Page 53 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Assessment Methods: 3. Harvey, H., Orvis, R., Rissman, J. (2018) Designing
Continuous Assessment: 60% Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon
Final Examination: 40% Energy. Washington D.C.: Island Press.
Main References:
1. Bradley Cardinale, Richard Primack, James SIH 2022 ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT
Murdoch. (2019). Conservation Biology. Sinaeur
Associates Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is an environmental
2. James P. Gibbs, Malcolm L. Hunter, Eleanor J. management that recognizes the cumulative interactions
Sterling. (2008). Problem-solving in conservation within an ecosystem, i.e. biotic and abiotic factors including
biology & wildlife management. Second Edition. humans and its socio economic dependency on ecosystem,
Wiley-Blackwell rather than considering single issues, species, or
3. Robin L., Sorlin S., Warde P. (2013). The future of ecosystem services in isolation. This course will cover
nature: Documents of global change. Yale University application of EBM to terrestrial, coastal zone and marine
Press ecosystems. Students will be exposed to management
techniques of forest ecosystem for timber production, as
SIH 1004 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY well as coastal and marine resources like fisheries.
Problems like development and over exploitation will also
Environmental science explores the interaction and be discussed.
relationships between humans and the environment.
Students will be introduced to concepts that are relevant to Assessment Methods:
environmental management such as ecosystems, biomes, Continuous Assessment: 100%
the human population, renewable and non-renewable
resources, energy, pollution and environmental issues. This Main References:
course will also address the challenge of balancing short- 1. De Young, C., Charles, A., & Hjort, A. (2018). Human
term human needs with the long-term health of dimensions of the ecosystem approach to fisheries
environmental systems, and how to move towards a (No. 1, pp. 1-x). Food and Agriculture Organization of
sustainable future. Sustainable Development Goals will be the United Nations.
highlighted. 2. Clark, J. R. (2018). Coastal zone management
handbook. CRC press.
Assessment Methods: 3. Honachefsky, W. B. (2019). Ecologically based
Continuous Assessment: 50% municipal land use planning. Routledge.
Final Examination: 50%
1. Miller, G. T. & Spoolman, S. (2018). Environmental SOCIETY
Science (16th edition). Boston, Massachusetts:
Cengage Learning. This course addresses the science and engineering on
2. McKinney, M. L., Schoch, R. M., Yonavjak, L. & renewable energy with special emphasis on bioenergy.
Mincy, G. A. (2019). Environmental Science: Renewable resources (“biomass” - plant matter, waste) can
Systems and Solutions. Burlington, Massachusetts: be converted into fuels and chemicals using a variety of
Jones & Barlett Learning. cutting-edge technologies. It covers new thoughts, new
3. Cunningham, W. P. & Cunningham, M. A. (2020). methods and new achievements that have emerged in
Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and renewable energy field in recent years. Related information
Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. with regards to optimized process design, process control,
pre-treatment of substrates for higher conversion rates,
operational and energy efficiency, improvement of the
environmental benefits as well as impacts on society will be
This course introduces you to the key concepts, theories, Assessment Methods:
issues, challenges and debates within climate change, Continuous Assessment: 40%
which is a multidisciplinary subject. Primary emphasis will Final Examination: 60%
be given to causes, impacts and possible solutions for
climate change as well as insights from innovation studies Main References:
and policy development.
1. Renewable Energy
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40% energy/)
Final Examination: 60% 2. Usher, B. (2019) Renewable Energy: A Primer for the
Twenty-first Century. New York: Columbia University
Main References: Press.
1. Berners-Lee, M. (2019) There is no Planet B. 3. Elliot, D., Cook, T. (2018) Renewable Energy: From
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Europe to Africa. Berlin: Springer.
2. Robinson, M. (2018) Climate Justice. London:
Bloomsbury Publishing.