Page 60 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

              Advanced food microbiology is a follow-up course of food   The course covers how genomic tools with emphasis using
              microbiology.  The  students  are  required  to  have  basic   molecular  genetic  markers  are  to  be  applied  in  various
              knowledge in food microbiology to understand this course.   animal  breeding  programmes  as  an  aid  for  genetic
              Advanced food microbiology covers various food protection   identification,  monitoring  inbreeding  effects,  parentage
              methods  and  approaches  used  in  the  food  industry  to   identification, stock assignment and construction of genetic
              prolong shelf life and ensure food safety. Also, students will   maps  for  animal  improvement  for  selected  traits  in
              be exposed to HACCP and ISO systems used widely in the   domesticated  animals  which  is  preferred  in  livestock
              food industry nowadays, food safety objectives (FSO) and   production.
              risk  analysis  as  a  widely  used  risk  managing  system  in
              ensuring global safe food trading. In this course, hands-on   Assessment Methods:
              practical to measure and analyse the efficiency of various   Continuous Assessment:    100%
              food protection methods and establishment of FSO and risk
              assessment model will be conducted.              Main References:
                                                               1.  Cockett, N.E and Chittaranjan, K. Genome Mapping
              Assessment Methods:                                  and Genomics in Domestic Animals, 2016, Springer-
              Continuous Assessment:   70%                         Verlag
              Final Examination:   30%                         2.  Weller.  Genomic  Selection  in  Animals,  2016,  John
                                                                   Wiley and Sons
              Main References:
               1.  Bibek R. & Arun B. Fundamental Food Microbiology,  SIR3035 ANIMAL GENETICS AND GENE
                   2013, CRC Press.                                   MANIPULATION
               2.  Roller  S.  Essential  Microbiology  and  Hygiene  for  The  course  is  an  introduction  to  the  genetic  principles,
                   Professionals, 2012, CRC Press.             mining  functional  animal  traits  using  genomic  selection,
               3.  ILSI Europe Risk Analysis in Food Microbiology Task  manipulation of genes for genetic improvement of animals
                   Force.  ILSI  Europe  Report  Series:  Tools  for  and biosafety regulations related to animal research. The
                   Microbiological Risk Assessment, 2012.      students  develop  skills  in  collecting,  analysing  and
                                                               disseminating  information  and  data  related  to  animal
                                                               genetics and gene manipulation.
              The importance of microorganisms in recycling nutrients to   Assessment Methods:
              reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture, biogeochemical   Continuous Assessment:   40%
              cycles,  biological  processes  for  controlling  plant  pest  &   Final Examination:   60%
              diseases, soil fertility management.

               Assessment Methods:                              Main References:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     1.  Primrose S.B.  &  Twyman  R.M.  Principles  of
               Final Examination:   50%                             Gene Manipulation and Genomics, 7th ed, 2006,
               Main References:                                 2.  Cockett,  N.E.&  Kole  C.  Genome  Mapping  and

                1.  Subba  Rao  N.S.  Soil  Microbiology,  4th  ed,  2008,   Genomics in Domestic Animals, 2009, Springer
                    CBS Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.               3.   Strachan T. & Read A. Human Molecular Genetics,
                2.  Dar G.H. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry, 2009,  4th ed, 2010, Garland Science
                    New India Publishing.
                3.  Insam  H.I.,  Riddech  N.  &  Klammer  S. Microbiology  SIR3036 FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY
                    of Composting, 2002, Springer Verlag.
                                                                Elaborate   microbial   and   biochemical   aspects   in
                                                                fermentation  processing,  principles  and  kinetics  of
               SIR3033 APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL                fermentation,  types  of  bioreactors  and  generation  of
                       MICROBIOLOGY                             fermentation product

               Understanding the role of microbes and its biochemistry   Assessment Methods:
               for processing industrial products, microbiological   Continuous Assessment:   50%
               principles in biogeochemical cycle, use of biosensors and   Final Examination:   50%
               biochips in industrial and environmental microbiological
               processes, application of intellectual property principles in   Main References:
               industrial and environmental microbiology       1.   El-Mansi E.M.T. et al. Fermentation Microbiology &
                                                                    Biotechnology 3rd ed, 2011
               Assessment Methods:                             2.   Stanbury  P.   &   Whitaker   A.   Principles   of
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                         Fermentation   Technology,    3rd    ed,    2016,
               Final Examination:   50%                             Pergarmon Press
                                                               3.   Baglio E. Chemistry and Technology of Yoghurt
               Main References:                                     Fermentation, 2014, Springer
                1.  Baltz R., Demain A. & Davies J. Manual of Industrial   SIR3037 PHARMACEUTICAL MICROBIOLOGY
                    Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2010, Wiley
                2.  Rich  S.  Developments  in  Industrial  Microbiology,  Antimicrobial  agents:  types  of  antibiotic,  mode  of  action,
                    2013, Springer                              resistance and other problems in antibiotics utilisation. New
                3.  Pepper I.L. et al. Environmental Microbiology,3rd ed,  sources  of  antibiotics.Vaccines:  mode  of  action,  pro  and
                    2015, Elsevier                              cons   of   vaccines   utilisation.   Disinfectants   and
                                                                preservatives. Introduction to Pharmacopeias. Commercial

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