar, Basic Electronics and Devices   History and developement of Physics Quantum
                  (McGraw Hill Education (India) Pt. Ltd., 2018)   Mathematical background: Complex numbers, second order differential
                                                                equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, integrals
                                                                Limitations of classical physics
               SIF1006 PHYSICS PRACTICAL I (2 CREDITS)          Basic  principles:  wave  functions,  eigen  functions,  superposition
                                                                principles,  quantum  mechanical  postulates  and  probability  density,
               Experimental data analysis: precision and accuracy, significant figures,   uncertainty in measurements, Heisenberg uncertainty principles, space
               systematic  error,  statistical  error,  propagation  of  uncertainties  of   representation  and  momentum  representation,  measurement  effect,
               measurement, uncertainty analysis, statistical analysis.   commutators  and  constant  of  motion,  equation  of  flux  continuity,
               Physics experiments on the topics of mechanics.   probability, Ehrenfest theorem.
               Physics experiments on the topics of electricity.   Time independent Scrodinger equation : Infinite square well, stationery
               Physics experiments on the topics of magnetism.   states,  infinite  square  well,  free  particle,  step  potential,  square  well
               Physics experiments on the topics of optics and modern physics.   potential and barrier potential, harmonic oscillator.

               Assessment Method:                               Assessment Method:
                 Continuous Assessment:   100%                   Final Examination:     60%
                                                                 Continuous Assessment:   40%
               1.  Douglas C. Montgomery, Introduction to Linear Regression   References:
                  Analysis, (Wiley, 2012)                       1.  Introduction  to  Quantum  Mechanics,  D.J.,  Grifiths  and  D.F.,
               2.  S. V. Gupta , Measurement Uncertainties: Physical Parameters and   Schroeter, Cambridge University Press, 3rd edition (2018).
                  Calibration of Instruments Hardcover , (Springer, 2012)   2.  The  Feynman  Lectures  on  Physics,  Volume  III,  Mechanics
               3.  D. V. Skobel tsyn, Experimental Physics: Methods and Apparatus   Quantum, Richard Feynmann (1971), available online for free at
                  (The Lebedev Physics Institute Series) (Springer, 2012)

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