Page 52 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
management. Sustainable practices and future areas of 2. Arsath Natheem (2017). Digital Image Processing
research. Socio-economics and management of fisheries using MATLAB: ZERO to HERO Practical Approach
and aquaculture. Latest issues in fisheries with Source Code. Amazon
3. John C. Russ, F. Brent Neal (2016). The Image
Assessment Methods: Processing Handbook. 7th Ed. CRC Press
Continuous Assessment: 60%
Main References:
1. Aoki, I., Yamakawa, T., & Takasuka, A. (Eds.). The student chooses a research title and carries it out
(2018). Fish Population Dynamics, Monitoring, and according to the supervision of his/her supervisor. A
Management: Sustainable Fisheries in the Eternal research proposal detailing literature review, objectives,
Ocean. Springer. methodology and research design, schedule table of
2. Ogle, D. H. (2016). Introductory fisheries analyses research and research budget, needs to be submitted to the
with R (Vol. 32). CRC Press. supervisor within a month. Research work and thesis writing
3. Jentoft, S., Chuenpagdee, R., Barragán-Paladines, are carried out in Semester I and semester II. The
M. J., & Franz, N. (Eds.). (2017). The small-scale completed thesis must be submitted at the end of semester
fisheries guidelines: global implementation (Vol. 14). I and semester II for examination by the supervisor. A
Springer. presentation of the research work in the form of seminar or
poster is needed before the thesis submission.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
This course provides a theoretical and applied
understanding of ecotourism within Malaysia and Main References:
internationally and important examples of sustainable 1. Eco E (2015). How to Write a Thesis. The MIT Press.
tourism practices in natural settings. Topics that will be 2. Guy Roberts-Holmes (2014). Doing Your Early Years
discussed in this course including the best practice in Research Project: A step-by-step guide, Third
ecotourism, ecotourism management policies and Edition. SAGE Publisher, U.K.
ecotourism strategies which are culturally sensitive and 3. Guccione K and Wellington J (2017) Taking Control
economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. of Writing Your Thesis: A Guide to Get You to the
End, BloomsburryAcademic.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Main References:
1. Fennell, D. (2015). Ecotourism. 4th Ed. Routledge. The content of this training depends on where the student
288pp is placed and usually involves field work and on the job
2. Blumstein, D. T., Geffroy, B., Samia, D. S. M., & training related to issues of biology and diversity.
Bessa, E. (Eds.). (2017). Ecotourism’s Promise and
Peril: A Biological Evaluation. Springer. 185pp Assessment Methods:
3. Wearing, S., & Schweinsberg, S. (2018). Ecotourism: Continuous Assessment: 100%
Transitioning to the 22nd Century. 3rd Ed. Routledge.
180pp Main References:
1. Standard Operating Procedure at Industrial
SIE 3022 BIOIMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS 2. Briefing notes from coordinator
This course aims to introduce the concepts in image
processing and analysis, specifically on biological images. SIE 3025 BIODIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND
It covers the introduction of the digital image CONSERVATION
representation, processing and analysis. Various problems
related to biological images are considered to be solved Topics on biodiversity governance will discuss policy and
using programming language such as R and C++, as well legislation, international treaties, laws and species
as image processing and analysis software such as protection covering biodiversity and its importance. In
MorphoJ, ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop. addition, the course will also discuss the threats to diversity;
the causes of the decline in biological diversity. The
Assessment Methods: description of global initiatives for species / habitat /
Continuous Assessment: 60% landscape protection will be explained based on CITES,
Final Examination: 40% RAMSAR, UNESCO WHS and CBD. Details on the
National Biodiversity Policy, Protected Areas, Forestry and
Main References: Wildlife Act will be covered in this topic. The implementation
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods (2017). of local CITES and other international agreements will also
Digital Image Processing. 4th Ed. Pearson Education be emphasized. Whereas on the topic of conservation,
identity, values and ethics will be discussed in depth
including information on introduced species, species
invaders and species migration.