Page 93 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                               SIT3024   STATISTICAL CONSULTANCY AND DATA
               References:                                              ANALYSIS
               1.  Deitel, P.J. & Dietal, H. (2019). Introduction to Python
                   for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to
                   Program with AI, Big Data and the Cloud. UK: Pearson  Introduction  to  consultancy  activities  and  consulting
                   Education.                                  methods. Related problems and issues. Exposure to the use
               2.  Müller, A.C. & Guido, S. (2016). Introduction to Machine  of  primary  and  secondary  data  from  various  sources.
                                                               Application  of  suitable  statistical  methods  such  as
                   Learning  with  Python:  A  Guide  for  Data  Scientists.  multivariate  analysis,  regression  and  time  series  in  the
                   Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.
               3.  Raschka,  S.  &  Mirjalili,  V.  (2019).  Python  Machine  analysis of real data. Producing report and presenting the
                   Learning:  Machine  Learning  and  Deep  Learning  with  findings that suit the needs of the client.
                   Python,  scikit-learn,  and  TensorFlow  2  (3rd  ed.).  Assessment:
                   Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing.
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       100%
               SIT3021   INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
                                                               1.   Boen, J.R. & Zahn, D.A. (1982). The Human Side of
                                                                    Statistical Consulting. Belmont, CA: Lifetime Learning
               Candidates are required to spend a minimum of 16 weeks
               working  with  selected  companies  in  selected  areas  of   Publications.
               industry.                                       2.   Hand,  D.J.  &  Everitt,  B.S.  (1987).  The  Statistical
                                                                    Consultant   in  Action.   Cambridge:   Cambridge
                                                                    University Press.
               Assessment:                                     3.   Tufte, E.R. (2001). The Visual Display of Quantitative
               Continuous Assessment:       100%                               nd
                                                                    Information.  (2   ed.).  Connecticut,  USA:  Graphics
               Universiti Malaya Guidebook untuk Latihan Industri   4.  Wickham,  H.  &  Grolemund,  G.  (2017).  R  for  Data
                                                                    Science:  Import,  Tidy,  Transform,  Visualize,  and
                                                                    Model Data. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media.
               SIT3022   PROBABILITY THEORY
                                                               SIT3025   STATISTICAL SCIENCE PROJECT
               Probability  measure  and  space,  sigma  field.  Lebesgue
               integration.   Random   variables,   measurability,   Subject to supervising lecturer.
               independence.   Distribution   functions.   Inequalities,
               characteristic functions. Various modes of convergence of
               sequences  of  random  variables.  Classical  limit  theorems.   Assessment:
               Examples of applications.                       Continuous Assessment:       100%
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                Refer to supervising lecturer.
               Final Examination:           50%
               1.  Billingsley, P. (1995). Probability and Measure (3rd ed.).
                   New York: John Wiley.
               2.  Durrett, R.  (2019). Probability: Theory  and Examples
                   (5th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
               3.  Karr,  A.  F.  (1993).  Probability.  New  York:  Springer-
               4.  Rosenthal,  J.S.  (2006).  A  First  Look  at  Rigourous
                   Probability Theory (2  ed.). Singapore: World Scientific
                   Publishing Company.

               Use of functions and commands in statistical packages for
               exploratory  data  analysis,  modelling  and  statistical
               inferences.  Coding  and  programming  using  statistical
               software to solve statistical problems.

               Continuous Assessment:       50%
               Final Examination:           50%
               1.  Crawley, M. (2019). Statistics: An Introduction using R
                   (2nd ed.). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
               2.  Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming: A Tour
                   of Statistical Software Design. San Francisco, CA: No
                   Starch Press.
               3.  Deitel, P.J. & Dietal, H. (2019). Introduction to Python
                   for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to
                   Program with AI, Big Data and the Cloud. UK: Pearson

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