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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                               SIT2007    FOUNDATIONS OF DATA SCIENCE
               1.  Crawley, M. (2013). The R Book (2nd ed.). Chichester,
                   UK: John Wiley & Sons.                      Introduction  to  data  science;  Differences  between
               2.  Crawley, M. (2019). Statistics: An Introduction using R  experimental and observational data; Characteristics of big
                   (2nd ed.).  Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.  data  sets;  Sources  of  biases  in  data  sets;  Introduction  to
               3.  Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming: A Tour  industry-level, open source computing tools such as R; Data
                                                               management; Graphical visualisation including spatial data;
                   of Statistical Software Design. San Francisco, CA: No  Analysis  and  interpretation  of  real  data  sets  with  varying
                   Starch Press.
                                                               degrees of complexity using appropriate statistical methods.
               SIT1003   ANALYSIS  OF  DATA  AND  STATISTICAL   Assessment:
                        REPORT WRITING                         Continuous Assessment:       50%
                                                               Final Examination:           50%
               Descriptive statistics. Hypothesis testing, confidence interval
               and  tests  of  independence.  Regression  and  Correlation:   References:
               continuous response data, simple and multiple linear model.   1.  Irizarry, R. (2019). Introduction to Data Science: Data
                                                                   Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R. Boca Raton,
               Statistical  tests:  Goodness  of  fit  tests,  ANOVA,   FL: CRC Press.
               Nonparametric test.                             2.  Crawley, M. (2019). Statistics: An Introduction using R
                                                                   (2nd ed.). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
               Statistical Report Writing.                     3.  Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming: A Tour
                                                                   of Statistical Software Design. San Francisco, CA: No
               Assessment:                                         Starch Press.
               Continuous Assessment:       50%
               Final Examination:           50%
                                                               SIT2008   FURTHER MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS
               1.  Tibco  Spotfire S-PLUS  Guide to Statistics Volume  1,  The  exponential  family;  sufficient,  complete  and  ancillary
                   TIBCO Software Inc.                         statistics; minimum variance unbiased estimators; Bayesian
               2.  Mann, P. S. (2013). Introductory Statistics, John Wiley  estimation;  Delta  method  for  asymptotic  approximation;
                   & Sons.                                     distributions of certain quadratic forms-one and two factors
               3.  Peck, R., Short, T., & Olsen C (2020). Introduction to  analysis of variance; probability measure space; law of large
                   Statistics and Data Analysis 6th ed. Cengage Learning  numbers; Borel-Cantelli lemma.
               4.  Evans,  J.R.  &  Olson,  D.L.  (2002).  Statistics,  Data
                   Analysis and Decision Modeling and Student CD-ROM  Assessment:
                   (2nd Edition). Prentice Hall.               Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%

               SIT2001   PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS II         References:
                                                               1.  Hogg,  R.V.,  &  Craig,  A.T.  (2013).  Introduction  to
               Distributions of two and more dimensional random variables.   Mathematical Statistics (7th ed.). New York: Wiley.
               Correlation  coefficient.  Conditional  distributions.  Bivariate   2.  Hogg,  R.,  Tanis,  E.,  &  Zimmerman,  D.  (2019).
               normal distribution. Transformation of two random variables.   Probability  and  Statistical  Inference  (10th  ed.).  USA:
               Distributions of order statistics.                  Pearson Education.
                                                               3.  Taylor,  J.C.  (1997).  An  Introduction  to  Measure  and
               Biased  and  unbiased  estimators.  Method  of  moments.   Probability Theory. Springer.
               Method  of  maximum  likelihood.  Confidence  interval  for:   4.  Casella, G., & Berger, R.L. (2002). Statistical Inference
               mean,  proportion  and  variance  of  single  population;   (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Thompson Learning.
               difference  between  two  means,  difference  between  two
               proportions and ratio of variances.
                                                               SIT2009     REGRESSION ANALYSIS
               Hypothesis  testing  for:  mean,  proportion  and  variance  of
               single population; difference between two means, difference   Simple  linear  regression:  Estimation,  hypothesis  testing,
               between two proportions and ratio of variances. Chi-square   analysis  of  variance,  confidence  intervals,  correlation,
               goodness-of-fit tests and contingency tables.   residuals  analysis,  prediction.  Model  inadequacies,
                                                               diagnostics,  heterogeneity  of  variance,  nonlinearity,
               Power of a statistical test. Best critical region. Likelihood ratio   distributional assumption, outliers, transformation. Selected
               test. Chebyshev's inequality. Convergence in probability and   topics  from  matrix  theory  and  multivariate  normal
               distribution.  Asymptotic  distribution  of  maximum  likelihood   distribution.  Multiple  linear  regressions:  Estimated multiple
               estimator. Rao-Cramer's inequality.             linear regression. Hypothesis testing, ANOVA, Confidence
                                                               Interval, Model selection criteria, Diagnostics for influential
               Assessment:                                     observations and multicollinearity. Introduction to logistic and
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Poisson regression.
               Final Examination:           60%
               References:                                     Continuous Assessment:       40%
               1.  Hogg,  R.V.,  &  Tanis,  E.A.  (2015).  Probability  &  Final Examination:   60%
                   Statistics Inference, 9  ed., Pearson.
               2.  Hogg,  R.V.,  McKean,  J.W.,  &  Craig,  A.T.  (2019).  References:
                   Introduction  to  Mathematical  Statistics,  8   ed.,  1.  Montgomery, D.C., Peck, E. A., & Vining, G.G. (2012).
                   Pearson.                                         Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis  (5th ed.).
               3.  Wackerly,  D.,  Mendenhall,  W.,  &  Scheaffer,  R.L.  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
                   (2008). Mathematical and Statistics with Applications,  2.  Weisberg, S. (2014). Applied Linear Regression (4th
                   7  ed., Thomson.                                 ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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