Page 46 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
2. UM IACUC. (2017). Panduan penjagaan dan Main References:
penggunaan haiwan makmal. Kuala Lumpur: 1. Brock Biology of Microorganisms (15th ed): Ed.
Penerbit UM. Madigan et al., Publisher Pearson. (2017)
3. (latest update: 2020) 2. Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology
3. Microbiology: An Introduction (12th ed):Tortora et al.
SIE 1003 CELL BIOLOGY (2016)
This course is divided into three components namely
Genetics, Cell Biology and Molecular Biology. Content of SIE 2001 PRINCIPLES OF SYSTEMATICS
each is stated below:
Cell Biology This course is to develop the students skill in classification
This component will discuss on the basic structures and of organisms by understanding the concepts of systematics
functions of organelles and also processes involving and the philosophy behind systematics (classification,
mitosis and meiosis.Students will also be introduced to taxonomy and nomenclature). Taxonomy in particular and
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; and the differences systematics are generally essential in scientific research
between these two types of cells. and are fundamental to the study of population genetics.
Molecular Biology
In this component, students will first be refreshed on basic Assessment Methods:
aspects of molecular genetics (historical account, direct and Continuous assessment: 60%
indirect evidences of DNA as genetic materials, structure Final examination: 40%
and properties of DNA, DNA replication, transcription and
translation in prokaryotes and how to decipher genetics Main References:
codes). The component will later discusses on regulation of 1. Abramov et al. (2017). New insights into the taxonomy
gene expression in prokaryotes (lac operon, catabolite of the marmoset rats Hapalomys (Rodentia: Muridae).
repression and trp operon and attenuation), control by Raffles Bulletin Of Zoology, 65: 20–28.
sigma factor, anti-termination, post- transcriptional control of 2. Balakirev et al. (2017). The Phylogeography of Red
RNA (trans- and cis-acting regulators), and finally the Spiny Rats Maxomys surifer (Rodentia, Muridae) in
applications of these knowledge in DNA recombinant Indochina with Comments on Taxonomy and
technology. Description of New Subspecies. Zoological Studies
Genetics 56: 6 (2017).
This component comprises of quick introduction of 3. Database: Taxonomy of plants Nomenclature for
Mendel’s Law, the concept of alleles, loci, genes and Borneo biodiversity Information system (2017).
chromosomes and test crosses. Students will be first
refreshed on probability calculations, the Punnet square 42/authors#authors
and genetic linkage & mapping methods. The component
will later discusses deeper topics of inheritance which
include Extensions to Mendelian Inheritance Concept SIE 2002 PLANT DIVERSITY
(Epistasis, Sex linkage), Sex influenced inheritance and
Pedigree analyses. At the end of this component students Introduction to the morphology, development and
will be exposed to topics such as Human Genetics, Genetic reproductive biology of bryophytes, pteridophytes,
Counselling and finally a brief introduction to Population gymnosperms and angiosperms. The economic and
Genetics and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. ecological importance of different plant groups will be
discussed. Training on identification of different plant
Assessment Methods: groups will be addressed through practical sessions and
Continuous assessment: 50% fieldwork.
Final examination: 50%
Assessment Methods:
Main References: Continuous Assessment : 60%
1. Principles of Genetics, 7th Edition (2015). Snustad Final Examination : 40%
and Simmons. Wiley Publications
2. Genes XII (2018). Benjamin Lewin. Jones & Barlett Main References:
Learning 1. Craig, N.H. (2019). The Nature of Plants: An
3. Genetic Analysis and Principles, 7th Edition (2017). Introduction to How Plants Work. University Press of
Robert J.Brooker. McGraw Hill publications Florida, 288 pp.
2. Tompkin, P. & Bird, C. (2019). The Secret Life of
Plants. Harper Paperbacks, 415 pp.
SIE 1004 INTRODUCTORY MICROBIOLOGY 3. Willis, K. (2016). Botanicum. Templar Publishing,
London, 112 pp
Introduction to Microbiology, concepts and basic
knowledge in microbiology, evolution, structure and function
of the parts of prokaryotic, diversity and importance of SIE 2004 MYCOLOGY
microorganisms including archaea, bacteria, fungi and
viruses. Besides this, student will be exposed to the An introductory to fungal classification, biology, diversity,
development in microbiology in Malaysia. ecology and taxonomy. This course will discuss sampling
and culture techniques in mycology, inventory and
Assessment Methods: documentation aspects for conservation purpose and
Continuous assessment: 50% importance of fungi in biotechnology.
Final examination: 50%