Page 61 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               production of antibiotics. Sterility testing. Good practices for   Assessment Methods:
               pharmaceutical microbiology labs. Quality assurance   Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                Final Examination:   60%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Main References:
               Final Examination:   50%                         1.   Frankham R., Ballou J.D. & Briscoe D.A. Introduction
                                                                     to  Conservation  Genetics,  2010,  Cambridge
               Main References:                                      University Press.
                1.  Sandle T. Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Essentials  2.  Allendorf  F.W.,  Luikart  G.  &  Aitken  S.N.
                    for  Quality  Assurance  and  Quality  Control,  2016,  Conservation and the Genetics of Populations, 2013,
                    Woodhead Publishing.                             Wiley-Blackwell.
                2.  Denyer  et  al.  Hugo  &  Russell’s  Pharmaceutical  3.  Primack  R.B.  Essentials  of  Conservation  Biology,
                    Microbiology, 8th ed, 2011, Wiley-Blackwell.     2006, Sinauer
                3.  Pommerville  J.C.  Laboratory  Fundamentals  of
                    Microbiology, 2018, Jones & Bartlett
                                                                SIR3044 MOLECULAR EVOLUTION AND
                                                                This course will give an overview of processes in molecular
               Sampling   techniques   and   seawater   analysis.   evolution and how past evolutionary events and processes
               Characteristics of marine and estuarine habitats. Bacteria,   can be understood from the analysis and interpretation of
               algae,  protozoa,  zooplankton,  virus  and  fungi  in  seas.   molecular  data.  This  course  covers  the  following  topics:
               Microbial interactions in marine and estuarine ecosystems.   evolutionary processes in populations, evolution of genes
               Nutrient  cycles  (C,  N,  P,  Si)  in  marine  ecosystems.   and genome, concept of species, speciation, evolution of
               Microbiology and geochemistry of mangrove and coral reef   genetic  systems,  homology  and  sequence  alignment,
               ecosystems                                       models  of  evolution,  phylogenetic,  neutral  evolution,
                                                                coalescent theory, rate of evolutionary change and concept
               Assessment Methods:                              of molecular dating
               Continuous Assessment:   60%
               Final Examination:   40%                         Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Main References:                                 Final Examination:   60%
                1.  Madigan     et   al.Brock  Biology   of
                    Microorganisms,15th ed, 2017, Pearson       Main References:
                2.  Kirchman  DL.  Processes  in  Microbial  Ecology,  1.  Smith,  J.M.  Evolutionary  Genetics,  2008,  Oxford
                    2012, Oxford University Press                    Univ. Press
                3.  Gasol J.M. & Kirchman D.L. Microbial Ecology of the  2.  Herron  J.C.  &  Freeman,  S.  Evolutionary Analysis,
                    Oceans, 3rd ed, 2018, Wiley                      5th ed, 2015, Pearson Education, Inc.
                                                                3.   Pevsner, J. Bioinformatics and functional genomics,
                                                                     2015, John Wiley & Sons.
                       BIOLOGY                                  SIR3045 ADVANCED MYCOLOGY
               An  introduction  to  the  basic  principles  and  current   Fungi  are  important  decomposer  in  ecosystem  and  also
               development  on  plant  molecular  biology.  Covering   play role in human lives. This course covers the evolutionary
               theoretical  and  practical  aspects  that  are  important  for   genetics, recent developments and  application of fungi.
               current  approaches  in  plant  improvement  and  plant
               biotechnology. This course also introduces basic principles   Assessment Methods:
               of plant genetic engineering and the techniques involved.   Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Issues related to GMO will be discussed.         Final Examination:   50%
               Assessment Methods:                              Main References:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     1.   Tiquia-Arashiro  S.  &  Grube  M.  Fungi  in  Extreme
               Final Examination:   50%                              Environments:   Ecological   Roles   and
                                                                     Biotechnological Significance, 2019, Springer.
               Main References:                                 2.   Thangadurai  D.,  Sangeetha  J.  &  David  M.
                1.  Buchanan et al. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  Fundamentals of Molecular Mycology, 2016, Apple
                    of Plants, 2nd ed, 2015, Wiley                   Academic Press.
                2.  Krebs et al. Lewin’s Genes XII, 12th ed, 2017  3.  Satyanarayana T., Deshmukl S.K. & Despande
                3.  Slater  et  al.  Plant  Biotechnology:  the  genetic  M.V.  Advancing  Frontiers  in  Mycology  and
                    manipulation  of  plants,  2nd  ed,  2008,  Oxford  Mycotechnology, 2019, Springer.
                    University Press

               This course covers the following topics: Biological diversity
               (ecosystem, species, genetics), resources and ownership
               of  the  Malaysian  forest,  estimating  and  characterizing
               genetic  diversity,  inbreeding  depression,  population
               fragmentation,  genetic  management  in  the  wild  and
               captivity, units of conservation, use genetic tools in forensic
               and conservation management, climate change

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