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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                6.  Shen Wen, An Introduction to Numerical Computation, 2nd. Ed.
               1.  M.N.O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, 7 ed. (Oxford Univ     (World Scientific, 2020)
                  Press, 2018)
               2.  David   J.   Griffiths,   Introduction   to   Electrodynamics,   4 th      ed.   SIF2009 ELECTRONICS PRACTICAL (2 CREDIT)
                  (Cambridge Unive Press, 2017)
               3.  William H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetics, 8 ed. (McGraw-
                  Hill, 2012)                                   Experiments that involve electronic components such as diodes,
               4.  Munir  H.  Nayfeh,  Morton  K.  Brussel,  Electricity  and  Magnetism   rectifiers, transistors, amplifiers and digital electronics.
                  (Courier Dover Publications, 2015)            Assessment Method:
               5.  David K. Cheng, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics   Final Examination:   0%
                  (Pearson, 1993)                                Continuous Assessment:   100%
               6.  Costas  J.  Papachristou,  Introduction  to  Electromagnetic  Theory
                  and the Physics of Conducting Solids (Springer, 2020)
                                                                1.  Manual eksperimen
                                                                2.  R.  Boylestad  &  L.  Nashelsky,  Electronic  Devices  and  Circuit
                                                                   Theory, 11th ed. (Prentice Hall, 2012)
               Summary of thermodynamics, Statistical thermodynamics, Boltzmann   3.  Albert  Malvino,  David  Bates,  Electronic  Principles  (McGraw  Hill,
               entropy,  Shannon  entropy;  application  canonical ensemble  approach   4.  T.  L.  Floyd  &  D.  Buchla,  Electronics  Fundamentals:  Circuits,
               with examples in paramagnetic solid, specific heat capacity, classical   Devices, and Applications. (Pearson, 2013)
               and  quantum  distribution,  Maxwell  Boltzmann  distribution  and  ideal
               classical gas, ideal quantum gas, Bose-Einstein distribution, Fermi-Dirac   5.  Y. Poplavko, Electronic Materials: Principles and Applied Science
               distribution,  Applications  covering  photon  and  blalck  body  radiation,   (Elsevier, 2018)
               phonon  in  solid,  grand  canoncial  ensemble,  Bose-Einstein
               condensation, electron gas in metal.             SIF2010 PHYSICS PRACTICAL II (2 CREDITS)

               Assessment Method:
                 Final Examination:    60%                      Practical  classes  for  experiments  in  fundamental  physics  on  topics
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                   including electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, optics, spectroscopy
                                                                and others.
               References:                                      Assessment Method:
               1.  R. Bowley and M. Sanchez, Introductory Statistical Mechanics   Final Examination:   0%
                  (Oxford Science Publ., 2002)                   Continuous Assessment:   100%
               2.  Silvio R.A. Salinas, Introduction to Statistical Physics (Springer,
                  2001)                                         References:
               3.  F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics   1.  Lab manual
                  (McGraw-Hill, 1965)                           2.  M.I. Pergament, Methods of Experimental Physics, 1st Ed. (CRC
               4.  F. Mandl, Statistical Physics, 2nd ed. (Wiley, 1988)   Press, 2019)
               5.  Michael V. Sadovskii, Statistical Physics (Walter de Gruyter GmbH,
                                                                SIF2026 MECHANICS II (3 CREDITS)

               SIF2007  NUMERICAL  AND  COMPUTATIONAL  METHODS  (3   Brief history of analytical mechanics (force & energy based approach);
               CREDITS)                                         Newton equation of motion in noninertial frame of reference (linear and
                                                                angular  acceleration,  rotating  coordinate  system,  centrifugal  force,
               Scientific Computing : Taylor’s Theorem, errors,  computer language,   Coriolis force, Foucault pendulum, modelling of planetary meteorological
               simple approximations                            phenomena);  Coupled  oscillation  (two-coupled  oscillator  and  normal
               Interpolation : Lagrange interpolation, Newton interpolation, piecewise   coordinates,  vibration  of  molecules,  dissipative  systems).  Nonlinear
               interpolation, least square approximation        oscillation  (Nonlinear  oscillating  systems,  qualitative  discussion  of
               Optimisation : Newton optimisation, Golden Search method   motion,  phase  diagrams,  bifurcation,  chaos,  fractal  geometry);
               Nonlinear  equations:  Bisection  method,  Newton  method,  Secant   Lagrangian  dynamics  (generalized  coordinates,  D’Alembert  principle,
               method. Application and error analysis           Lagrange’s  equation  of  motion,  problem  solving  using  Lagrange
               Initial  value problems  for  ordinary  differential equations  :  Single-step   equation, Noether theorem for conservation laws, Lagrange equation for
               method : Euler, Runge Kutta Method order 2 and 4, Multistep method;   nonnonholonomic  constraints  and  dissipative  systems  );  Hamiltonian
               Addams Families                                  dynamics  (Hamilton’s  principle,  Hamiltonian,  Hamilton’s  equation  of
               Linear  equations  :  Gaussian  elimination,  LU  factorization,   motion, phase space, Liouville’s theorem, Poisson bracket ); Special
               Decomposition method                             theory of relativity (Einstein’s postulates, Lorentz transformation, length
               Numerical integration : Mid-point, basic Trapezoid and basic Simpson’s   contraction, time dilation, covariant formulation, four vectors, relativistic
               rule, Composite trapezoid and composite Simpson’s rule, errors.   dynamics,  lagrange  and  Hamiltonian  formulation  for  relativistic
                                                                mechanics), Capita Selecta.
               Assessment Method:
                 Final Examination:    60%                      Assessment Method:
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                    Final Examination:     60%
                                                                 Continuous Assessment:   40%
               1.  J.  Faires,  Richard    Burden,    Numerical  Methods,    4th   References:
                  ed.(Brooks/Cole, 2013)                        1.  W. Greiner, Classical Mechanics Systems of Particles and
               2.  P. G. Guest, Philip George Guest, Numerical Methods of Curve   Hamiltonian Dynamics. (Springer, 2010) (UMLibrary eBook)
                  Fitting (Cambridge University Press, 2013)    2.  Dieter Strauch, Classical Mechanics: An Introduction (Springer,
               3.  T. Veerarajan, Numerical Methods (Tata McGraw-Hill Education,   2009) (UMLibrary eBook)
                  2013)                                         3.  S.T. Thornton & J.B. Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and
               4.  J.F. Epperson, An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis   Systems, 6th ed. (Brooks Cole, 2004)
                  (Wiley, 2007)                                 4.  G.R. Fowles & G.L. Cassiday, Analytical Mechanics, 6th ed.
               5.  N.J. Giordano  & H.  Nakanishi, Computational Physics, 2nd  ed.   (Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2005)
                  (Prentice-Hall, 2005)

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