Page 56 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                Main References:
               Assessment Methods:                              1.   Schaechter,  M.  Eukaryotic  microbes,  2016,
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                          Academic Press.
               Final Examination:   50%                         2.   Heitman J, Howlett BJ, Crous PW, Stukenbrock EH,
                                                                     James TY, Gow NAR. The Fungal  Kingdom, 2017,
               Main References:                                      ASM Press
                1.  Knipe, D.M. &Howley, P.M. Fields Virology, 6th ed,  3.  Lee  R.E.  Phycology,  5th  ed,  2018,  Cambridge
                    2013, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins              University Press
                2.  Flint, J.  et  al. Principles  of Virology,  4th  ed,  2015,  4.  Roberts L.S., John Jr J. & Nadler S. Foundations
                    Wiley                                            of  Parasitology,  9th  ed,  2012,  McGraw-Hill
                3.  Cann, A.J. Principles of Molecular Virology, 6th ed,  Education
                    2014, Elsevier

               SIR2014  MICROBIOLOGY PRACTICAL                  SIR2017 MICROBIAL ECOLOGY
               In this course, students will be introduced to principles of   Microorganism and ecological theory. Microbial population
               laboratory techniques related to virology, immunology and   and  community  dynamics.  Role  of  microorganisms  in
               bacteriology  such  as  serological  and  molecular  assays.   elemental cycles. Microorganisms in natural environments;
               Discussion  on  the  current  technologies  used  to  further   growth, interaction and adaptation. Marine microbial food
               enhance knowledge in the above fields will be conducted.   web and climate change.
               This  course  will  provide  the  necessary  knowledge  and
               specific skills to have hands-on experience in microbiology   Assessment Methods:
               laboratories.                                    Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                                Final Examination:   50%
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:    100%                   Main References:
                                                                1.   Madigan et al. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 15th
               Main References:                                      ed, 2017, Pearson
                1.  Abbas,    A.K.   Cellular   and   molecular   2.  Kirchman  DL.  Processes  in  Microbial  Ecology,
                    immunology 9th ed., 2018, Elsevier               2012,  Oxford University Press
                2.  McLaughlin  &  Petersen,  Laboratory  Exercises  in  3.  Gasol J.M. & Kirchman D.L. Microbial Ecology of the
                    Microbiology, 2020, LibreTexts.                  Oceans, 3rd ed, 2018, Wiley

                                                                SIR2018 MOLECULAR GENETICS
                                                                This  course  includes  topics  involved  in  eukaryotic  DNA
               Growth,  stress  response,  injuries,  starvation  and  death.   replication,  gene  transcription  and  translation. The  topics
               Morphogenesis.  Structure  and  function  of  membranes,   covered:  Eukaryotic  genome,  C-value  paradox,  histones
               movement  and  chemotaxis.  Aggregation  and  biofilm   and   non-histone   proteins,   heterochromatin   and
               formation.  Energy  production:  aerobic  and  anaerobic.   euchromatin,  classes  of  DNA,  DNA  replication  in
               Anapleurotic pathways. Photosynthesis.           eukaryotes,  transcription,  RNA  polymerases  I,  II  and  III,
               Biosyntesis  of  macromolecules.  Storage  materials   gene  regulation  in  eukaryotes,  various  control  and
               secondary metabolites. Microbs and metals.       regulatory elements, pre-mRNA processing and alternative
                                                                splicing,  RNA  processing  events  (rRNA,  tRNA,  trans-
               Assessment Methods:                              splicing,  RNA-editing),  posttranscriptional  control  of  gene
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     expression,  transcriptional  regulation  (DNA  binding
               Final Examination:   50%                         domains),  and  transcriptional  regulation  through  signal
                                                                transduction pathway.
               Main References:
                1.  White,  D.,  Drummond,  J.,  &  Fuqua,  C.  (2011)  The  Assessment Methods:
                    Physiology and Biochemistry of Prokaryotes, 4th ed,  Continuous Assessment:   50%
                    2011, Oxford University Press               Final Examination:   50%
                2.  Madigan,  M.  &  Martinko,  J.  Brock  Biology  of
                    Microorganisms, 15th ed, 2017, Pearson      Main References:
                3.  Snyder, L., Peter, J.E., Henkin, T.M., & Champness,  1.  Watson et al. Molecular Biology of the Gene, 7th ed,
                    W. Molecular  Genetics  of  Bacteria, 4th  ed,  2014,  2013, Pearson Education
                    ASM Press                                   2.   Snustad  D.P.  &  Simmons  M.J.  Principles  of
                                                                     Genetics, 6th ed, 2011, Wiley
                                                                3.   Brooker  R.  Genetics:  Analysis  and Principles,  6th ed,
               SIR2016 EUKARYOTIC MICROORGANISMS                     2018, McGraw Hill Education

               This course will cover the origin and evolution of eukaryotic   SIR2019 GENOMES
               microorganisms,  diversity  and  classification  of  fungi,
               importance of fungi to plant and animal health, the economy   This  course  introduces  prokaryotic,  eukaryotic  and  viral
               and  environment,  symbiotic  relationship  of  fungi  as   genomes and techniques for studying these genomes. The
               mycorrhizae and lichen, diversity and importance of algae   topics  of  this  course  include:  Genome  sequencing
               to  health  and  the  environment,  diversity  of  protozoa  and   technologies, genome assembly and annotations, genome
               their importance to human health.                sequencing  projects,  genome  anatomies,  genome
                                                                functional  identification,  transcriptomics,  proteomics,
               Assessment Methods:                              epigenomics and other –omics technologies.
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:   50%                         Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                                Final Examination:   50%

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