Page 47 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               Assessment Methods:                              structure   and   control,   community   diversity,   and
               Continuous  Assessment  :  60%                   maintenance  of  diversity. Identify  the  processes  affecting
               Final Examination:    40%                        abundance of organisms and how population abundance
                                                                changes  through  time,  demographic  characteristics  of  a
               Main References:                                 population and the techniques used for quantifying these
               1.   Dorian  Snyder  (2019).  Introductory  Mycology.  ML  characteristics. The impact of abiotic factors on the nature
                    Books International.                        of  population  change  at  small  and  large  scale  will  be
               2.   Joan Wilking  (2017).  Mycology.  Curbside  Splendor  discussed.
               3.   Sarah C. Watkinson, Nocholas P. Money and Lynne  Assessment Methods:
                    Body  (2015).  The  Fungi  –  3rd  Edition.  Elsevier  Continuous Assessment:   60%
                    Science Publishing Co Inc.                  Final Examination:    40%

                                                                Main References:
               SIE 2005  VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY                     1.  Rockwood,  L.L.  (2015).  Introduction  to  Population
                                                                    Ecology.  2nd  Ed.  John  Wiley  &  Sons.  ISBN
               An  introduction  to  vertebrate  biology  including  fish,   9781118947579.
               amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The course will   2.  Vandermeer  J.H.  &  Goldberg,  D.E.  (2013).
               explore  the  evolution  of  these  vertebrates  and  their   Population  Ecology:  First  Principles.  2nd  Ed.
               adaptations that allow them to live in almost every habitat   Princeton University. ISBN 9780691160313.
               on Earth. Lecture materials will emphasize on phylogeny,   3.  Mittelbach,  G.G.  &  McGill,  B.J.  (2019).  Community
               taxonomy,  morphology,  evolution,  ecology,  and  selected   Ecology. 2nd Ed. ISBN 9780198835868.
               aspects  of  the  natural  history  and  behaviour.  Laboratory
               exercises will utilise natural history museum collections to
               focus  on  taxonomy  and  identification  of  local  fishes,   SIE 2010  URBAN ZOOLOGY
               amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
                                                                Natural  history  of  urban  area.  Ecosystems:  natural  and
               Assessment Methods:                              man-made, their main features and differences. The urban
               Continuous Assessment:   60%                     ecosystem:  a  classification  of  the  habitats.  The  animal
               Final Examination:    40%                        component  in  urban  areas:  biodiversity  and  adaptations.
                                                                Pest types and control strategies. Nature conservation in
               Main References:                                 urban habitats. Animal species and habitat fragmentation.
               1.   Pough  F.H.  &  Janis,  C.M.  (2019).  Vertebrate  Life.  Alien species and related problems (invasive species). Feral
                    10th   Ed.   Oxford   University   Press.   ISBN  species and wildlife. Animal Welfare Act 2015. Methods for
                    9781605356075.                              pest control and wildlife animal. Zoological data and urban
               2.   Linzey,  D.W.  (2012).  Vertebrate  Biology.  2nd  Ed.  planning.  Case  studies:  the  fauna  of  Kuala Lumpur,  the
                    John   Hopkins   University   Press.   ISBN  insect fauna of residential area. Involvement of government
                    9781421400402.                              and private agencies in wildlife management and pests.
               3.   Kardong,  K.V.  (2019).  Vertebrates:  Comparative
                    Anatomy, Function, Evolution. 8th Ed., McGraw-Hill.  Assessment Methods:
                    ISBN 9781259700910.                         Continuous Assessment:   60%
                                                                Final Examination:    40%
               SIE 2006  PHYCOLOGY                              Main References:
                                                                1.  Kazaba.(2019).‘Non-protected’   primates   as
               This  course  covers  the  diversity  and  ecology  of  algae.   bushmeat,  pets  and  pests  in  southeastern
               Characteristic  features  of  major  groups  of  algae  will  be   Democratic  Republic  of  Congo.  Journal  of
               discussed  together  with  their  ecological  and  economic   Threatened   Taxa,   11(3).13251-
               importance.                                          13260.
               Assessment Methods:                              2.  Dore.   (2018).   Ethnoprimatology   without
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                         Conservation:  The  Political  Ecology  of  Farmer–
               Final Examination:    50%                            Green Monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus) Relations in
                                                                    St.  Kitts,  West  Indies.  International  Journal  of
               Main References:                                     Primatology, 39, pages 918–944.
               1.   Lee  RE  (2018)  Phycology  5th  ed.  Cambridge  3.  Botero. (2018). Bringing Touch Back to the Study of
                    University Press.                               Emotions  in  Human  and  Non-Human  Primates:  A
               2.   Qin  Y.  (2018).  Bioactive  Seaweeds  for  Food  Theoretical  Exploration.  International  Journal  of
                    Application. Academic Press .                   Comparative       Psycology,     31(0).
               3.   Santhanam  P.,  Begum  A.,  Pachiappan  P.  (2019).
                    Basic  and  Applied  Phytoplankton  Biology.  Springer
                    Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

               Introduction  to  population  growth  and  dynamics  of  age‐
               structured  populations,  population  control,  theory  of
               competition, herbivory, predation, community, trophic

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