Page 95 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                                   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY
                                                      SESSION 2021/2022
                                                         (132 CREDITS)
                 UNIVERSITY COURSES (14 CREDITS)
                 Course Code   Course Name                                                         Credit
                GIG1012 /     Philosophy and Current Issues (local students) /                       2
                GLT1017*      Basic Malay Language (*only for international students)
                GIG1013       Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisations                               2
                GIG1003       Basic Entrepreneurship Enculturation                                   2
                GKA/GKI/GKK/   Co-Curriculum                                                         4
                GLTxxxx       English Course (subject to MUET bands)                                 4
                 CORE COURSES (77 CREDITS)
                 Course Code   Course Name                                                         Credit
                 LEVEL 1 (26 CREDITS)
                 SIX1015       Science, Technology and Society                                       2
                 SIX1016       Statistics                                                            3
                 SIC1001       Principle Chemistry                                                   2
                 SIC1006       Computer Programming for the Sciences                                 3
                 SIC1007       Inorganic Chemistry I                                                 3
                 SIC1008       Organic Chemistry I                                                   3
                 SIC1009       Physical Chemistry I                                                  3
                 SIC1010       Mathematics in Chemistry                                              2
                 SIC1011       Safety and Basic Laboratory Techniques***                             3
                 Course Code   Course Name                               Pre-Requisite(s)          Credit
                 SIC1012       Laboratory Skills**                       SIC1011                     2
                 LEVEL 2 (25 CREDITS)
                                                                        SIC1001 and SIC1007
                 SIC2016       Inorganic Chemistry II                   Taken concurrently with SIC2017   3
                                                                        SIC1007 and SIC1012
                 SIC2017       Practical of Inorganic Chemistry II**    Taken concurrently with SIC2016   2
                                                                        SIC1001 and SIC1008
                 SIC2018       Organic Chemistry II                     Taken concurrently with SIC2019   3
                                                                        SIC1008 and SIC1012
                 SIC2019       Practical of Organic Chemistry II**      Taken concurrently with SIC2018   2
                                                                        SIC1001, SIC1009 and SIC1010
                 SIC2020       Physical Chemistry II                    Taken concurrently with SIC2021   3
                                                                        SIC1009 and SIC1012
                 SIC2021       Practical of Physical Chemistry II**     Taken concurrently with      2
                                                                        SIC1001, SIC1007 and SIC1012
                 SIC2022       Basic Analytical Chemistry***                                         3
                                                                        SIC1001, SIC1009 and
                 SIC2023       Molecular Spectroscopy                   SIC1010                      3
                 SIC2024       Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry   Taken concurrently with SIC2018   2
                                                                        SIC1001, SIC1007, SIC1008,
                 SIC2025       Chemistry and Society                    SIC1009, and SIC1010         2

                 LEVEL 3 (26 CREDITS)
                 SIC3020       Inorganic Chemistry III                  Taken concurrently with SIC3021   2

                                                                        SIC2016 and SIC2017
                 SIC3021       Practical of Inorganic Chemistry III**   Taken concurrently with SIC3020          2
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