Page 80 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022
2. Grill, P. E., Murray, E., & Wright, M. H. (1982).
SIM2019 SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL Practical optimization. Emerald Group Publishing
3. Mohan, C, & Deep, K. (2009). Optimization
Linear systems of first-order equations. Homogeneous linear
systems. Nonhomogeneous linear systems. techniques. New Age Science
4. Foulds, L.R. (1981). Optimization techniques: An
Introduction. Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Nonlinear autonomous systems. Stability. Locally linear 5. Rao, S. S. (2009). Engineering optimization: Theory
systems. Liapunov’s method. Applications
and practice. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Continuous Assessment: 40% SIM3001 GRAPH THEORY
Final Examination: 60%
Graph theory and its applications.
1. Boyce, W. E., Prima, R. C., & Meade, D. B. (2017). Topics will be selected from the following:
Elementary differential equations and boundary Eulerian graphs, trees, planar graphs, graph colouring and
value problems (11 ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
2. Zill, D. G., Wright, W. S., & Cullen, M. R. (2013). chromatic polynomials, Hamiltonian graphs, matching
Differential equations with boundary-value theory, directed graphs and the shortest path problem,
problems (8 ed.). Brooks/Cole, Cengage network theory.
Learning. Assessment:
3. Nagle, R. K., Saff, E. B., & Snider, A. D. (2017). Continuous Assessment: 40%
Fundamentals of differential equations (9 ed.).
Pearson Education, Inc. Final Examination: 60%
4. Jordan, D., & Smith, P. (2007). Nonlinear ordinary References:
differential equations: An introduction for scientists 1. G.Chartrand, L.Lesniak and P.Zhang, Graphs and
and engineers (4 ed.). Oxford University Press. digraphs, 6 .ed. CRC Press, 2015,
5. Perko, L. (2001). Differential equations and
dynamical systems (3 ed.), Springer-Verlag, New 2. R.Diestel, Graph Theory, Springer, 2017.
York, Inc. 3. K.M.Koh, F.Dong, K.L.Ng and E.G.Tay, Graph Theory:
Undergraduate Mathematics, World Scientific, 2015.
4. J.L. Gross, J.Yellan and P.Zhang, Handbook of Graph
Theory, 2 . ed. (Discrete Mathematics and Its
Applications), CRC Press, 2013.
Output function: Theory and some concepts. Break even
model. Maximum profit for monopoly and oligopoly markets. SIM3002 COMBINATORIAL MATHEMATICS
Inventory model. EOQ Model, reordering point, finite input
rate, shortage and discount quantity. Probabilistic model,
safety stock and efficiency level. Enumerative Combinatorics: Permutations and
combinations, Catalan numbers, Stirling numbers and
partition numbers.
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% Existential Combinatorics: Pigeonhole principle, Ramsey
theory of graphs and systems of distinct representatives.
References: Combinatorial Designs: Block designs, balanced incomplete
1. Hamdy A. Taha (2017), Operations Research: An block designs, Steiner triple systems and Hadamard
Introduction, 10 , Hoboken, New Jersey: Pearson.
2. Davies, K.R., McKeown, P.G. & Rakas, T.R. (1986), matrices.
Management Science: An Introduction, Kent Assessment:
Publishing Company. Continuous Assessment: 40%
3. Winston, W.L. (1994), Operations Research: Final Examination: 60%
applications and algorithms, 3rd ed., Duxbury Press.
4. Hillier, Frederick S. (1995), Introductory to
Operations Research, 6th edition, New York, References:
R.A. Brualdi, Introductory Combinatorics (Classic
McGraw-Hill. Version), 5 ed., Pearson, 2017.
5. C.D.J. Waters (2003), Inventory Control and
Management, University of Calgary, Canada. 2. R.P. Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics, Volume 1,
2 ed., Cambridge University Press, 2011.
3. P.J. Cameron, Combinatorics: Topics, Techniques,
Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 1994.
4. J.M. Harris, J.L. Hirst & M.J. Mossinghoff,
Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Springer, 2008.
Unconstraint optimization, necessary and sufficient th
conditions for an extremum point. Constraint optimization. 5. A. Tucker, Applied Combinatorics, 6 ed., John Wiley
Types of constraints. Various techniques for solving and Sons, 2012.
nonlinear problems.
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
1. Yang, X. (2018). Optimization techniques and
applications with examples. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.