Page 37 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               Main References:                                 Assessment Methods:
               1.   Kim  SK  (ed).(2015)  Springer  Handbook  of  Marine  Continuous Assessment:   40%
                    Biotechnology. SpringerLink.                Final Examination:   60%
               2.   Se-Kwon  Kim  (2012).  Handbook  of  Marine
                    Macroalgae  Biotechnology  and  Applied  Phycology.  Main References:
                    Wiley-Blackwell; 567 p.                     1.  Fett-Neto  A.G  (2016)  Biotechnology  of  Plant
               3.   Gian  Paolo  Rossini.  (2014)  Toxins  and  Biologically  Secondary Metabolism. Humana Press.
                    Active  Compounds  from  Microalgae,  Volume  2:  2.  Jean-Michel Mérillon J-M, Ramawat K.G. (2020) Co-
                    Biological  Effects  and  Risk  Management.  CRC  Evolution of Secondary Metabolites. Springer.
                    Press; 700p.                                3.  Theodoridis G., Gika H.G., Wilson I. (2018) Metabolic
               4.   Wiencke  C  & Bischof K.  (2012). Seaweed  Biology.  Profiling. Humana Press.
                    Ecological Studies 21. Springer. 510p.      4.  Akhtar  M.S.,  Swamy  M.  K.,  Sinniah  U.R.  (2019)
                                                                    Natural Bio-active  Compounds. Springer.
                                                                SIO3026  SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS
               This course introduces the fundamental principles of plant
               genetics  and  breeding  that  are  applicable  to  agricultural   This  course  introduces  the  main  components  of  food
               systems.  It  covers  an  array  of  topics  such  as  plant   systems, demonstrating the complexity and relationships of
               reproduction system, breeding methods for self-pollinated   different  food  system  types  that  connect  society  to  the
               and cross-pollinated crops, and the strategies in developing   environment  in  various  ways  within  a  globalized  world.
               breeding objectives to maximize selection and improve the   Students  will  learn  the  issues  surrounding  food  security
               key traits of crops.                             through  the  lens  of  biology,  agroecology,  anthropology,
                                                                environmental  sociology,  and  nutrition.  This  will  help
               Assessment Methods:                              develop their capacity to assess the sustainability of food
               Continuous Assessment:    100%                   production systems amid climate change.

               Main References:                                 Assessment Methods:
               1.  Bradshaw, J.E. (2016) Plant Breeding: Past, Present  Continuous Assessment:    100%
                   and Future; Springer.
               2.  Duran,  N.  (2019)  Principles  of  Plant  Genetics  and  Main References:
                   Breeding; Callisto Reference.                1. FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, & WHO. (2019). The State
               3.  Goldman,  I.  (2019)  Plant  Breeding  Reviews;  John  of  Food  Security  and  Nutrition  in  the  World  2019.
                   Wiley & Sons.                                   Safeguarding  Against  Economic  Slowdowns  and
                                                                   Downturns. Rome. FAO.
                                                                2. Ruben,  R.,  &  Verhagen,  J.  (2019).  Towards
               SIO3024 POSTHARVEST PROCESS ENGINEERING             Sustainable  Global  Food  Systems:  Conceptual  and
                       AND TECHNOLOGY                              Policy Analysis of Agriculture, Food and Environment
                                                                   Linkages. MDPI.
               This  course  provides  an  overview  of  the  issue  of   3. Valentini, R., Sievenpiper, J., Antonelli, M., & Dembska,
               postharvest  losses  by  exploring  essential  physical,   K. (2019).  Achieving  the  Sustainable  Development
               technical,  and  social  dimensions  of  postharvest  supply   Goals  Through  Sustainable  Food  Systems.  Springer
               chains  and  loss  prevention  methods  globally.  It  is  well   International Publishing.
               known fact that more than a third of what is produced in the
               farm is lost even before it reaches the consumer. This issue
               is a core problem that is a critical global food security and   SIO 3027  ANIMAL CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE
               sustainability issue.
                                                                This course covers the principles and the practical skills in
                                                                the  in  vitro  culture  of  animal  cells  and  tissues,  which
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     includes  the  aseptic  technique,  isolation  and  culture  of
               Final Examination:   60%                         primary cells, manipulation of reproductive cells, stem cells,
                                                                reprogramming, and applications in animal biotechnology
                                                                as well as regenerative medicine.
               Main References:
               1.   Yahia,  E.M.  (2019).  Postharvest  Technology  of
                    Perishable Horticultural Commodities. Elsevier.  Assessment Methods:
               2.   Barman,  K.,  Sharma,  S.  et  al.  (2018)  Emerging  Continuous Assessment:   40%
                    Postharvest  Treatment  of  Fruits  and  Vegetables.  Final Examination:   60%
                    CRC Press.
                                                                Main References:
                                                                1.  Freshney,  R.I.  (2016).  Culture  of  Animal  Cells:  A
                                                                    Manual  of  Basic  Technique  and  Specialized
                       METABOLOMICS                                 Applications. 7th Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
                                                                2.  Alberts, B. (2017) Molecular Biology of the Cell. 6th
                                                                    Ed. Garland Science.
               This  course  describes  the  classification  of  secondary
               metabolites,  its  biosynthetic  pathways,  and  relationship
               between  primary  and  secondary  metabolites.  The   SIO4001 BIOPRODUCT BUSINESS AND SUPPLY
               importance and application of secondary metabolites  will be   CHAIN
               discussed. It also explains the methods of extraction and
               identification  of  secondary  metabolites.  Moreover,  this   This course will introduce students to the business aspects
               course  will  introduce  students  to  metabolomics  and   of  biological  products.  By  combining  topics  in  advanced
               biotechnological  approaches  to  increase  secondary   biology/biotechnology  with  business  tools  and  methods,
               metabolites production.                          students  will  learn  what  is  required  to  translate  scientific
                                                                research and patents into innovative products and viable
                                                                business  opportunities.  It  will  also  touch  on  some  of  the
                                                                regulatory processes involved.

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