Page 50 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               SIE 3009  PLANT PATHOLOGY                        SIE 3013  ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY
               Introduction to plant pathology and its importance. Concept   This  course  will  provide  a  solid  foundation  in  economic
               of plant diseases. Plant diseases caused by abiotic factors   entomology,  emphasizing  life-history,  ecological  and
               and  non-infectious  diseases.  Interactions  between   evolutionary factors which make certain species pests or
               pathogens and plant hosts. Koch Postulate.  Plant diseases   beneficial  insects.  The  course  will  cover  insect  diversity,
               from  infections  by  viruses,  bacteria,  mycoplasm-  like   taxonomy  and  classification,  beneficial  insects,  medically
               organisms, fungi, algae / lichens, higher plants, protozoa,   important insects, urban pest, agricultural pests, insects as
               nematodes  and  insects.  Principles,  management  practices   models in science and conservation.
               and  control  of  plant  diseases  including  biological  control
               using viruses, bacteria and fungi.               Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment: 60%
               Assessment Methods:                              Final Examination:    40%
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:    50%                        Main References:
                                                                1.  Reddy,  D.  S.  (2018).  Applied  Entomology.  Third
               Main References:                                     Edition. Science Technology
               1.   Frost,  C.  (2019).  Plant  Pathology.  ML  Books  2.  Fernald,  H.  T.  (2015).  Applied  Entomology;  an
                    International.                                  Introductory Text-book of Insects in Their Relations to
               2.   Burchett,    S.    (2018).   Plant  Pathology  –  1st.  Man. Sagwan Press
                    Edition.  Taylor and Francis.               3.  Pedigo, L.P. & M.E. Rice (2014). Entomology and Pest
               3.   Ownley,  B.H.  (2017).  Plant  Pathology  Concepts  –  Management, 6th. Edition. Prentice Hall
                    3rd. Edition.  CRC Press I. LLC.

                                                                SIE 3014  INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT
                                                                Introduction  to  pest  species.  The  needs  of  pest
               Introduction  to  horticulture  and  landscapes.  Importantly,   management.   Definition   of   the   integrated   pest
               horticultural  crops  are  food  and  non-food  crops.   management. The history and basic of the integrated pest
               Propagation,  cultivation,  growth  medium,  environmental   management. Pest control methods – Biological, chemical,
               parameters, plant diseases and their control, and others will   physical,  mechanical,  interference  and  host  resistance.
               be  discussed.  Various  aspects  of  the  landscape  will  be   Pesticides crisis. Implementation method of integrated pest
               discussed.                                       management.   Examples   of   the   integrated   pest
                                                                management  usage  in  various  fields,  particularly  in
               Assessment Methods:                              agriculture.
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:    50%                        Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Main References:                                 Final Examination:    50%
               1.   Carroll  Shry  &  Edward  Reiley  (2016)  Introductory
                    Horticulture. 9th Edition. Cengage Learning.  Main References:
               2.   Black  &  Decker  (2015).  The  Complete  Guide  to   1.  Abrol,  D.P.  and  Shankar,  U.  2016.  Integrated  Pest
                    Landscape  Projects,  2nd  Edition:  Stonework,  Management: Principles and Practice. CABI.
                    Plantings, Water Features, Carpentry, Fences.  2.  Abrol,  D.P.  2014.  Integrated  Pest  Management:
               3.   Alan  Toogood  (2019).  Propagating  Plants:  How  to  Current  Concepts  and  Ecological  Perspective.
                    Create New Plants for Free.                     Elsevier Inc.
                                                                3.  Pimentel,  D.  and  Peshin,  R.  2014.  Integrated  Pest
               SIE 3012  PARASITOLOGY                               Management:  Experiences  with  Implementation,
                                                                    Global Overview. Springer.
               This course will introduce macroparasites with focus on the
               identification and classification of endo- and ectoparasites,   SIE 3015  ECOTOXICOLOGY
               the biology, life-cycle, and preservation of specimens.
                                                                This course will provide a solid foundation in ecotoxicology,
               Assessment Methods:                              including  principle  study  methods  in  ecotoxicology,
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     distribution of chemicals in the environment, transformation
               Final Examination:    50%                        of chemicals in the environment, exposure and uptake by
                                                                organisms,  and  effects  on  population,  community  and
               Main References:                                 ecosystem. Case studies and the procedures for Ecological
               1.  Goater,  T.M,  Goater,  P.G,  and  Esch,  G.W.  (2014)  Impact  Assessments  will  be  studied  in  detail  with  an
                   Parasitism:  The  diversity  and  ecology  of  animal  emphasis  on  the  limitations  of  studies  in  a  constantly
                   parasites. Cambridge University Press. 2nd Edition  changing natural system.
               2.  Taylor, M.A., Coop, R.L & Wall, R. L (2016) Veterinary
                   Parasitology Wiley Blackwell 4th Edition     Assessment Methods:
               3.  Cox. F.E.G. (2009) Modern Parasitology: A textbook  Continuous Assessment:   60%
                   of Parasitology.Wiley Press. 2nd Edition.    Final Examination:    40%

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