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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                               SIM2016   COMPLEX VARIABLES

               Ordered  and  equivalence  relations,  binomial  and  multinomial   Complex  numbers,  complex  functions,  limits,  continuity.
               theorems,  recurrence  relations,  principle  of  inclusion  and   Differentiable  and  analytic  functions,  Cauchy-Riemann
               exclusion,  generating  functions,  Latin  squares,  magic   equations,  harmonic  functions.  Sequences  and  series  of
                                                               complex  numbers,  convergence  tests,  power  series.
               squares, basic properties of graphs, circuits and cycles in   Elementary  functions:  the  complex  exponential  function,
               graphs, trees and their applications.           complex  logarithms,  complex  exponents,  trigonometry

               Assessment:                                     functions. Complex integrals, contour integrals, the Cauchy-
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Goursat theorem, the fundamental theorems of integration,
                                                               Cauchy’s  integral  formula,  Cauchy’s  integral  formula  for
               Final Examination:           60%                derivatives and Morera’s theorem.

               1.   M.  J.  Erickson,  Introduction  to  Combinatorics,  2    Assessment:
                    Edition, Wiley, 2013.                      Continuous Assessment:       40%
               2.   R.  A.  Brualdi,  Introductory  Combinatorics  (Classic   Final Examination:   60%
                    Version), 5  Edition, Pearson, 2017.       References:
               3.   C.C. Chen & K.M. Koh, Principles and Techniques in
                    Combinatorics, World Scientific, 1992.     1.   Mathews,  J.H.,  Howell,  R.W.  (2012).  Complex
               4.   L.  Lovasz,  J.  Pelikan  &  K.  Vesztergombi,  Discrete   analysis:  for  mathematics  and  engineering  (6   ed.).
                                                                    Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
                    Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond, Springer, 2003.   2.   Saff,  E.B.,  Snider,  A.D.  (2018).  Fundamental  of
               5.   J.  Matousek  &  J.  Nesetril,  Invitation  to  Discrete   complex analysis: with applications to engineering and
                    Mathematics,  2   Edition,  Oxford  University  Press,   rd
                    2008.                                           science (3  ed.). New York: Pearson.
                                                               3.   Churchill,  R.V.,  Brown,  J.W.  (2014).  Complex
                                                                    variables  and  applications  (9   ed.).  New  York:
                                                                    McGraw-Hill Education.
               SIM2014   ALGEBRA I                             4.   Howie,  J.M.  (2003).  Complex  analysis.  London:

               Group  Theory  -  abstract  groups,  subgroups,  cyclic  and   Springer-Verlag.
               dihedral  groups;  order  of  an  element  and  of  a  subgroup,   5.   Asmar, N.H., Grafakos, L. (2018).  Complex analysis
                                                                    with applications. Switzerland AG: Springer-Verlag.
               Lagrange’s theorem; cosets, normal subgroups and factor
               groups; group homomorphisms.

               Ring Theory – rings, integral domains and fields; subrings,   SIM2017   GEOMETRY
               ideals and quotient rings; ring homomorphisms; polynomial      Euclidean  Geometry,  congruence,  parallelism,  similarity,
               rings,  the  Division  algorithm  and  Euclidean  algorithm  in   isometry,  Incidence  geometry  of  the  hyperbolic  plane,
               polynomial rings.
                                                               motions of the sphere.
               Assessment:                                     Assessment:
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%

               1.   Gilbert, L., Gilbert, J. Elements of Modern Algebra, 8    References:
                   edition, Brooks Cole, 2014.                 1.   P.  Ryan,  Euclidean  and  non-Euclidean  geometry,
                                                                    Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012.
                2.   Fraleigh,  J.B.  First  Course  in  Abstract  Algebra,  8    2.   H.   P.   Manning,   Non-Euclidean   geometry,
                   edition, Pearson eText, 2019.                    Independently Publ. 2019.
                3.   Judson,  T.W.    Abstract    Algebra,    Theory    and   3.   M.  Henle,  Modern  Geometries:  Non-Euclidean,
                   Applications, Open Source, 2019.
                                                                    Projective, and Discrete Geometry, 2  ed., Pearson,
               SIM2015   INTRODUCTION TO ANALYSIS              4.   J.  Kappraff,  A  Participatory  Approach  to  Modern
                                                                    Geometry, World Scientific, 2014.
               Sequences.  Topology  of  the  real  line.  Compactness.
               Properties  of  continuous  functions.  Uniform  continuity.   SIM2018   PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
               Derivative  of  a  function.  Properties  of  differentiable
               functions. Mean Value Theorems. Higher order derivatives.
               L’Hospital’s Rules.                             Fourier series, introduction to partial differential equations,
                                                               method of characteristics, separation of variables, Laplace
               Assessment:                                     transform method.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Assessment:
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               References:                                     Final Examination:           60%
               1.   S. R. Lay, Analysis with an introduction to proof,  5    References:
                    ed., Pearson, 2014.                        1.   W. E. Boyce, R. C. Prima & D. B. Meade, Elementary
               2.   S. M. Oon, A First Course in Real Analysis, Universiti
                    Malaya Press, 2017                              Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems,
               3.   W. Kosmala, A Friendly Introduction to Analysis, 2nd   11  edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
                    ed., Pearson, 2004.                        2.   N. H. Asmar, Partial Differential Equations with Fourier
               4.   R. Haggarty, Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis.   Series  and  Boundary  Value  Problems,  3   edition,
                                                                    Dover, 2017.
                    2nd ed., Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., 1993.
               5.   R.  G.  Bartle  &  D.  R.  Sherbert,  Introduction  to  Real   3.   D. G. Zill & M. R. Cullen,  Differential Equations with
                    Analysis, 4  ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2011.   Boundary-Value Problems, 7th Edition, Brooks/Cole,
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