Page 58 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
SIR2031 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY In this course, students will consolidate their understanding
of microorganisms of importance in human health and
Understanding the sources of microorganisms in food, disease in a series of lectures, laboratory sessions and lab
intrinsic and extrinsic parameters that affect microbial visit to develop skills on the detection and identification of
growth and food spoilage. Microbiology of fermented food. infectious agents in the clinical laboratory. Topics include
Characteristics of major foodborne pathogens. Methods in the preanalytical collection and processing of clinical
detecting microorganisms in food using conventional and specimens as well as the analytical morphology, isolation,
molecular approaches. and identification of pathogens, with a focus on colonial,
microscopic, biochemical and molecular characteristics and
Assessment Methods: additionally the post-analytical interrelationships of
Continuous Assessment: 60% microorganisms and human hosts and the correlation,
Final Examination: 40% prevention and control of infectious diseases. Bacteriology
is emphasized but the course includes a survey of
Main References: mycology, parasitology, and virology. This course will
1. Bibek R. & Arun B. Fundamental Food provide the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in
Microbiology, 2013, CRC Press. profesional practice in microbiology laboratories.
2. Roller S. Essential Microbiology and Hygiene for
Professionals,2012, CRC Press. Assessment Methods:
3. Jay J.M., Loessner M. J. & Golden D.A. Modern Continuous Assessment: 50%
Food Microbiology. 7th ed, 2004, Springer. Final Examination: 50%
Main References:
SIR2041 POPULATION GENETICS 1. Caroll K.C. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 12th ed,
2019, ASM Press.
The course is a course that covers how population genetics 2. Tille P.M. & Forbes B.A. Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic
concepts (empiral, theoretical and experimental methods) Microbiology, 14th ed, 2016, Elsevier
which are based on mathematical models, can be applied 3. Riedel et al. Jawetz, Melnick,& Adelberg’s Medical
in various fields of study. The students will use their Microbiology, 28th ed, 2019, McGraw Hill
knowledge, and learn to think logically and solve genetic
problems in a systematic manner. The introduction of SIR3022 ADVANCED IMMUNOLOGY
coding in line with IR 4.0 with the use of R programming
and other analytical skills will be enhanced in this course. This module covers topics on the concepts and
Lastly the knowledge should be applied and communicated consequences of the failure mechanism and deficiency of
to address problem solving in the community such as the immune system in providing protection. Topics on
conservation, ecological, medical and management of concepts, mechanisms and immunotherapies in
resources. autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity, transplantation
immunology and tumour immunity will also be focused, as
Assessment Methods: well as the emerging roles of human microbiota and
Continuous Assessment: 40% immunity.
Final Examination: 60%
Assessment Methods:
Main References: Continuous Assessment: 50%
1. Hedrick P.W. Genetics of Populations, 4th ed, Final Examination: 50%
2011, Jones & Bartlett Learning
2. Hartl D.L. & Clark A.G. Principles of Population Main References:
Genetics, 4th ed, 2006, Oxford University Press 1. Abbas A.K. Cellular and molecular immunology, 9th
ed, 2018, Elsevier.
2. Roitt I.M. Roitt's Essential immunology,12th ed,
2011, Blackwell
Science of epidemiology including methods in 3. Abbas A.K. Basic immunology: functions and
epidemiological study. Disease transmission, types of disorders of the immune system, 4th ed, 2014,
reservoirs of infectious agents, emerging and re-emerging Elsevier
infectious diseases, microbiology of water supply and
public health. Prevention and control of infectious SIR3023 ADVANCED VIROLOGY
diseases especially foodborne infections. Concepts and
applications of molecular epidemiology. Practical This module covers topics on viral infection, transmission
component on laboratory skills. and mechanisms of viral pathogenesis. The roles of
viruses in causing plant and human diseases as well as
Assessment Methods: the current interventions that exploit viruses in prevention
Continuous Assessment: 60% and treatment of diseases will be discussed.
Final Examination: 40%
Assessment Methods:
Main References: Continuous Assessment: 50%
1. Madigan et al. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Final Examination: 50%
14th ed, 2014, Prentice Hall
2. Black & Black. Microbiology: Principles and Main References:
Explorations, 10th ed, 2019, Wiley 1. Flint, J. et al. Principles of Virology 4th ed,2015
3. Burlage R.S. Principles of Public Health 2. Cann, A.J. Principles of Molecular Virology. 6th ed,
Microbiology. 2012, Jones & Bartlett Learning. 2014.
3. Knipe, D.M. & Howley, P.M. Fields Virology 6th ed,