Page 138 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Juan Carlos Algaba Radiation Physics and Biophysics, Physics of Materials and
PhD(Cork), BSc(Valencia) (Radio Interferometric Observations of Electronics. Students are required to carry out a final year project in
any one of these fields. Industrial training is also a compulsory
Active Galactic Nuclei)
Kanagesan Samikannu
(Materials Synthesis and Processing)
There are six research centres in the Department of Physics
Lim Lian Kuang,
PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Plasma Physics and Technology) 1 Centre for Theoretical Physics (CTP)
2 Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC)
3 Centre For Ionics Universiti Malaya (CIUM)
Mohd Hamdi Bin Ali,
PhD(UM), BSc(UM) (Polymer Electrolytes, Electrochemical 4 Plasma Technology Research Centre (PTRC)
and fifteen core areas:
Mrutunjaya Bhuyan
PhD (SU & IOP), M.Sc. (SU), B.Sc. (Utkal) (Theoretical Nuclear 1. Applied Materials
Physics & Astrophysics) 2. Solid-State Physics
3. Microprocessor and Computational Physics
Muhammad Imran Mustafa Bin Abdul Khudus, 4. Theoretical Physics
5. Elementary Particle Physics
PhD(Southampton), MSc(London), BSc(London) (Optoelectronics,
Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Photonics) 6. Corrosion and Coatings
7. Magnetic Devices and Instrumentation
Nazhatulshima Ahmad, 8. Applied Optics and High Temperature Density Physics
PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Stellar Astrophysics, Optical 9. Materials Science and Polymer Physics
Instrumentation Astronomy) 10. Applied Radiation
11. Radio astronomy
Norhasliza Yusof, 12. Optical Astronomy
PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM), (Nuclear Astrophysics, Stellar 13. Nuclear Physics
Astrophysics) 14. Nuclear Astrophysics
15. Stellar Astrophysics
Nufikri Bin Nor Joharuddeen,
PhD(Oxford), MSc(London), BSc(UM) (Elementary Particle Research facilities determine the ways in which nature could be
Physics) understood. The Department of Physics has a laboratory for
centralised facilities to support a wide range of research activities.
Richard Ritikos, Major facilities include TEM, FE-SEM, SEM-EDX, XRD, AFM, FT-
PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Solid State Physics, Material IR, PL, TLD Reader, OMA, Co-60 irradiator and HPGe Gamma
Science, Programing and Instrumentation) spectrometer, TGA, DSC, DMA, UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer, Field
Siti Fairus Abdul Sani, Emission Auger Microprobe, Flame Hydrolysis Deposition system,
PhD (Surrey), BSc (Surrey) (Radiation and Medical Physics, Mask Aligner, 1 m grazing incidence Spectrometer, DC sputtering
Radiation Detection and Measurement, Applied Nuclear and system etc.
Radiation Physics)
Other research facilities available in the Department include high
Thamil Selvi Velayutham, speed diagnostic system such as streak camera, fast digital
PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Material Science, Functional oscilloscope, spectrum analyzers, thin film preparation systems,
Materials) clean room and gas handling facilities, high-power laser, picosecond
laser, high voltage and high current discharge systems, rf ionization
Woo Haw Jiunn, plasma sources, pulsed neutron source, high dose radiation source
PhD(UM), MSc(UM), BSc(UM) (Polymer Electrolytes, Batteries, and materials testing laboratory.
Solid State Ionics, Relaxation Behaviours)
Research topics currently active in the Physics Department includes:
Zarina Aspanut,
DEng(Gifu Univ, Jpn), MEng(Toyohashi Univ of Tech, Jpn), 1. Studies on polymer electrolyte for lithium air proton batteries.
BSc(UM) (Metal-oxide Nanostructures Materials, Semiconductor 2. Studies on alkaline solid polymer electrolyte and mechanically
Devices) alloyed polycrystalline Mg2Ni for metal hydride-air batteries.
3. Studies on silicone-acrylic paints.
DEGREE PROGRAM 4. Fast pulsed capillary discharge as coherent XUV and soft x-ray
The Bachelor of Science in Physics Program consists of three levels, 5. Digital holography and speckle pattern interferometry.
namely Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced levels. The 6. Development and applications of vacuum UV excimer laser and
program starts with introductory courses in Physics while the high power industrial CO2 laser systems.
Intermediate level builds strong fundamentals in Physics through 7. Development of nano-ribbons as thermo luminescence
courses such as Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, dosimeters.
Electromagnetism, Mathematical Methods, Statistical Physics, 8. Use of Ge-doped optical fibre as radiation dosimeter.
Optics, Numerical and Computation Methods etc. In the Advanced 9. Study of naturally occurring and technically enhanced naturally
level, students choose ten elective courses from a total of at least occurring radioactive materials.
seventeen electives of specialised fields. There are eight focus fields 10. Particle production from high-energy electron –proton collision
that offer various respective elective courses. These are Plasma (ZEUS collaboration at the HERA accelerator in DESY,
Physics, Laser and Optoelectronics, Semiconductor Physics, Germany).
Nuclear Physics and Elementary Particle Physics, Space Physics,