Page 42 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               infertility.  The  role  of the  endocrine  system  in  integrating   This  course  is  intended  to  equip  students  with  effective
               metabolic  pathways  will  be  emphasised  throughout  the   communication  skills  and  sharpen  their  critical  thinking
               module and particular scenarios such as infertility, diabetes   skills.  The  course  content  will  include  effective
               mellitus.                                        communication techniques. Students will also be exposed
                                                                to  techniques  of  critical  thinking  and  lateral  thinking.
               Assessment Methods:                              Effective  scientific  writing  and  reading  will  also  be
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     introduced.
               Final Examination:    60%
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Main Reference:                                  Continuous Assessment:     100%
               Harrison’s Endocrinology (2017) 4th Edition. McGraw Hill
               Medical                                          Main References:
                                                                1. Current publications
                                                                2. Specialized websites to be provided during session
               SIJ 2020 NEUROCHEMISTRY
               This course is intended to introduce students to the field of   SIJ 3001 RESEARCH PROJECT IN BIOCHEMISTRY
               neurochemistry.  Basic  neurochemistry  includes  study  of  the
               chemical  composition  of the  brain,  brain metabolism and   This course is intended to introduce practical aspects of the
               the chemistry of neurotransmission. The major part of the   principles  of  Biochemistry.  Students  will  be  exposed  to
               course will cover the chemistry of neural transmission and   research  methodology  in  Biochemistry,  critical  scientific
               chemical  composition  and  metabolism.  The  discipline  of   thinking,  methods  for  problem  solving,  research  ethics,
               behavioral neurochemistry includes topics that range from   record  keeping,  presentation  and  scientific  writing  skills.
               study  of  the  neurochemical  mechanisms  that  underlie   Students  are  required  to  carry  out  experiments  in  the
               behaviour  that  result  from  severe  neurochemical   laboratory,  analyse  data,  write  a  thesis  and  present  the
               abnormalities.  Throughout  the  course,  the  functional   results of the research.
               aspects  of  all  neurochemical  mechanisms  will  be
               discussed.                                       Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Main References:
               Final Examination:    50%                        1. Final Year Projects: A brief student’s guide
               Main References:                                 2. How      to     write    your     thesis
               1. Purves (2018), Neuroscience, 6th Edition, Imprint of
                  Oxford University Press
               2. Ropper (2018), Principles of Neurology, McGraw-Hill  sis_org.html
               3. Haines (2017), Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic
                  and Clinical Applications, Elsevier - Health Sciences  SIJ 3003 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
                                                                This course starts with molecular biology of plant organelles
                                                                with emphasis on unique plant genomes, genes and gene
                                                                expression.  Topics  on  plant  development  processes  will
               SIJ 2021 METABOLISM AND REGULATION OF            also  be  discussed  which  include  photosynthesis,
                      CARBOHYDRATE AND LIPIDS                   senescence as well as plant defence. Gene transfer and
                                                                genetic  engineering  in  plants  will  also  be  discussed  with
               The  students  will  learn  the  principles  in  bioenergetics,   emphasis  on  both  the  technology  as  well  as  the  issues
               biosynthesis   and   catabolism   of   the   primary   surrounding genetically engineered plants.
               macromolecules,  and  regulatory  mechanisms  involved  in
               intermediary metabolism.                         Assessment Methods:
               The course encompasses the following topics: (1) Concept   Continuous Assessment:   50%
               of energy in metabolism and energy production by aerobic   Final Examination:   50%
               and  anaerobic  respiration,  and  fermentation;  (2)
               Biosynthesis  and  catabolism  of  primary  macromolecules   Main References:
               (carbohydrate,  lipid);  (3)  Regulation  and  integration  of   1. Garrett  &  Grisham.  (2016).  Biochemistry  (5th  ed).
               metabolic processes.                                Cengage Learning.
                                                                2. Wilson.  (2016).  Plant  Molecular  Biology.  Syrawood
               Assessment Methods:                                 Publishing House.
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     3. Rout  and  Peter.  (2018).  Genetic  Engineering  of
               Final Examination:    50%                           Horticultural Crops. Academic Press.
               Main References:
               1. Berg JM, Stryer L, Tymoczko J and Gatto G (2019),  SIJ 3004 CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY AND
                  Biochemistry (9th edition), New York: W.H. Freeman.   PHYSIOLOGY
               2. Garrett RH and Grisham CM (2017), Biochemistry (6th
                  edition) Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.       This course will discuss the basic mechanisms of diseases,
               3. Voet D, Voet JG and Pratt CW (2016), Fundamentals  alterations of the biochemical aspects and symptoms that
                  of Biochemistry (5th edition), John Wiley & Sons Inc.  are shown due to diseases in relation to metabolic disorders
                                                                or changes in the body’s physiological systems.
                      COMMUNICATION                             Clinical  and  diagnostic  tests,  suitable  treatment  and
                                                                prevention methods will also be discussed using a specific
                                                                disease as example.

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