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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Introduction of linear programming in matrix form. Simplex
               method in matrix form, two phase simplex method in matrix
               form.  Revised  simplex  method  in matrix  form. Two  phase   References:
                                                                    Sreenivas,  J.  (2018).  Computational  Fluid  Dynamics
               revised simplex method in matrix form. Sensitivity analysis.
               Dual  simplex.  Integer  linear  programming  (cutting  plane   for Engineers and Scientists. Netherlands: Springer.
               algorithms,  binary  (0-1)).  Parametric  linear  programming.   2.  Braithwaite,  J.  (2017).  Essential  Fluid  Dynamics  for
               Upper  bounded  variables  method.  Goal  programming   Scientists. USA: Morgan & Claypool Publishers
               (graphical  method,  simplex  method),  Karmarkar’s  interior   3.  Aref, H., & Balachandar, S. (2017). A First Course in
               point algorithm, Dantzig-Wolf decomposition principle.   Computational  Fluid  Dynamics.  UK:  Cambridge
                                                                    University Press.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                SIM3030   DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS THEORY
               References:                                     Flows on the line. Flows on the circle.
               1.   Hamdy  A.  Taha  (2017),  Operations  Research:  An
                    Introduction, 10 , Hoboken, New Jersey: Pearson,  Two-dimensional flows. Phase plane. Limit cycles.
               2.   Markland,  R.E  &  Sweigart,  J.R  (1987),  Quantitative  Bifurcations.
                    Methods: Applications to Managerial Decision Making,
                    John Wiley & Sons.                         Three- and higher dimensional flows. Phase space. Chaos.
               3.   Moore,  L.J,   Lee,   S.M   &   Taylor,   B.W   (1993),
                    Management Science, 4  edition, Allyn and Bacon.  Numerical simulations. Applications.
               4.   Winston,   W.L   (1994),   Operations   Research:
                    Applications  and  Algorithms,  3   edition,  Duxbury  Assessment:
                    Press.                                     Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               SIM3028   INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS RESEARCH        References:
                                                               1.   Strogatz,  S.  H.  (2018).  Nonlinear  dynamics  and
               Introduction                                         chaos (2nd ed.).  Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
               Definition of a network, node, branch, path, chain, cycle and   2.  Chou,  C,  &  Friedman,  A.  (2016).  Introduction  to
               circuit.                                             mathematical   biology.  Switzerland:   Springer
                                                                    International Publishing Switzerland.
               Network flow                                    3.   Jordan, D, & Smith, P. (2007). Nonlinear ordinary
               Shortest distance (path), minimum spanning tree, maximum   differential equations: An introduction for scientists
               flow and maximum flow-minimum cost.                  and  engineers  (4th  ed.).  New  York,  NY:  Oxford
                                                                    University Press.
               Activity network                                4.   Hale,  J.  K.,  &  Kocak,  H.  (1991).  Dynamics  and
               Critical  Path  Method  (CPM).  Project  Evaluation.  Review   bifurcations.  New  York,  NY:  Springer-Verlag  New
               Technique (PERT). Probability analysis.              Work Inc.
                                                               5.   Hirsch, M. W., Smale, S., & Devaney, R. L. (2013).
               Assessment:                                          Differential  equations,  dynamical systems  and  an
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                     introduction  to  chaos  (3rd  ed.).  Waltham,  MA:
               Final Examination:           60%                     Elsevier Inc.
               1.   Hamdy A. Taha (2017), An Introduction to Operational  SIQ1001   INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING
                    Research, 10 , Hoboken, New Jersey: Pearson,
               2.   Markland,  R.E  &  Sweigart,  J.R  (1987),  Quantitative  Basic  principles  of  accounting  –  including  the  role  of
                    Methods: Applications to Managerial Decision Making,  accounting  standards.  Different  types  of  business  entity.
                    John Wiley & Sons.                         Basic  structure  of  company  accounts.  Interpretation  and
               3.   Moore,  L.J,   Lee,   S.M   &   Taylor,   B.W   (1993),  limitation of company accounts.
                    Management Science, 4  edition, Allyn and Bacon.
               4.   Winston,   W.L   (1994),   Operations   Research:  Assessment:
                    Applications  and  Algorithms,  3   edition,  Duxbury  Continuous Assessment:   40%
                    Press.                                     Final Examination:           60%
               SIM3029   COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS           1.  Reimers, Jane  L.  (2007).  Financial  Accounting.
                                                                    Pearson Prentice Hall
               Concepts  of  fluid  dynamics:  types  of  fluids  and  flows.   2.  Hermanson,  R.H.    and    J.D.    Edwards    (1995).
               Solution  approaches  to  fluid  dynamics.  Forces,  laws   Financial Accounting:  A  Business  Perspective,  6th
               governing  fluid  motion  and  conservation  of  momentum.   ed, Irwin.
               Dynamics in one dimension and motion on a plane.   3.  Spieceland,  D. J.,  Thomas,  W.,  &  Herrmann,  D.
                                                                    (2013). Financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Higher
               Derivation  of  stream  function  and  equations  of  Euler,   Education.
               Bernoulli  and  Navier-Stokes.  Dimensional  analysis  and   4.  Sangster, A.,  &  Wood,  F.  (2019).  Frank  Wood's
               dimensionless parameters. Dynamic similarity and boundary   Business Accounting (Vol. 1). Pearson Higher Ed.
               layer approximation.                             5.  Deegan, C. (2012). Australian financial accounting.
                                                                    McGraw-Hill Education Australia.
               Solutions  of  flow  problems  and  initial/boundary  conditions
               using computational fluid dynamics methods.

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