Page 77 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               References:                                     1.  Boyce, W. E., Diprima, R. C., & Meade, D. B. (2017).
               1.  Joel  R.  Hass,  Christopher  E.  Heil,  Maurice  D.  Weir,  Elementary  Differential  Equations  and  Boundary
                   Thomas' Calculus, 14th edition, Pearson Education, Inc.  Value Problems, 11  ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
               2.  J.  Stewart,  Calculus,  8th.  edition,  Cengage  Learning,  2.  Trench, W. F. (2021). Elementary Differential
                   2016.                                           LibreTexts Project (
               3.  Robert  A.  Adams,  Christopher  Essex,  Calculus:  A  3.  Blanchard, P., Devaney, R. L., & Hall, G. R. (2012).
                   complete course, 8  edition with MyMathLab, Pearson  Differential Equations. Cengage Learning.
                   Education, 2013.
               4.  R.T. Smith, R.B. Minton, Calculus, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill,
                                                               SIM2001   ADVANCED CALCULUS
                                                               Partial   derivatives.   Differentiability   and   continuity.
                                                               Linearization  and  differentials.  The  Chain  Rule,  Partial
                                                               derivatives   with   constrained   variables.   Directional
               MATLAB  -  Matlab  environment,  matrices,  constants  and   derivatives. Gradient, divergence and curl. Tangent planes.
               variables,  operations,  built-in  functions,  formatted  output,   Taylor’s Theorem. Extremum problems of functions of two
               plotting graphs, expressions and logical data, branches and
               loops,  scripting,  user-defined  functions.  Applications  to   variables. Lagrange multipliers.
               selected mathematical problems.
                                                               Double  integrals,  iterated  integrals  and  Fubini’s  Theorem.
                                                               Applications  to  areas  and  volumes.  Double  integrals  in  polar
               Assessment:                                     form.  Triple  integrals,  iterated  integrals.  Volumes  and
               Continuous Assessment:       50%
               Final Examination:           50%                masses.  Triple  integrals  in  cylindrical  and  spherical
                                                               coordinates  forms.  Substitution  in  multiple  integrals,
               1.  Hahn,  B.  D.,  &  Valentine,  D.  T.  (2019).  Essential  Basic  set  theory.  Functions,  bijective  functions,  inverse
                   MATLAB  for  engineers  and  scientists.  Cambridge,
                   MA: Academic Press.                         functions. Finite and infinite sets, countable and uncountable
                2.  MATLAB ® Primer R2019a. (2019). MathWorks, Inc.  sets.  The  Real  Number  system.  Bounds,  supremum  and
                                                               infimum.  Archimedean  property.  Rational  and  irrational
                3.  Chapman, S. J.  (2016).  MATLAB  Programming  for  numbers.  Properties  of  real  numbers.  Sequences  of  real
                   Engineers. Cengage Learning.
                                                               numbers,   convergence.   Limit   Theorems.  Monotone
                                                               sequences,  Cauchy  sequences  and  subsequences.  Basic
                                                               topology of the real line: Open and closed sets, accumulation
               Basics  of  worksheets,  entering  labels,  numbers  and
               formulae. Absolute and relative addressing, Excel functions.   Assessment:
               Graph plotting. Use of Excel Solver. Applications to some   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               selected mathematical problems.                 Final Examination:           60%
               Continuous Assessment:       50%                1.  Joel R. Hass, Christopher E. Heil, Maurice D. Weir,
               Final Examination:           50%                    Thomas' Calculus, 14th edition, Pearson Education,
                                                                   Inc. 2019.
                                                                2.  J. Stewart, Calculus, 8th. edition, Cengage Learning,
               References:                                         2016.
               1.  Engineering with Excel by Ronald W. Larsen, Upper
                   Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 5  edition,  3.  R. G. Bartle & D. R. Sherbert,  Introduction to Real
                   2017.                                           Analysis, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
                2.  Excel for Engineers and Scientists by S. C. Bloch and  4.  R. Lay, Analysis with an introduction to proof, 5th ed.,
                                                                   Pearson, 2014.
                   Sylvan Charles Bloch, John Wiley & Sons 2003.  5.  M.   Field,    Essential    Real    Analysis,    Springer
                3.  Excel  for   Scientists   and   Engineers:   Numerical  Undergraduate Mathematics Series, 2017.
                   Methods  by  E.  Joseph Billo, Wiley-Interscience;
                                                               SIM2002     LINEAR ALGEBRA
                                                               Vector spaces and subspaces, null spaces, sums and direct
                                                               sums  of  subspaces.  Linear  independences,  bases,
               First  order  ODEs:  Definitions,  solution  concepts,  valid   dimension,  the  subspaces  dimension  theorem,  row  and
               solution  intervals.  Solutions to separable  equations,  linear   column spaces, rank, ordered bases, coordinates, changes
               equations,  Bernoulli,  exact  and  non-exact,  homogeneous   of basis.  Linear transformations, kernel and range, the rank-
               equations. Some applications of first order ODEs.
                                                               nullity  theorem,  isomorphisms,  matrix  representations.
                                                               Eigenvalues,  eigenvectors,  characteristic  polynomials,
               Linear  ODEs  of  second  and  higher  orders:  Definitions,   diagonalizability, the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.
               solution  concepts,  linear  independence,  Wronskian.
               Solutions   to   homogeneous  and   non-homogeneous   Assessment:
               equations. Method of undetermined coefficients, Variation of
               parameters.   Series   solutions.   Frobenius’s   method,   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Legendre and Bessel’s equations.                Final Examination:           60%
               Assessment:                                     References:
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                1.  Axler, S. (2015). Linear algebra done right (3  ed.). New
               Final Examination:           60%                    York: Springer-Verlag.
                                                               2.  Friedberg, S.H., Insel, A.J., Spence, L.E. (2019). Linear
                                                                   algebra (5  ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education.
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