Page 76 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                      BACHELOR OF SCIENCE PROGRAMS
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Please refer to Program Structure for courses.
                             FURTHER DEGREE                    1.  Susanna  S.    Epp,    Discrete    Mathematics    with
                                                                   applications, 5  edition, Cengage Learning, 2019.
               Apart from teaching and supervising at the bachelor’s level,   2.  Douglas E.  Ensley,  J.  Winston  Crawley,  Discrete
               the staff members of the institute also supervise research   Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons. 2006.
               projects that lead to Master’s and doctorate degrees in the                       nd
               three branches of mathematics.                   3.  K.  Devlin,  Sets,  Functions  and  Logic,  2   edition,
                                                                   Chapman & Hall, 1992.
                                                                4.  H. Anton, C. Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra with
                            JOB OPPORTUNITIES                      Applications, 11  edition, Wiley High Education Inc.,
               The learning of mathematics will help increase one's skills in                           th
               problem  solving  and  analysis.  It  trains  one’s  mind  to   5.  Larson,  D.C.  Falvo, Elementary Linear Algebra,  7
                                                                   edition, Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, 2012.
               manipulate information, to form accurate, complicated and
               abstract  ideas  and  to  enable  one  to  discern  complicated
               arguments. The training to think quantitatively, logically and
               analytically in problem solving may prove valuable in one's   SIM1002   CALCULUS  I
               chosen career.
                                                               Functions  and  their  graphs,  combining  functions,
                                                               trigonometric functions. Rate of change and tangent lines to
               Since the use of mathematics is all encompassing in human   curves,  limits  of  functions  and  limit  laws,  the  precise
               endeavour,  a  graduate’s  career  opportunities  are  almost
               limitless  and  not  only  confined  to  teaching  and  research.   definition  of  a  limit,  one-sided  limits,  continuity,  limits
               Many graduates from this Institute have been employed in   involving  infinity  and  asymptotes  of  graphs.  Tangent  lines
                                                               and  the  derivative  at  a  point, the  derivative  as  a function,
               the financial sectors (banking, accountancy and insurance   differentiation  rules,  derivatives  of  trigonometric  functions,
               for  instance),  management,  business,  industry  and   the  chain  rule,  implicit  differentiation.  Extreme  values  of
               computing sectors.
                                                               functions, the mean value theorem, monotonic functions and
                                                               the  first  derivative  test,  concavity  and  curve  sketching,
                                                               antiderivatives. Sigma notation and limits of finite sums, the
                           SYNOPSIS OF COURSES
                                                               definite  integral,  the  fundamental  theorem  of  calculus,
                                                               indefinite integrals and the substitution method, the definite
                                                               integrals  substitution  and  the  area  between  curves,
                                                               logarithms  functions,  exponential  functions,  indeterminate
               Introduction  to  statistics;  Experimental  and  observational   forms and L’hopital’s Rule.
               studies;  Display  and  organisation  of  data;  Descriptive
               statistics;  Population  and  samples;  Sampling  methods;
               Basic  probability  theory;  Useful  probability  distributions:   Assessment:
               binomial,  Poisson  and  normal;  Sampling  distributions;   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Central  Limit  Theorem;  Point  estimation  and  confidence   Final Examination:   60%
               interval; Hypothesis testing for mean and proportion in one   References:
               and  two  populations;  Chi-square  tests;  Simple  linear   1.  Joel  R.  Hass,  Christopher  E.  Heil,  Maurice  D.  Weir,
               regression and correlation analysis.
                                                                   Thomas' Calculus, 14th edition, Pearson Education, Inc.
               Assessment:                                     2.  J.  Stewart,  Calculus,  8th.  edition,  Cengage  Learning,
               Continuous Assessment:       100%
                                                               3.  Robert  A.  Adams,  Christopher  Essex,  Calculus:  A
               References:                                                      th
               1.  McClave, J.T. &  Sincich, T.T.  (2016).  Statistics  (13th   complete course, 8  edition with MyMathLab, Pearson
                   ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.          Education, 2013.
               2.  Mann,  P.  S.  (2010).  Introductory  Statistics  (7th  ed.).  4.  R.T. Smith, R.B. Minton, Calculus, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill,
                   New York: Wiley.
               3.  Freedman, D., Pisani, R. & Purves, R. (2007). Statistics
                   (4th ed.). New York: W.W. Norton.
                                                               SIM1003    CALCULUS II
                                                               Inverses  trigonometric  functions,  hyperbolic  functions,
               SIM1001   BASIC MATHEMATICS
                                                               inverses  hyperbolic  functions.  Basic  integration  formulas,
                                                               integration  by  parts,  trigonometric  integrals,  trigonometric
               Introductory  logic.  Mathematical  statements.  Quantifiers.   substitutions,  integration  of  rational  functions  by  partial
               Rules  of  inference.  Mathematical  induction,  binomial   fractions, improper Integrals. Sequence, infinite series, the
               theorem.  Sets,  Cartesian  products,  equivalence  relations,   integral  test, comparison tests,  absolute convergence,  the
               functions,  bijections,  inverse  functions.  Integers,  rational
               numbers,  real  numbers.  Complex  numbers.  De  Moivre’s   ratio  and  root  tests,  alternating  series  test,  conditional
               theorem  and  roots  of  unity.  Polynomials  and  equations.   convergence,  power  series,  Taylor  and  Maclaurin  series.
                                                               Calculus with parametric curves, polar coordinates. Three-
               Remainder  theorem,  fundamental  theorem  of  algebra,   dimensional  coordinate  systems,  vectors,  the  dot  product,
               conjugate roots.
                                                               the cross product, triple product, lines and planes, cylinder
                                                               and quadric surfaces. Vector-valued functions, space curves,
               Systems of linear equations, row reduction, echelon forms.
               Matrix operations, algebraic properties of matrices, inverses,   derivatives and integrals of vector functions.
               elementary   matrices,   linear   independence   and   Assessment:
               homogeneous linear systems, matrices with special forms.
               Determinants,   cofactor   expansion,   properties   of   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               determinants, Cramer’s rule, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and   Final Examination:   60%
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