Page 49 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
Continuous Assessement: 50%
Final examination: 50% Behavioural concepts, historical perspectives of behavioural
studies, behavioural diversity inclusive of social habits and
Main References: ecoethology illustrating the functional aspects and
1. Taiz L., Zeiger E., Moller IM, Murphy A (2018). adaptibility of various groups of animal examples, aspects
Fundamentals of Plant Physiology. Oxford University of applied ethology.
2. Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Moeller, I.M., Murphy, A. (2018). Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessement: 50%
Plant Physiology and Development. 6th Edition. Final examination: 50%
Sinauer Associates, Inc.
3. Hodson, M.J. & Bryant, J.A. (2012). Functional Main References:
Biology of Plants. Wiley-Blackwell.
1. Dugatkin, L. A. 2020. Principles of Animal Behavior.
Fourth Edition. University of Chicago Press.
2. Rubenstein, D. R. & Alcock, J. 2018. Animal
Behavior. Eleventh Edition. Sinauer Associates.
Introduction and concept of physiology. Understanding
basic animal physiology such as importance of oxygen, 3. Breed, M. D. 2017. Conceptual Breakthroughs in
Ethology and Animal Behavior. First Edition.
food and energy, temperature adaptation, water,
reproduction and movement, information and integration. Academic PressPress. Cambridge
Assessment Methods: SIE 3006 ECONOMIC BOTANY
Continuous Assessments: 40%
Final Examination: 60% Introduction to the origin of agriculture and the history of
distribution of present-day agricultural crops. The
Main References: importance of fungi, algae & plants as sources for food,
1. Patrick J. Butler, J. Anne Brown, D. George beverage, medicine and others. Plant-based industries
Stephenson, and John R. Speakman. (2020). Animal such as producing perfumes, furniture products, spices,
Physiology: An Environmental Perspective. ISBN: cosmetics, landscaping plants and etc.
2. Richard W. Hill, Gordon A. Wyse, and Margaret Assessment Methods:
Anderson. (2016). Animal Physiology. 4 Edition. Continuous Assessment: 60%
Sinauer Associates is an imprint of Oxford University Final Examination : 40%
3. Dr.P.B.Reddy’s TEXT BOOK OF ANIMAL Main References:
PHYSIOLOGY (2015) 146pp. Free e-book at; 1. Kochhar, S.L. Economic Botany – A Comprehensive Study (2016), Cambridge University Press, UK.
_DrPBReddy's_TEXT_BOOK_OF_ANIMAL_PHYSI 2. "Literary Plants". Nature Plants. 1 (11): 15181.
OLOGY (2015). doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.181. PMID
3. Phumthum, M.; Srithi, K.; Inta, A.; Junsongduang, A.
SIE 3004 QUANTITATIVE ECOLOGY Ethnomedicinal plant diversity in Thailand. J.
Ethnopharmacol. (2017), 214, 90–98.
Principles of ecological sampling and data collection.
Experimental and sampling designs, sample size, sampling
layout, etc. Biotic sampling methods. Population analysis SIE 3007 ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF WEEDS
such as age structure, survivorship, life tables and growth.
Methods for population analysis, including capture- Introduction to ecology and population biology of weeds
recapture methods. Community analyses including with emphasis on weed-crop plant interaction. Weed
measurements of diversity, similarity and distance, and science in the contextof integrated weed management.
cluster analysis. Multivariate methods and ordination Weed management in agro-ecosystems and non-crop
techniques such as principal components analysis. environments. Introduction to herbicides. Herbicide usage,
actions in plants and soil, and effect to the environment.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 60% Assessment Methods:
Final Examination: 40% Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%
Main References:
1. Ovaskainen, O., de Knegt, H. J., & del Mar Delgado, Main References:
M. (2016). Quantitative ecology and evolutionary 1. Zimdahl RL (2018) Fundamentals of Weed Science
biology: integrating models with data. Oxford (5th ed). Academic Press
University Press. 2. Karim SMR et al. (eds) (2019). Invasive Weeds of
2. Rockwood L.L., Witt J.W. (2015). Introduction to Malaysia and Their Sustainable Management. UPM
population ecology (2nd Ed). Wiley Blackwell. UK. Press.
3. Hector A. (2015). The new statistics with R: An 3. Rao VS et al. (eds) (2015). Weed Science in the Asian
introduction for Biologists. Oxford University Press. Pacific Region. Asian-Pacfic Weed Science Society
and Indian Society of Weed Science.