Page 38 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                2.  Marangoni, A.G. (2003) Enzyme kinetics: A Modern
               Assessment Methods:                                  Approach. Wiley-Interscience,
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                      3.  Shuler,  M.L.    &    Kargi,    F.    (2002)    Bioprocess
               Final Examination:    60%                             Engineering: Basic Concepts, 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall,
                                                                 4.  Bailey,  J.E.    &    Ollis,    D.F.(1986)    Biochemical
                                                                    Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill.
               Main References:                                 5.   Segel,  I.H.  (1993)  Enzyme  Kinetics:  Behavior  And

               1. Onetti, A & Zucchella, A. (2018). Introduction to Biotech  Analysis Of  Rapid Equilibrium And Steady-State
                  Business  Modeling  for  Life  Science  and  Biotech  Enzyme Systems. Wiley-Interscience,
                  Companies   (Routledge   Studies   in   Innovation,  6.  Illanes,  A.  (2008).  Enzyme  Biocatalysis:  Principles
                  Organizations and Technology) CRC Press.          And Applications. Springer.
               2. Matei,  F.  &  Daniela  Zirra,  D.  (2019)  Introduction  to  7.  Dutta,  R.(2008)  Fundamentals  of  Biochemical
                  Biotech  Entrepreneurship:  From  Idea  to  Business:  A  Engineering, Springer.
                  European Perspective. Springer.
                                                                SIO4005 MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR SOIL
               SIO4002  ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY                     AND PLANT HEALTH
               Importance  of  biological  system  in  the  management  and   The course covers topics including the interaction between
               processing  of  waste.  Characterization  of  various  wastes   microbial communities and plant and how the microbiome
               including xenobiotics from the industrial sector. Introduction   beneficial  for  soil  health  and  plant  growth.  Beside,  this
               to  a  convenient  system  for  treating  waste  and  sewage.   course  covers  on  the  development  and  application  of
               Innovation  in  the  processing  of  waste  by  microbes  and   microbial consortium to improve crop production.
               plants. The use of waste for valuable material extraction.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                              Continuous Assessment:   60%
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Final Examination:    40%
               Final Examination:    50%
                                                                Main References:
               Main References:                                 1.  Kumar,  V.,  Kumar,  M.,  Sharma,  S.,  &  Prasad,  R.
               1. Singh, R.L. (Ed). (2017). Principles And Applications Of  (2017). Probiotics and Plant Health. Springer.
                  Environmental  Biotechnology  For  A  Sustainable  2.  Kumar,  V.,  Prasad,  R.,  Kumar,  M.  &  Choudhary
                  Future. Springer Singapore.                       D.K.(2019). Microbiome in Plant Health and Disease.
               2. Rittman,  B.  (2017).  Environmental  Biotechnology.  Springer.
                  McGraw-Hill.                                  3.  Yadav, A.N., Singh, S., Mishra, S., & Gupta, A. (Eds).
               3. Vallero,  D.A.  (2015).  Environmetal  Biotechnology:  A  2019. Recent Advancement in White Biotechnology
                  Biosystems Approach. Elsevier.                    Through Fungi. Springer.
                                                                4.  Dubey, R.K., Tripathi, V., Prabha, R, Chaurasia, R.,
                                                                    Singh, D.P., Rao, C.S., El-Keblawy, A., & Abhilash,
                                                                    P.C.  (2020).  Unravellng  the  Soil  Microbiome.
               SIO 4003  INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN
                        BIOTECHNOLOGY                               Springer.
               The students will be conducting internship in an industry or
               research  institute  related  to  biotechnology.  The  students   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY
               will be exposed and practice the real work culture of the
               company or industry. At the end of the training, the students    PROGRAMME
               are required to report in writing and oral of their industrial
               training activities, experiences, and suggestions.
                                                                Career Prospects
                                                                Upon graduation, graduates with BSc in Biochemistry can
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    become scientists, researchers in related fields, lecturers or
                                                                administrative officers in either government or private (local
                                                                or multinational) agencies,  non-governmental organisations
                                                                (NGO) and international bodies.
               SIO 4004  ENZYME TECHNOLOGY
                                                                SIJ 1002 FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY
               The course is designed to give balance instruction in both
               fundamental  and  applied  aspects  of  enzymology  for   This  course  covers  the  basic  principles  of  physical  and
               biotechnology  students.  Among  topics  covered  are   organic chemistry with application to biological problems.
               elementary rate laws, temperature and pH effects, theory of
               reaction rates, characterization of enzyme activity, enzyme   This course is intended primarily for biochemistry majors.
               inhibition,  two-substrate  reactions,  immobilized  enzyme,   This  course  will  discuss  topics  on  the  fundamental
                                                                principles  of  physical  chemistry  which  include  chemical
               interfacial enzyme, enzyme in organic solvent/ionic liquid,   equilibrium, acidity and basicity, kinetics, thermodynamics
               enzyme reactors, design equations/modelling and transport   and  ligand-protein  interaction.Basic  principles  of  organic
               phenomena.  The  course  is  complemented  by  laboratory
               practical in so that the students can put kinetic principles   chemistry,  including  fundamental  aspects  of  organic  and
               into practice.                                   biological  structures  and  bonding,  stereochemistry,  the
                                                                effect of structure on physical and chemical properties will
                                                                be  discussed.  A  detailed  analysis  of  organic  chemical
               Assessment Methods:                              reactivity, including reactive intermediates and mechanistic
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     principles of the various groups of organic compounds like
               Final Examination:    60%                        alkanes  and  cycloalkanes,  alkenes,  alkynes,  aromatics,
                                                                alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, thiols, amines, carbonyls and
               Main References:                                 derivatives will be covered.
               1.   Doran,  P.  M.  (2000)  Bioprocess  Engineering
                    Principles, Academic Press Ltd.

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