Page 145 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               References:                                      1.  T. Jackson, Inside Intel, andy Grove and the Rise of the World’s
                                                                   Most Powerful Chip Company. (Dutton, 1997) UMLibrary
               1.  Luciano  Colombo,  Atomic  and  Molecular  Physics  :  A  primer,   2.  J.  Gertner,  The  Idea  Factory  Bell  Labs  and  th  Great  Age  of
                  (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)          American Innovation.  (Penguin, New York, 2012).
               2.  Wolfgang  Demtröder,  Atoms,  Molecules  and  Photons:  An
                  Introduction to Atomic- Molecular- and Quantum Physics, 3rd ed,   3.  A. Vance. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic
                  Springler (2018)                                 Future. (Ecco-Harper Collins, New York, 2017).
               3.  Dmitry Budker, Derek Kimball, David DeMille, Atomic physics : An   4.  C. Anderson, TED Talk: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
                                                                   (Headline, London 2016)
                  exploration  through  problems  and  solutions  (Oxford  University   5.  Nagaoka, Sadao. 21st Century Innovation Systems for Japan and
                  Press, 2008)
               4.  B.H. Bransden, Physics of atoms and molecules, 2nd ed. (Prentice   the United States : Lessons From a Decade of Change. (National
                  Hall, 2003)                                      Academies Press, Washington, 2009); UMLibrary ebook
               5.  W. Demtröder, Atoms, Molecules, and Photons: an introduction to   6.  J. Bessant. Riding the innovation wave : learning to create value
                                                                   from ideas. (Emerald, Bingley 2018). UMLibrary Ebook
                  atomic-, molecular-, and quantum-physics (Springer, 2005)   7.  J. M. Dru, The ways to new : 15 paths to disruptive innovation. (John
               6.  R. Eisberg & R. Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules,
                  Solids, Nuclei and Particles (Wiley, 1985)       Wiley, New Jersey, 2015) UMLibrary ebook.

               SIF3003 SOLID STATE PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
                                                                LEVEL 4
               Introduction to types of solids, structure of crystalline solids: periodicity,
               lattice and unit cell, Bravais lattices, directions and planes in crystals, X-   SIF4001 PROJECT (8 CREDITS)
               ray diffraction, diffraction techniques, reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zone,
               bonding in solids, dynamics of monoatomic and diatomic lattices (1-D   Research  project  in  physics  and  related  fields.  Workshop  projects.
               and 3-D), density of states, dispersion of phonons, thermal properties:   Seminar in selected topics
               specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, free and quantized electron
               models, D.C. conductivity and electron dispersion, band theory of solids:   Assessment Method:
               Bloch function, Kronig-Penney model, band theory of solids: effective   Final Examination:   0%
               mass, density of states and concentration of electrons.   Continuous Assessment:   100%

               Assessment Method:                               Reference:
                 Final Examination:    60%                      1.  Project supervisor
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%

               References:                                      SIF4002 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (8 CREDITS)
               1.  C.  Kittel,  Introduction  to  Solid  State  Physics,  8th  edition  (John
                  Wiley, 2012)                                  This course provides opportunities for students to obtain training and
               2.  M.A. Omar , Elementary Solid State Physics , 4th edition (Addison   working experience in selected companies/ organization or industries.
                  Wesley, 1999)
               3.  J.S.  Blakemore,  Solid  State  Physics,  Cambridge  Uni  Press   Assessment Method:
                  (Saunders, 1994)                               Final Examination:     0%
               4.  J. Richard Christman, Fundamental of Solid State Physics (Wiley,   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               5.  P. Phillips, Advanced Solid State Physics (Cambridge University   Reference:
                  Press, 2012)                                  1.  Project’s supervisor
               6.  Giuseppe  Grosso,  Giuseppe  Pastori  Parravicini,  Solid  State
                  Physics (Academic Press, 2012)
               7.  Philip Hofmann, Solid State Physics: An Introduction (Wiley, 2015)   ELECTIVE COURSES
               8.  Charles Kittel & Paul McEuen, Introduction to Solid State Physics
                  (Wiley, 2019).
                                                                SIF2012 MODERN OPTICS AND LASER PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)

               SIF3018 PHYSICS@WORK (2 CREDITS)                 Introduction to laser: Basic laser theory, Characteristics of a laser beam,
                                                                temporal and spatial coherence, Classical Law of radiation,
               Scientific  methods  (past,  present  and  future  philosophies  driving   Cavity modes, Einstein A and B coefficient, Quantum theory of two-level
               discoveries  and  innovations,  design-thinking  and  first  principle   system  interaction  with  light,  Light  matter  interactions:  Absorption,
               approach); Examples of case studies: Cavendish Lab, AT&T Bell Lab,   spontaneous emission and stimulated emission, 3-level laser system, 4-
               MIT Media Lab, SpaceX/ Google Research, NTT, Samsung Research,   level  laser  system,  Homogeneous  and  Inhomogeneous  linewidth
               Huawei  R&D;  Physics  empowering  industry  revolutions  (IR1.0   broadening,  Optical  resonators  (Fabry-Perot  cavity),  Transverse  and
               (mechanics  &  thermodynamics),  IR2.0  (electric,  magnets  &   longitudinal modes, Mode density and cavity lifetime, Threshold power,
               electromagnetic  wave),  IR3.0  (semiconductors,  computers,  optical   small signal gain, gain saturation and power extraction, TEM00 modes
               fibres, internet) – IR4.0 (energy cell/batteries, Internet of Thing (IoT),   and its propagation, Q-switching, Mode-locking, Examples of solid-state,
               sensors network, data storage, information processing and AI); Public   gas and dye lasers,
               communication  of  science  and  citizen  science,  Physics@work  in   Nonlinear  optics:,  Electro-optic  effect,  Magneto-optic  effect,  Acousto-
               manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, food and beverage, security &   optic effect.
               surveillence, arts and entertainment industries. Physics for Sustainable
               Development  Goals  (SDGs)-  case  studies:  SDG  3  (Good  Health  &   Assessment Method:
               Wellbeing), SDG6 (Clean Water & Sanitation), SDG7 (Affordable and   Final Examination:   60%
               Clean Energy), SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG 13   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               (Climate Action);

               Assessment Method:

                 Final Examination:    0%
                 Continuous Assessment:   100%

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