Page 55 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Main References: Main References:
1. Snustad D.P. & Simmons M.J. Principles of 1. Green M.R. & Sambrook J. Molecular Cloning: A
Genetics, 6th ed, 2011, Wiley Publications. Laboratory Manual, Three-volume set 4th ed, 2012,
2. Brooker R. Genetics: Analysis and Principles, 6th ed, CSH Laboratory Press
2018, McGraw Hill Education. 2. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
This course encompasses structure and physical Introduction to identification and classification of main
characteristic of water, acid and base, pH and pK; Bacteria and Archaea. Role and impact of bacteria and
classification, structure and function of carbohydrates, Archaea in daily life.
lipids, amino acids and proteins; nucleic acids and
molecular biology; characteristic of enzyme and the
regulation of enxyme activity; Biological Metabolism Assessment Methods:
Fundamentals, catabolism and anabolism of Continuous Assessment: 50%
macromolecules in cell. Final Examination: 50%
Assessment Methods: Main References:
Continuous Assessment: 50% 1. Madigan et al. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 15th
Final Examination: 50% ed: 2017, Pearson
2. Tortora et al. Microbiology: An Introduction,12th ed,
Main References: 2016, Pearson
1. Voet D. & Voet J.G. Biochemistry, 5th ed, 2017, 3. Willey et al. Prescott’s Microbiology, 11th ed,
Wiley 2020, McGraw-Hill
2. Garrett R.H & Grisham C.M. Biochemistry, 6th ed. 4. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd ed,
2017, Cengage Learning. 5 volumes 2001-2012, Springer
3. Berg J.M., Tymoczko J.L., Gatto Jr G.J. & Stryer
L. Biochemistry, 8th ed, 2015, W.H. Freeman.
SIR1004 CONCEPTS OF GENETIC ENGINEERING This course introduces the importance of the immune
system, components of the immune system, different
This course emphasise on the isolation of DNA and RNA, categories of immune responses and their general
vector for gene cloning; various techniques on the properties. For adaptive immune response, in depth
transformation of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, explanation will be given on the development of the
identification of transformants, PCR technique, Southern lymphocytes, the receptor gene rearrangement, the
& Northern hybridisations, Sanger sequencing, NGS, selection process and the activation mechanisms of the
mutagenesis, genome editing techniques. lymphocytes. The role of MHC molecules in antigen
presentation will also be covered. This will be followed by
Assessment Methods: the effector functions of the activated lymphocytes,
Continuous Assessment: 50% integrated with the innate immune responses, which also
Final Examination: 50% includes the mechanisms of inflammation, phagocytosis
and complement.
Main References:
1. Brown T.A. Gene Cloning, 6th ed, 2013, Wiley- Assessment Methods:
Blackwell Continuous Assessment: 50%
2. Primrose S.B., Twyman R.M. & Old R.W. Principles Final Examination: 50%
of Gene Manipulation, 8th ed, 2014, Blackwell
3. Sambrook J. & Russell D.W. Molecular Cloning, a Main References:
laboratory manual, 3rd ed, 2017, CSH Lab Press 1. Abbas, A.K. Cellular and molecular immunology
9th ed, 2018, Elsevier
2. Roitt, I.M. Roitt’s essential immunology 12th ed,
PRACTICAL I 3. Abbas, A.K. et al. Basic immunology: functions and
disorders of the immune system 4th ed, 2014,
The practical classes emphasize on learning laboratory Elsevier
approaches to both classical Mendelian Genetics and
Genetic engineering problems requiring hands-on bench- SIR2013 VIROLOGY
work and biological data analysis. The introductory lecture
prior to the wet lab covers the theory behind the experiment Structure and Characteristics of Viruses: Building of viral
and some of the techniques. This practical module focuses capsid structures, the types of viral capsids and
on the prokaryotic system. Techniques will include crossing nucleocapsids, virus envelope, the types of viral proteins
(testcross, backcross), plasmid extraction, restriction and nucleic acids. The principles of viral taxonomy;
enzyme digestion, ligation, agarose gel electrophoresis and replication: The structure of viruses and their replicative
transformation cycle, the rationale behind the Baltimore classification
system of viruses and example viruses for each Baltimore
Assessment Methods: group, genome expression (RNA transcription and protein
Continuous Assessment: 100% translation) based on Baltimore groups, viral genome
replication, and assembly of viral components to form new
viruses. Virus pathogenesis: Virus transmission, virus
infection phases, virus entry into
cells, the interaction virus-host and mechanisms of disease,
and measurements for prevention and control of viral