Page 48 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               SIE 2011  TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY                    2.  Trujillo  A.P. &  Thurman,  H.V.  (2016).  Essentials  of
                                                                    oceanography. 12  Ed., Prentice Hall, Pearson, 624
               Major  elements  of terrestrial  ecology:  the  physical  world,   pp.
               plants, animals, microbes. Energy and trophic levels. Time   3.  Simon  Oakenfold.  (2016)  Textbook  of  Aquatic
               as a dimension.                                      Ecology. Syrawood Publishing House. 213 pp
               General vegetation categories and dependent organismal
               assemblages. Life forms and general adaptations among
               terrestrial  organisms:  autotrophs  and  heterotrophs  in   SIE 2014  PROTOZOA AND INVERTEBRATES I
               different  environments;  light,  water  and  nutrition.  Diurnal
               and seasonal variations and cycles.              Introduction  to  protozoa  and  invertebrate:  classification,
               Types and characteristics of tropical forests. Diversity of life   diversity, ecology and evolution will be explained in general.
               in  various  environments.  Reproduction  in  plants  and   Groups  of  invertebrate  being  discussed  are  Protozoa,
               animals:  comparative  traits.  Reproductive  rhythms  in   Porifera,  Cnidaria,  Ctenophora  and  Lophotrochozoa. The
               plants:  flowering,  pollination,  dispersal.  Behavioural   biology, diversity, ecology, structure, function, importance
               aspects  of  animal  reproduction  in  rain  forests.  Other   etc.  for  each  group  of  these  animal  will  be  discussed  in
               rainforest adaptations and interactions among organisms:   details.
               herbivory  and  plant  defences,  myrmecophily,  parasitism,
               saprophytism.  The  relationship  among  soils,  climate  and   Assessment Methods:
               forest  type.  The  forest  growth  cycle  and  dynamic   Continuous Assessments:   50%
               equilibrium. The ecology of nutrient cycling and importance   Final Examination:   50%
               of the hydrological system in forest growth. Relationships
               among nutrients, growth, structure and biological diversity.   Main References:
               Key  characteristics  of  biodiversity  and  biogeography  for   1.  Gullan, P. J. & Craustan, P. S. 2014. The insects: An
               rainforest species. The concepts of carrying capacity and   outline of entomology. Wiley-Blackwell.
               environmental  pressure.  Degradation  and  regrowth  of   2.  Pechenik, J. 2014. Biology of the invertebrates.
               forests.  Consequences  of  various  logging  systems,   McGraw-Hill
               rainforest fragmentation  and  environmental  catastrophes.   3.  Brusca, R. C., Moore, W., & Shuster, S. M. 2016.
               The  rain  forest  as  a  renewable  resource;  the  concept  of   Invertebrates. 3rd edition. Sinauer Associates
               sustainable forest management. Carbon sequestration by
               vegetation.  Timber,  non-wood  forest  products  and  other
               forest  functions  as  management  objectives.  Non-forest   SIE 2015  INVERTEBRATE II
               tropical landscapes: review of types, comparisons in terms
               of productivity.                                 Introduction  and  detail  discussion  on  Nematoda.
                                                                Introduction  to  Arthropoda  –biology,  diversity,  ecology,
               Assessment Methods:                              structure  and  function,  etc.;  Detail  discussion  of  the
               Continous Assessment:   60%                      arthropod group – Trilobitomorpha, Chelicerata, Crustacea,
               Final Examination:    40%                        Myriapoda, Hexapoda. Introduction to Deuterostomia and
                                                                Hemichordata  -  biology,  diversity,  ecology,  structure  and
                                                                function, etc. Detail discussion of the deuterostome group
               Main References:                                 – Echinodermata.
               1.   Prance, G.T. Tropical Rain Forests And The World
                    Atmosphere (2019) Taylor and Francis, UK.   Assessment Methods:
               2.   Corlett,  R.T  (2017)  What’s  so  special  about  Asian  Continuous Assessments:   50%
                    tropical  forests?  Current  Science  93  (11)  1551–  Final Examination:   50%
               3.   Primack, R. & R. Corlett (2011) Tropical Rain Forests.  Main References:
                    An  Ecological  and  Biogeographical  Comparison.  1.  Brusca, R.C., Moore, W. and Shuster, S. M. 2017.
                    Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. 2  Edition.
                                                                    Invertebrates. Oxford University Press Inc.
                                                                2.  Pechenik,  J.  2015.  Biology  of  the  invertebrates.
               SIE 2012  AQUATIC ECOLOGY
                                                                3.  Ruppert,  E.E,  Fox,  R.S.  and  R.D.  Barnes.  2004.
                                                                    Invertebrate  Zoology:  A  functional  evolutionary
               Introduction  to  physical  and  chemical  aspects  of  aquatic   approach. Thomson Learning Inc.
               systems, and their importance to organisms. A review of
               marine  and  freshwater  organisms  with  a  focus  on  their
               ecological role. The basic principles of aquatic ecology are   SIE 2016  PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
               discussed at the community and ecosystem level, followed
               by major marine and freshwater ecosystem studies. Types   This  course  begins  with  the  basic  concepts  in  plant
               and  exploitation  of  aquatic  resources.  Human  impact  on   physiology  of  cells,  energy  and  enzymes.  Next,
               aquatic ecosystems.                              mechanisms in water absorption, water transport, phloem
                                                                translocation, photosynthesis in C3, C4 and CAM plants,
               Assessment Methods:                              transpiration  and the  role  of  stomata in transpiration  and
               Continuous Assessments:   60%                    leaf  gaseous  exchange.  The  basic  morphology  and
               Final Examination:    40%                        development  of  reproductive  organs  (flowers,  fruits  and
                                                                seeds),  diversity  of  shapes  and  adaptations  (including
               Main References:                                 propagation  strategies)  been  relate  to  assimilate
               1.   Huber, P. & Castro, M.E. (2016). Marine Biology, 10th  partitioning and plant adaptation.
                    Ed., McGraw-Hill Companies, USA.

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