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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                               4.   Farin,  G.,  Hoschek,  J  and  Kim.,  S.M.,  Handbook  of
               SIM3022   CRYPTOGRAPHY
                                                                    Computer  Aided  Geometric  Design,  Elsevier,  North
                                                                    Holland, 2019.
               Basic  concept  of  cryptography,  data  security,  complexity
               theory and number theory. Encryption algorithms, secret key   5.  Patrikalakis, N.M. & Maekawa, T., Shape Interogation
               cryptography,  public  key  cryptography,  key  management,   for  Computer  Aided  Design  and  Manufacturing,
                                                                    Springer, 2019.
               hash  functions,  digital  signature.  Quantum  cryptography.
               Applications of cryptography.
                                                               SIM3025     SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                Functions.  Data  structures.  Pointers/References.  Classes
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                               and objects.
                1.  Martin,  M.K.,    Everyday    Cryptography,    Oxford  Programmatic modeling and analysis of selected problems
                    University Press, 2017.                    from,  but  not  limited  to  algebra,  data  processing  and
                2.  Stinson,  D.R.,  Cryptography: Theory  and  Practice,  analysis,  dynamical  systems,  graph  theory,  interpolation,
                                                               linear algebra, linear and nonlinear equations, mathematical
                    CRC Press, 2018.
                3.  Trappe, W.,  and Washington,  L.C.,  Introduction  to  physics, optimization, and statistics.
                    Cryptography  with  Coding  Theory,  4th  Edition,
                    Pearson Prentice Hall, 2019.               Assessment:
                4.  Stallings, W.,  Cryptography  and  Network  Security:  Continuous Assessment:   50%
                                                               Final Examination:
                    Principles and Practice. 5th editon , Englewood Cliffs
                    (NJ): Prentice Hall, 2016.
                5.  Schneder, B.,  Applied  Cryptography,  4th  Edition  References:
                    New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2016.       1.   Horton, I., & Weert, P. V. L. (2018). Beginning C++-
                                                                    From novice to professional (5  ed.). New York, NY:
                                                                    Springer Science+Business Media New York.
                                                               2.   Hetland, M. L. (2017). Beginning Python- From novice
               SIM3023   NUMERICAL METHODS AND ANALYSIS                          rd
                                                                    to  professional  (3   ed.).  New  York,  NY:  Springer
                                                                    Science+Business Media New York.
               Approximation methods: Discrete, linear and nonlinear least   3.  Johansson, R. (2019). Numerical Python. New York,
               square,  orthogonal  polynomials,  Chebyshev  polynomials,   NY: Springer Science+Business Media New York.
               Gram-Schmidt process.
                                                               4.   Barnes, D. J. & Kölling, M. (2017). Objects first with
                                                                    Java-  A  practical  introduction  using  BlueJ  (6   ed.).
               Eigenvalue  problem:  Gershgorin  circle,  power  method,
               Householder’s methods, QR algorithm.                 Pearson Education Limited.
                                                               5.   Cosmina,  J.  (2019).  Java  for  absolute  beginners-
                                                                    Learn to program the fundamentals the Java 9+ way.
               Initial  value  problems  of  ordinary  differential  equations:
               Euler,  high  order  Taylor,  Runge-Kutta  and  multistep   New  York,  NY:  Springer  Science+Business  Media
               methods.  Analysis  of  convergence,  stability  and  error   New York.
                                                               SIM3026   PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY CONTROL
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                Introduction
                                                               The importance of inventory in management.
               References:                                     Inventory model
                1.  Sutton,  B.  (2019).  Numerical  Analysis:  Theory  and
                   Experiments. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and  Advanced EOQ models.
                   Applied Mathematics.                        Inventory model for time-dependent demand: linear increase
                2.  Ansari, K.A, & Dichone, B. (2018). An Introduction to  or decrease cases.
                   Numerical  Methods  Using  MATLAB.  USA:  SDC  Solutions
                3.  Heister,  T.,  Rebholz,  L.  G.,  &  Xue,  F.  (2019).  Exact and approximate methods by minimizing ordering and
                   Numerical  Analysis:  An  Introduction.  USA:  De  holding costs.
                                                               Applications to real-world problems.
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Vector algebra, introduction to differential geometry, design   Final Examination:   60%
               of surfaces for Bezier surfaces, triangular Bezier surfaces,
               rational B-splines for Bezier and Coons surfaces.
                                                               1.   Hamdy  A.  Taha  (2017),  Operations  Research:  An
               Assessment:                                          Introduction, 10 , Hoboken, New Jersey: Pearson,
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                2.   E. Naddor (1966), Inventory Systems, J. Wiley.
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                               3.   Hadley  G.  and  Whitin  T.M  (1963),  Analysis  of
                                                                    Inventory  Systems,  Prentice-Hall,  Inc.,  Englewood
               1.   Michael  E.  Mortenson,  Geometric  Modelling,  John  Cliffs, New Jersey.
                    Wiley & Sons, 2019                         4.   C.D.J.  Waters  (2003),  Inventory  Control  and
               2.   Farin,  G.,  Curves  and Surfaces  for  Computer  Aided   5.  Management, University of Calgary, Canada.
                                                                    Hillier, Frederick S. (2005), Introductory to Operations
                    Geometric Design, Academic Press, Boston, 2018.
               3.   Hoschek, J. & Laser, D., Fundamentals of Computer  Research, 8th edition, New York, McGraw-Hill.
                    Aided Geometric Design, AK Peters Ltd, 2018.
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