Page 44 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               SIJ 3011 POST-GENOMIC TECHNOLOGIES AND           Assessment Methods:
                      BIOINFORMATICS                            Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                                Final Examination:    50%
               This  course  will  introduce  students  to  post-genomic  era
               technologies and how they are used in scientific research.   Main References:
               The  course  will  focus  on  three  main  platforms  –   1. Pecorino  L.  (2016).  Molecular  Biology  of  Cancer:
               transcriptomics,  proteomics  and  metabolomics.  Students   Mechanisms,  Targets,  and  Therapeutics  (4   edition).
               will  be  exposed  to  bioinformatics  tools  to  allow  them  to   Oxford University Press.
               understand, analyse, integrate and correlate data from the   2. John  E.  Niederhuber,  James  O.  Armitage,  James  H.
               three platforms. The use of these technologies in studying
               biological systems will also be explored. A brief introduction   Doroshow, Michael B. Kastan, Joel E. Tepper. (2020).
               to  other  post-genomic  technologies  (e.g.  lipidomics,   Abeloff's  Clinical  Oncology  (6   edition).  Philadelphia:
               glycomics,  etc)  will  also  be  included.  Throughout  the   Elsevier.
               course, students will also be introduced to Bioinformatics in   3. Y.W.  Francis  Lam,  Stuart  A.  Scott.  (2019).
               data analysis and management.                       Pharmacogenomics:  Challenges and  Opportunities  in
                                                                   Therapeutic  Implementation  (2   edition).  London:
               Assessment Methods:                                 Academic Press.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%
               Main References:                                 SIJ 3017 GLYCOBIOLOGY
                1.  Scientific journal papers
                2.  Notes to be provided during lectures        The  first  part  of  this  course  is  the  deliberation  of  glycan
                3.  Lovric  J.  (2016).  Introducing  Proteomics:  From  structures  and  the  linkages  between  monosaccharides
                    concepts  to  sample separation, mass spectrometry  units  until  the  formation  of  functional  glycans.  Topics  on
                    and data analysis                           glycan-binding  proteins/lectins  will  also  be  coverd  since
                4.  Gomase  V.  (2017).  Transcriptomics:  Expression  these proteins is closely associate with the biological roles
                    Pattern Analysi.s                           of glycans. Abnormality of glycan structure will hinder the
                5.  Lammerhofer  M.  and  Weckwerth  W.  (2018).  interaction  and  consequently  leads  to  disease  formation.
                    Metabolomics  in  Practice:  Successful  Strategies  to  Lastly, students will be given samples of data for them to
                    Generate and Analyze Metabolic Data.        carry  out  glycomic  analysis  by  using  ChemSketch  and
                                                                online glycan database search engine.

               SIJ 3013  NATURAL PRODUCT BIOCHEMISTRY AND       Assessment Methods:
                       DRUG DISCOVERY                           Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                                Final Examination:    50%
               This course is designed to provide an overview to the field
               of natural product and drug discovery. This course covers   Main References:
               the  different  types  of  natural  product  and  their  usages,   1. Varki et al. (2017). Essentials of Glycobiology. 3rd ed.
               positive/negative effects of its usage, important classes of   Cold   Spring         Harbor.
               chemical  compounds,  mechanism  of  reaction,  methods  and
               suitable  experimental  techniques  that  can  be  applied  to   2.
               isolate  and  identify  bioactive/lead  compound.  Drug   3. Chemical biology of glycoproteins / editors: Zhongping
               discovery component will emphasis on how to bring a drug   Tan, Lai-Xi Wang. 2017. ISBN: 9781782623823
               from  concept  to  market,  introduction  to  drug  approval   4. Campbell  et  al.  (2018)  Biochemistry.  Chengage
               process, clinical trials, drug safety guidelines, and ethical   Learning. (QD415 Cam)
               issues.  Research  and  development  that  will  lead  to  the
               invention  of  potentially  commercial  product  will  also  be
               discussed using selected examples.               SIJ 3018 COMPUTATIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY
               Assessment Methods:                              This course describes the application of computational tools
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     to analyze biological problems. Students will be exposed to
               Final Examination:    60%                        the  analysis  of  big  data  including  enzyme  kinetics
                                                                simulation  using  COPASI,  transcriptomics  analysis
               Main References:                                 (microarray  and  RNA-seq  using  R  and  Linux),  genomics
               1. Drug  Discovery  and  Evaluation:  Pharmacological  analysis  (genotyping  microarray  using  R  and  Linux),
                  Assays,  4   ed,  edited  by  Hock  FJ  (2016);  Springer  biomolecular  modelling  (using  FORTRAN)  and  metabolic
                  International Publication.                    network  analysis  (using  R).  At  the  end  of  the  course,
               2. Swamy  MK,  Patra  JK,  Rudramurthy  GR.  (2019).  students  will  be  able  to  use  programming  tools  and
                  Medicinal  Plants:  Chemistry,  Pharmacology,  and  analytical approach  to analyze various omics data.
                  Therapeutic Applications 1  ed; CRC Press
               3. Samuelsson  G,  Bohlin  L.  (2017).  Drugs  of  Natural  Assessment Methods:
                  Origin:  A  Treatise  of  Pharmacognosy,  7   Edition.  Continuous Assessment:   60%
                  Swedish Pharmaceutical Press.                 Final Examination:    40%
                                                                Main References:
               SIJ 3016 BIOCHEMISTRY OF CANCER                  1. Lesk  AM.  (2019).  Introduction  to  Bioinformatics.  5th
                                                                   Edition. Oxford University Press.
               This course will cover the origins of cancer and the genetic   2. Chapman  SJ.  (2017).  Fortran  for  Scientists  and
               and cellular basis for cancer.  It will examine the factors that   Engineers, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
               have been implicated in triggering cancers; the intercellular   3. Pevsner  J.  (2015).  Bioinformatics  and  Functional
               interactions  involved  in  cancer  proliferation;  current   Genomics. 3  edition. John Wiley & Sons.
               treatments  for  cancer  and  how  these  are  designed;  and
               future research and treatment directions for cancer therapy.

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