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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                3.  Astrophysics: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions),
                                                                   J Binney, Oxford University Press, 2016
               1.  W. T. Silvast, Laser Fundamentals 2nd ed. (Cambridge University   4.  An Introduction to Observational Astrophysics (Undergraduate
                  Press, 2004).                                    Lecture Notes in Physics), Mark Gallaway, Springer, 2015
               2.  F. L. Pedrotti, L. M. Pedrotti & L. S. Pedrotti, Introduction to Optics,   5.  The Structure and Evolution of Stars, J J Eldridge;Christopher A
                  3rd ed. (Pearson Pretince Hall, 2007).
               3.  J. T. Verdeyen, Laser Electronics 3rd ed. (Prentice Hall, 1994).   Tout, World Scientific, 2018
               4.  K. F. Renk, Basics of Laser Physics (Springer, 2012).   6.  A brief history of astronomy and astrophysics, K. R. Lang, World
                                                                   Scientific, 2018.
               5.  G.  R.  Fowles,  Introduction  to  Modern  Optics,  2nd  ed.  (Courier,
               6.  C. B. Hitz, J. J. Ewing, J. Hecht, Introduction to Laser Technology,
                  4th ed. (Wiley, 2012)                         SIF2016 MATERIALS SCIENCE (3 CREDITS)
               7.  Y.  N.  Kulchin,  Modern  Optics  and  Photonics  of  Nano-  and
                  Microsystems (Talyor & Francis, 2018)         Introduction  to  materials  science.  Atomic  structure  and  interatomic
               8.  K. F. Renk, Basics of Laser Physics, 2nd ed. (Springer, 2017).   bonding: Electronic structure. Structure of materials; Molecular structure,
                                                                Crystalline structure and Defects. Mechanical properties. Phase diagram.

                                                                Introduction to polymers, ceramics, composites and biomaterials.

               SIF2013 PHOTONICS (3 CREDITS)
                                                                Assessment Method:      60%
                                                                 Final Examination:
               Basics of optical fibre waveguides; Total internal reflection; Acceptance   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               angle and Numerical aperture; Skew rays; Electromagnetic mode theory
               for optical propagation in guided medium; Modes in a planar waveguide;
               Phase and group velocity; Phase shift with total internal reflection and   References:
               evanescent field; Goos-Haenchen shift; Multimode optical fibre; Single   1.  Russell C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials (9th Edition) (Prentice
                                                                   Hall 2013)
               mode  optical  fibre;  Transmission  characteristics  of  optical  fibre;   2.  William  D.  Callister,  Materials  Science  and  Engineering  :  An
               Attenuation, Material absorption losses in silica glass fibre; Linear and   Introduction, 9th Ed. (Wiley, 2013)
               nonlinear  scattering  losses;  Fibre  bend  loss;  Mid-IR  and  Far-IR   3.  James F. Shackelford, Materials Science for Engineers, 8th Ed.
               transmission  in  optical  fibre;  Chromatic  and  intermodal  dispersion;
               Dispersion-modified  single-mode  fibres;  Polarization  and  nonlinear   (Prentice Hall, 2014).
               effects in optical fibres; Fabrication of optical fibres; Fibre and waveguide   4.  William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch, Materials Science and
                                                                   Engineering: An Introduction, 10th Ed. (Wiley, 2019).
               amplifiers  and  lasers;  Rare-earth doped  fibre amplifiers;  Raman  and
               Brillouin  fibre  amplifiers;  Telecom  network,  Waveguide  amplifiers;
               waveguide fabrication, devices and applications.
                                                                SIF2018 RADIATION PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
               Assessment Method:
                 Final Examination:    60%                      Radiation source, Nuclear Instability and types of radioactivity, Halflife
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                   and  mean  life,  Natural  radioactive  series  and  radioactive  equilibrium
                                                                (Bateman  equation),  Branching  decay  and  types  of  decay,  Nuclear
               References:                                      activation, X-ray production, Moseley law, X-ray fluorescence, Radiation
               1.  J. M. Senior, Optical Fiber Communications (Pearson Education,   interaction with matter (elastic and inelastic processes), Bremsstrahlung
                  2009)                                         theory, Dosimetry Equivalent dose, Radon and thoron measurements,
               2.  S.O.  Kasap,  Optoelectronics  and  Photonics:  Principles  and   Biological  effect  (somatic  and  genetic),Radiation  detectors  Radiation
                                                                protection: Distance, Time, Dose, Applications of radiation.
                  Practices (Pearson, 2013)
               3.  A.R. Billings, Optics, optoelectronics, and photonics : engineering
                  principles and applications (Prentice Hall, 1993)   Assessment Method:   60%
                                                                 Final Examination:
               4.  G. P. Agrawal, Fiber-optic communication Systems, 4th ed. (Wiley,   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               5.  B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, 2nd ed.     References:
                  (Wiley, 2013)                                 1.  Basic  Radiation  Physics,  E.B.  Podgorsak,  McGill  University,
               6.  B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, Fundamental of Photonics, 3rd ed.
                  (Wiley, 2019)                                    Montreal, Canada (2006).
                                                                2.  Radiation, Ionization, and Detection  in Nuclear Medicine, Tapan
                                                                   Gupta, (Springer, 2013)
                                                                3.  Principles of Radiation Interaction in Matter and Detection, C. Leroy
               SIF2015 ASTROPHYSICS (3 CREDITS)                    and P-G. Rancoita  (World Scientific, 2004)
                                                                4.  E.B.  Podgorsak.  Radiation  Physics  for  Medical  Physicists,
               Astronomical Tools : spherical astronomy, optical telescope, radio
               telescope and space telescope                       (Springer, 2010)
               Atomic spectra, interaction of light and matter   5.  An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Alan Martin, Sam Harbison,
                                                                   Karen Beach, Peter Cole. (Taylors & Francis, 2012).
               Solar system: Origin of solar system and morphology of solar system.   6.  Measurement  and  Detection  of  Radiation,  4th  Edition,  Taylor  &
               Sun-moon-earth interactions.                        Francis (2015)
               Exoplanets and solar-like systems
               The sun : atmosphere, solar activity and nuclear fusion   7.  Radiation:  Fundamentals,  Applications,  Risks  and  Safety,  I.
               The stars: properties of the stars; brightness, distances, masses, sizes,   Obodovskiy, 1st Edition, Elsevier (2019).
               star formation, stellar structure and evolution; death of the stars
               Binary stars: types, mass and mass transfer in close binary systems   SIF2019 GAS DISCHARGE PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
               Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
               The Universe: Milky Way galaxy, galaxies.
                                                                Basic  principles  and  processes  Kinetic  theory  of  gases,  Maxwell
                                                                distribution,  Concept  of  temperature  and  pressure,  Collision  cross-
               Assessment Method:
                 Final Examination:    60%                      section,  Energy  transferred  due  to  collision,  Processes  induced  by
                 Continuous Assessment:   40%                   electron collisions, Ion-neutral collision, Collision involving metastable
                                                                ion/atom, Processes due to electrode effect

               References:                                      Characteristics of Plasma. Plasma potential, Debye shielding, Plasma
               1.  An introduction to astronomy and astrophysics, Jain, Pankaj, CRC   sheath,  Plasma  frequency,  Electrical  conductivity,  Effect  of  magnetic
                                                                field, Diffusion. Electrical Discharges in Gases.
                  Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
               2.  An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, B.W Carroll, D.A. Ostlie,
                  2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2017
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