Page 82 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

               SIM3008   GROUP THEORY
                                                                1.  John  H.  Mathews  and  Russell  W.  Howell.  (2012).
                                                                   Complex Analysis: for Mathematics and Engineering,
               The  three  isomorphism  theorems.  Cyclic  groups.  Direct   6  ed. Jones & Bartlett Pub. Inc.
               product  of  groups.  Introduction  to  the  three  Sylow’s
                                                                    E.B. Saff,  A.D.  Snider.  (2003).  Fundamental  of
               Theorem.  Classification  of  groups  up  to  order  8.  Finitely   2.  Complex Analysis, Pearson Education Inc.
               generated abelian groups. Permutation groups.
                                                                3.  Rosihan  M.   Ali   and   V.   Ravichandran.   (2007).
                                                                    Complex Analysis, Universiti Sains Malaysia Press.
               Assessment:                                      4.  A.  I.  Markushevich.  (1985).  Theory  of  functions  of
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                    complex variables, Chelsea Publ. Co.
                                                                5.  Nakhle H.  Asmar  and  Laukas  Grafakos.  (2018).
                                                                   Complex Analysis with Applications (Undergraduate
               References:                                         Texts in Mathematics), Springer.
                1.  Hall, M., The theory of Groups. Dover Publications;
                   Reprint edition, New York, 2018.
                2.  Barnard, T., Neill, H., Discovering Group Theory: A
                   Transition to Advanced Mathematics, Taylor  &  SIM3012   REAL ANALYSIS
                   Francis Ltd, London, 2016.                  Infinite series, convergence. Tests of convergence. Absolute
                3.  Rotman, J.J., An introduction to the theory of groups,
                   4th edition. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999.  and  conditional  convergence.  Rearrangement  of  series.
                                                               Pointwise  and  uniform convergence. Properties  of  uniform
                                                               convergence.  Superior  limit  and  inferior  limit.  Power  series,
                                                               radius  of  convergence.  Taylor  series.  Riemann  integral.
               SIM3009   DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY
                                                               Integrable  functions.  Properties  of  the  Riemann  integral.
                                                               Integration  in  relation  to  differentiation. Differentiation  of
               Vector  algebra  on  Euclidean  space.  Lines  and  planes.
               Change  of  coordinates.  Differential  geometry  of  curves.   integrals.  Improper  integrals.  Sequences  and  series  of
               Frenet  Equations.  Local  theory  of  surfaces  in  Euclidean
               space.  First  and  second  fundamental  forms.  Gaussian   Assessment:
               curvatures and mean curvatures. Geodesics. Gauss-Bonnet
               Theorem.                                        Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Assessment:                                     References:
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                 1.  W.P. Ziemer, Modern Real Analysis, Springer 2017.
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                                2.  Witold  A.J.  Kosmala,  A  friendly  introduction  to
                                                                   analysis, 2nd Edition, Pearson International 2004.
               References:                                      3.  B.S, Schroder,  Mathematical  Analysis:  A  concise
                1.  M.  Lipschutz,   Schaum’s   Outline   of   differential  introduction, John-Wiley 2008.
                   geometry, McGraw-Hill, 1969.
                2.  M.  Umehara;  K.  Yamada,  Differential  Geometry  of  4.  L.F. Richardson, Advanced Calculus: An introduction
                   Curves and Surfaces, World Scientific, 2017.    to linear analysis, John-Wiley 2008.
                3.  K.  Tapp,  Differential  Geometry  of  Curves  and  5.  D.S. Kurtz and C.W. Swartz, Theories of Integration,
                                                                   World Scientific 2004.
                   Surfaces, Springer, 2016.
                                                               SIM3020     INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
               SIM3010   TOPOLOGY
                                                               Candidates  are  required  to  spend  a  minimum  16  weeks
               Topological  Spaces.  Continuity,  connectedness  and   working  with  selected  companies  in  selected  areas  of
               compactness.  Separation  axioms  and  countability.  Metric   industry.
               spaces. Product spaces.
               Assessment:                                     Assessment:
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Continuous Assessment:       100%
               Final Examination:           60%
               References:                                     Universiti Malaya Guidebook for Industrial Training
               1.  Armstrong,   M.A.   (2010).   Basic  topology
                   (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics). Springer.
               2.  Munkres, J. (2000).  Topology  (2  ed.). Prentice Hall  SIM3021   MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE PROJECT
               3.  McCluskey, A., & McMaster, B. (2014). Undergraduate  Subject to supervising lecturer.
                   topology: A working textbook. Oxford University Press.
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       100%
               SIM3011   COMPLEX ANALYSIS
               Infinite series expansions: convergence and divergence and   Refer to supervising lecturer.
               region  of  convergence.  Taylor  and  Laurent  theorems.
               Classification  of  isolated  singularities.  Zeroes  and  Poles.
               Calculus  of  residues;  calculation  of  definite  integrals.
               Residue Theory. Evaluation of certain Integrals. Arguments
               Principle, Rouche’s Theorem. Maximum Modulus Principle.
               Conformal Mappings.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%
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