Page 149 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
P. 149
Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Two-level atom-field interaction: Semiclassical treatment: Rabi flopping,
Optical Bloch equation, Bloch sphere and vectors; Full quantum
treatment: Jaynes-Cumming model and exact solutions, collapse and
revival; Nuclear magnetic resonance and imaging.
Quantum Information: Quantum information theory and entropy;
Quantum bits and measurements; No-cloning theorem; Quantum
cryptography and eavesdropping; Quantum teleportation.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
1. D. F. Walls, G. J. Milburn, Quantum Optics (Springer, 2008)
2. M.O. Scully, and M.S. Zubairy, Quantum Optics (Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1997).
3. R. Loudon, The Quantum Theory of Light (Clarendon, Oxford,
4. A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum Physics (Springer, 2018)
5. F. J. Duarte, Quantum Optics for Engineers (CRC Press, 2017)
Frame of reference, postulates of relativity. Galilean transformations,
Lorentz transformations. Time dilation, Length contraction, Doppler shift
Minkowski Space, Twin paradox, Spacetime diagrams, lightcones and
Mechanics, Invariance, relativistic momentum and kinetic energy. Four-
Tensors, metric, energy-momentum tensor, parallel transport, curvature,
Christoffel symbols
Energy-momentum tensor, electromagnetic tensor, perfect fluid tensor
Derivation of Einstein’s equations, Cosmological Constant
Schwarzschild metric, gravitational dilation, redshift, motion in
Schwarzschild timeline, falling into a Black Hole, Hawking radiation
Tests of general relativity: precession of perihelion of Mercury, deflection
of light by the Sun, gravitational lensing, observational black holes,
gravitational waves
Cosmology, cosmological principle, Weyl’s postulate, Robertson-Walker
metric, energy-momentum of the Universe
Friedmann equations, Universe models, observables
Big bang, proofs of the Big bang, nucleosynthesis, expansion and future
of the Universe.
Assessment Method:
Final Examination: 60%
Continuous Assessment: 40%
1. Introduction to cosmology, Matts Roos, 4th edition, Wiley, 2015
2. Cosmology, Steven Weinberg, Oxford University Press, 2008
3. Introduction to Cosmology, Barbara Ryden, 2nd edition, Oxford
University Press, 2016
4. Introduction To General Relativity And Cosmology (Essential
Textbooks in Physics), Christian G Böhmer, World Scientific, 2016
5. Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, Robert JA Lambourne,
University Cambridge Press, 2010
6. General Relativity: An Introduction to Black Holes, Gravitational
Waves and Cosmology, Michael J. W. Hall (IOP Science, 2018)
7. General Relativity and Cosmology: A Primer, Salvatore Capozziello,
Mariafelicia De Laurentis (Springer, 2017)