Page 40 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Main References: Main References:
1. Carlberg and Molnar (2019) Human Epigenetics. 1 st 1. SIJ2008 Manual, ISB.
Edition. Springer Nature Switzerland 2. Wilson K and Walker J. (2018). Principles and
2. Snustad. (2017) Principles of genetics. 7 Edition John Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Wiley & Sons Inc Cambridge University Press.
3. Devlin. (2018) Biochemistry Global Edition. Wiley
Academics 3. Voet D, Voet JG, Pratt CW. (2016). Fundamentals of
Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level. Wiley.
4. Bisswanger H. (2017). Enzyme Kinetics: Principles and
SIJ 2006 PROTEIN BIOCHEMISTRY Methods. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmBH Co.
Levels of protein structures - Primary structure, its
importance and its determination; Secondary structures and SIJ 2009 BIOCHEMISTRY PRACTICAL II
their prediction; Super- secondary structures; Tertiary
structure and forces involved in its stabilization; Quaternary This course will further expore techniques and research
structure; Protein folding and denaturation; Protein methodology in biochemistry. The practicals will cover
engineering; Protein purification and characterization. techniques/ methods in HPLC, DNA quatification, serology,
lipid chemistry and many others. This course will also
Assessment Methods: strengthen report writing and laboratory skills.
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Main References:
1. Berg J.M., Tymoczko J.L., Gatto G.J., Stryer L. (2019) Main References:
Biochemistry (9th Edition) W.H. Freeman & Co. 1. Voet D, Voet JG, Pratt CW. (2016). Fundamentals of
2. Almeida P. (2019) Proteins: Concepts in Biochemistry Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level, 5th Edition,
(1st Edition) CRC Press Wiley.
3. Stokes N. (2018) Protein Chemistry (1st Edition) 2. Devlin TM (2020). Textbook of biochemistry: with
Syrawood Publishing House clinical correlations 8 Edition, Wiley.
4. Torres A. (2017) Protein Biochemistry (1st Edition) 3. Stryer. (2018). Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 6 th
Callisto Reference ed. Freeman
4. SIJ2009 Manual, ISB.
Introduction to enzymes, Activation energy and
biocatalysts, Terminology used, Enzyme kinetics (Effect of This subject develops on the understanding of biochemistry
enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, pH & and explores the biochemical activity of nutrients and food
temperature), Enzyme inhibitions (Competitive, constituents in the human body. Students will appreciate
Noncompetitive, Uncompetitive & Irreversible), Enzyme the importance of food groups and healthy eating, and the
regulation (Zymogen activation, Covalent modification, influence of dietary modification and nutritional intervention
Physiological control & Allosteric regulation), Active site on physiology and physiological dysfunction. Integral
mapping & intermediate detection, Enzyme mechanisms biochemical pathways are explored in relation to the
with special reference to lysozyme & chymotrypsin; nutritional influences that moderate those pathways.
Catalytic antibodies, Ribozymes. Students will further develop their understanding of the role
that biological oxidation and the metabolic regulation of
Assessment Methods: carbohydrate, protein and fat play in disease processes.
Continuous Assessment : 40% These will necessitate prior student understanding of the
Final Examination : 60% influence of nutritional biochemistry in liver detoxification,
neurotransmitter synthesis, antioxidant pathways and
Main References: immune function. Taken together this subject deepens
1. Suzuki H. (2019) How Enzymes Work: From Structure students’ understanding of nutrition and diet therapy
to Function, 2nd Edition, Jenny Stanford Publishing towards supporting a healthy living.
2. Kuby S. A. (2019) A Study of Enzymes: Enzyme
Catalysts, Kinetics and Substrate Binding, 1st Edition, Assessment Methods:
CRC Press Continuous Assessment: 40%
3. Smith H. J. & Simons C. (2019) Enzymes and Their Final Examination: 60%
Inhibitors, 3rd Edition, Taylor & Francis
4. Hanefeld U. & Lefferts L. (2018) Catalysis: An Main Reference:
Integrated Textbook for Students, 1st Edition, Wiley Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (Blackwell
This course is to introduce to students fundamental
techniques used in Biochemistry to analyse biomolecules The course is structured to provide the students with the
especially proteins and nucleic acids. This is inclusive of fundamental concepts of toxicology as they relate to
appreciation of basic instrumentations useful for performing specific organ and tissue systems. And thus introduce
biochemical fractionation, assays and separation. Students students to the principles, concepts and terminology utilized
will also be exposed to ways to communicate scientifically in the field of toxicology and how the area has found its
using writing, verbal and graphical methods. application in food, forensic, clinical and occupational
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%