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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                  Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%                      Continuous assessment   : 50%
               Examination           : 60%                        Examination          : 50%
                1.  Ascroft,  W.,  2011.  A  petroleum  geologist  guide  to  1.  Anthony  M.  Evans,  1992  Ore  Geology  and  Industrial
                                                                      Minerals: An Introduction, Blackwell Science;  3rd edition
                   seismic reflection: Wiley-Blackwell, 176p.     2.  Peter A. Ciullo. 1996 Industrial Minerals and their Uses,
                2.  Boxlike,  K.  (2015).  Petroleum  geoscience:  from
                   sedimentary  environment  to  rock  physic.  2nd  edition.  Chem Tech Publishing, 632ppPages:
                   Springer, 517p.                                3.  Charles J. Moon, Michael K. G. Whateley, Anthony M.
                3.  Gluyas.  J.  and  Swarbrick,  R.  (2004)  Petroleum  Evans  2006  Introduction  to  Mineral  Exploration,
                                                                      Blackwell Publishing Professional; 2nd edition
                   Geoscience. Blackwell Publishing, UK.
                4.  PETRONAS  (1999)  The  petroleum  Geology  and  4.  Kogel J., Trivedi N.C., Barker J.M. krukowski S.T. 2006.
                   Resources  of  Malaysia,  Petroliam  National  Berhad  Industrial Minerals & Rocks: Commodities,  Markets, and
                   (PETRONAS), 665pp.                                Uses.7   edition.  Society  for  Mining,  Metallurgy,  and
                5.  Hunt,  J.M.  (1996)  Petroleum  Geochemistry  and  Exploration, 1548p.
                   Geology,  Second  Edition, W.H.  Freeman  &  Co.,  New  5.  Degryse  P.  &  Elsen  J.  2003.  Industrial  Minerals:
                   York.                                             Resources, Characteristics, and Applications. 120p.
                6.  Hantschel,  T.,  and  Kauerauf,  A.  I.   (2009).  6.  Revuelta  M.  B.  2018.  Mineral  Resources:  From
                   Fundamentals  of  basin  and  petroleum  systems  Exploration  to  Sustainability  Assessment.  Springer,
                   modeling. New York: Springer, 475 p.              653p.
                7.  Magoon,  L.B.  and  Dow,  W.G.  (1994)  The  petroleum  SII3021  TECTONICS AND EARTH HISTORY
                   system - from source to trap, AAPG Memoir 60.
                8.  Tissot, B.P. & Welte, D.H. (1984) Petroleum Formation
                   and  Occurrence,  Second  Revised  and   Enlarged  Introduction  to  the  theory  of  Plate  Tectonic.  Extensional,
                   Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.   compressional  and  strike-slip  tectonic  regimes  and  their
                                                                  associated regional structures.
                                                                  Evolution of Earth’s atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and
               SII3019 ORGANIC PETROLOGY
                                                                  hydrosphere.  Introduction  to  Archean,  Proterozoic  and
                                                                  Phanerozoic  sequences,  and  their  inferences  about  the
               Study of organic matter from the perspective of sedimentology
               and  petroleum  geology  which  include  coal  formation,   conditions  of Earth.  The  changing  paleogeography  and  the
               petrographic  composition  of  coal,  origin  of  macerals,   events  that  occurred  during  the  respective  geologic  times.
               correlation  of  coal  facies  with  depositional  environment,   The relationship between life and the sediments, the oceans,
               coalification  process,  vitrinite  reflectance  analysis  and   and the atmosphere of the planet.
               kerogen typing. This also includes studies on visual  kerogen
               typing.  Findings  of  this  course  will  be  used for applications   Assessment Methods:
               in petroleum exploration and coal-related industries.   Continuous assessment   : 40%
                                                                  Examination          : 60%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%                      References:
               Examination           : 60%                        1.  Torsvik, T.H. & Cocks, L.R.M. (2017) Earth History and
                                                                      Palaeogeography.  Cambridge  University  Press.  ISBN
               References:                                            9781107105324
               1. Taylor, G.H., Teichmuller, M., Davis, A. Diessel, C.F.K.,  2.  Wolfgang, F, Meschede, M., & Blakey, R.C. (2016) Plate
                  Littke,   P.   (1998)   Organic   Petrology,   Gebruder  Tectonics:  Continental  Drift  and  Mountain  Building.
                  Borntraeger, Berlin & Stuttgart, 704pp.             Springer, ISBN 9783662501511
               2. Diessel,  C.F.K.  (1992)  Coal-bearing  Depositional  3.  Stanley,  M.S.  &  Luczaj,  J.A.  (2015)  Earth  System
                  Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 721pp.            History.  4th  Edition.  Freeman  and  Co,  ISBN  978-1-
               3. Stach,  E.,  Mackowsky,  M-Th.,  Teichmuller,  M.,  Taylor,  4292-5526-4
                  G.H.,  Chandra,  D.,  and  Teichmuller,  R.,  (1982) Stach’s  4.  Moores, E.M. & Twiss, R.J. (2014)  Tectonics. Waveland
                  Textbook  of  Coal  Petrology,  3   edn.  Gebruder  Press, ISBN 978-1-4786-2199-7
                  Borntraeger, Berlin & Stuttgard, 535pp.         5.  Wicander, R. & Monroe, J.S. (2013) Historical Geology:
               4. Mendonça Filho, J.G., Menezes, T.R., Mendonça, J.O.,  Evolution of Earth & Life Through Time. 8th ed. Cengage
                  Oliveira, A.D., Silva, T.F., Rondon, N.F., and Silva, F.S.  Learning. ISBN: 978-1-305-11956-7
                  (2012).  Organic  Facies:  Palynofacies  and  Organic
                  Geochemistry  Approaches,  Geochemistry  -  Earth's  SII3022  MINERAL AND MINING EXPLORATION
                  System Processes, Dr. Dionisios Panagiotaras (Ed.)
               5. Speight  J.G.  (2015).  Handbook  of  Coal  Analysis.  2 nd  In this course, various types of mineral and mining exploration
                  edition. Wiley, 240p.                           techniques  are  introduced.  The  course  also  covers
                                                                  geochemical  prospecting,  mining  policy  and  act.  Industrial
               SII3020 INDUSTRIAL MINERALS                        applications are illustrated using case studies.
               Knowledge  and  awareness  about  the  important  and   Assessment Methods:
               development of various industrial mineral and other related   Continuous assessment   : 40%
               mineral-based  industries  including  clay  mineral.  Broad   Examination   : 60%
               aspects of industrial mineral in term of  geological occurrence,
               distribution, marketing, economic  and application technology.

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