Page 147 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                Assessment Method:
               I-V characteristics of gaseous discharge, Townsend theory of gaseous   Final Examination:   60%
               discharge,  Breakdown  criterion,  Paschen  law,  Breakdown  potential,   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Glowing gaseous discharge, Arc discharge, Corona discharge, Pulsed
               discharge, The structure of glowing discharge, Cathode fall theory of   References:
               normal glow discharge, Negative glow, Positive column and its theory,
               Hot  cathode discharge. Plasma  diagnostic  technique.  Electric  probe.   1.  Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 11 edition (Pearson, 2014)
               Thermodynamics of ionized gas. Real gas effect, Equation of state, The   2.  R.L. Tokheim, Digital Electronics: Principles and applications, 8th
                                                                   ed. (Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2013)
               Law of Mass Action, Departure coefficient, Thermodynamic functions   3.  W. Kleitz, Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals: Theory and
               expressed in term of z, Saha equation, Enthalpy equation. Survey of   Applications, 4th ed. (Pearson Education Int’l, 2003)
               plasma applications.
                                                                4.  P.P.W.  Chandana,  Digital  systems  fundamentals  (Prentice  Hall,
               Assessment Method:                                  2002)
                 Final Examination:    60%                      5.  Anant Agarwal, Jeffrey Lang, Foundations of Analog and Digital
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                      Electronic Circuits (Morgan Kaufmann, 2015)
                                                                6.  Charles  A.  Schuler,  Electronics:  Principles  and  Applications
               References:                                         (McGraw-Hill, 2019)
               1.  CS  Wong  &  R  Mongkolnavin,  Elements  of  Plasma  Technology
                  (Springer, 2016)
               2.  M. Keidar & II Beilis, Plasma Engineering (Academic Press, 2013)      SIF3006 OPTOELECTRONICS (3 CREDITS)
               3.  YP Raizer, JE Allen (Ed), Gas Discharge Physics (Springer, 2001)   Nature  of  light;  Optical  interferometer;  Dielectric  mirror;  Diffraction
               4.  JR Roth, Industrial Plasma Engineering, Vol I (IOP, 1995)
               5.  B Chapman, Glow Discharge Processes (Wiley, 1980)   gratings; P-N junctions; Principles and characteristics of photodetectors;
               6.  JR Roth, Industrial Plasma Engineering, Vol II (CRC Press, 2019)   PIN  and  avalanche  photodiodes;  Photon  counters;  Single  photon
                                                                detectors  and  Photo  Multiplier  Tube;  Light  emitting  diodes;
                                                                Semiconductor lasers; Semiconductor optical amplifiers;
                                                                Electro-optics  effect;  Acousto-optics  effect;  Pockels  effect;  Optical
               SIF2020 ELECTRONICS II (3 CREDITS)               modulators: Phase, polarization and amplitude; Bit rate and bandwidth;

               The synopsis of Field Effect Transistors (FET) and various FET (JFET &   Transmitter  and  receiver  modules  types  for  optical  communications;
               MOSFET). Small-signal A.C. equivalent circuits for BJT & FET. gm A.C.   Optical storage; Optical imaging (CCD and CMOS); Physics of Solar
               small signal model. Input and output impedances calculation. Voltage
               and current gains calculation. The frequency response of circuits. The   Assessment Method:
               capacitive effects. The definition of dB unit.    Final Examination:     60%
               The -3dB frequencies. The Bode plot. The operational amplifier topics   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               covering  the  basic  building  block  circuits  of  operational  amplifiers
               including the inverting and non-inverting amplifiers. Current to voltage     References:
               and voltage to current converters. Subtracting and summing circuits.   1.  S. O. Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles & Practices
               Integrators and differentiators. Analysis and applications to comparators.
               Oscillators.  Active  filters.  Analogue  computers.  The  power  amplifiers   (Pearson Education, 2013)
               including the classification of A, B, AB, C and D. The A.C. load line. The   2.  G.  Keiser,  Optical  Fiber  Communications,  3rd  ed.  (McGraw-Hill
               push and pull concept. Cross-over distortion. Efficiency calculations and   Book Co., 2000)
               comparison. Introduction to digital electronics. Basic gates. Multivibrator   3.  J. Piprek, Optoelectronic Devices (Academic Press, 2013)
                                                                4.  S. C. Gupta, Optoelectronics Devices and Systems, 2nd Ed. (PHI
               circuits.                                           Learning, 2014)

               Assessment Method:                               5.  J. P.  Dakin,  R. Brown, Handbook of Optoelectronics:  Concepts,
                 Final Examination:    60%                         Devices and Techniques, volume I (CRC Press, 2018)
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                SIF3007 ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
               1.  R.  Boylestad  &  L.  Nashelsky,  Electronic  Devices  and  Circuit
                  Theory, 11th ed. (Prentice Hall, 2012)        Feynman  diagrams,  electromagnetic  and  weak  forces,  fundamental
               2.  T.L.  Floyd  &  D.  Buchla,  Electronics  Fundamentals:  Circuits,   particles  and  forces,  natural  units;  Leptons  and  neutrino  oscillations;
                                                                Quarks and hadrons; Symmetries : C, P and T, C, P and CP violations,
                  Devices, and Applications (Prentice Hall, 2013)   and CPT; Quark model: isospin symmetry and bound states; Relativistic
               3.  A.P. Malvino & D. Bates, Electronic Principles with simulation CD   kinematics: four-vector and cross section; QCD: asymptotic freedom,
                  (McGraw-Hill Education, 2015)
               4.  A.J.  Diefenderfer  &  B.E.  Holton,  Principles  of  Electronic   jets  and  elastic  lepton-nucleon  scattering;  Inelastic  lepton-nucleon
                  Instrumentation, 3rd Edition (Saunders Coll. Publ., 1994)   scattering: parton model, structure functions and scaling violation; Weak
               5.  Y. Poplavko, Electronic Materials: Principles and Applied Science   interaction:  charged  and  neutral  currents,  quark  mixing,  electroweak
                                                                unification and Higgs boson; Experimental methods
                  (Elsevier, 2018)
                                                                Assessment Method:
                                                                 Final Examination:     60%
               SIF2021 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (3 CREDITS)           Continuous Assessment:   40%

               Digital number system: binary, octal, hexadecimal, binary coded decimal      References:
               Logic gates: AND, OR NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR; logic gates TTL   1.  Brian R. Martin & Graham Shaw, Particle Physics (Wiley, 2008)
               Logic  circuits:  Boolean  algebra,  truth  table  for  Boolean  expression,   2.  D. Griffiths, Introduction to Elementary Particles (Wiley, 1987)
               derivation circuit from Boolean expression
               Karnaugh map simplification with three, four and five variables   3.  D.H. Perkins, Introduction to high energy physics (Cambridge Univ.
                                                                   Press, 2000)
               TTL chip specification, CMOS, interface,         4.  Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics by Alessandro Bettini
               Schmitt Trigger: Function and functional            (2014)
               Combinational logic circuit: half adders, full adder, binary multiplication   5.  Modern Particle Physics by Mark Thomson (2013)
               Sequential logic: SR, JK, D, T flip flops
               Register: parallel, series, shifter, ring counter, frequency divider   6.  Elementary  Particle  Physics,  Volume  2  by  Yorikiyo  Nagashima
               Memory: RAM, ROM, PROM etc                       7.  Michael  E.  Peskin,  Concepts  of  Elementary  Particle  Physics
               Digital device, PLD, PAL, PLC, micro-controller     (Oxford University Press, 2019)
               Analog digital interface

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