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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                               4.   Laaribi,  A.  &  Peters,  L.  (2019).  GIS  and  the  2020
               3.   Dobson, A. J., & Barnett, A.G. (2018). An Introduction  Census: Modernizing Official Statistics, Esri Press.
                    to Generalized Linear Models (4th ed.). Boca Raton,
                    FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC.                  5.   Patel, G.S. (2012). Qualitative Research in Education:
               4.   Faraway, J. J. (2016). Extending the Linear Model with  Concept, Methods, Data Analysis and Report Writing,
                    R:   Generalized   Linear,   Mixed   effects   and  LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
                    Nonparametric  Regression  Models  (2nd  ed.).  Boca
                    Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC.           SIT3003   COMPUTER  INTENSIVE  METHODS  IN
               5.   Fox,  J.  (2015).  Applied  Regression  Analysis  and  STATISTICS
                    Generalized Linear Models (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks,
                    CA: SAGE Publications.
               6.   Draper,  N.  R.  and  Smith,  H.  (1998).  Applied  Computer  generation  of  uniform  and  non-uniform  random
                                                               variables.  Monte  Carlo  evaluation  of  integrals.  Variance
                    Regression Analysis (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
                                                               reduction  techniques.  Bootstrap  and  jackknife  methods;
                                                               Applications  in  confidence  interval  construction.  Maximum
                                                               likelihood  estimation  of  model  parameters  via  the
               SIT2010   STOCHASTIC PROCESSES
                                                               Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. The Markov Chain
                                                               Monte Carlo method.
               Definition and examples of stochastic processes: Gambler’s
               ruin  problem,  Brownian  motion  and  Poisson  process.
               Introduction  to  simple  random  walk.  Discrete time  Markov   Assessment:
               Chains.  Transition  probability.  Properties  of  class.   Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                               Final Examination:
               Transience   and   recurrence   properties.   Absorbing
               probability.  Stationary  distribution  and  limiting  probability.   References:
               Markov chain simulations and applications.
                                                                1.  Dagpunar, J. S. (2007). Simulation and Monte Carlo.
                                                                    Chichester: John Wiley.
               Assessment:                                      2.  Gentle, J.  E.,  Härdle,  W.  K.  &  Mori,  Y.  (2012).
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                    Handbook of Computational Statistics: Concepts and
               Final Examination:           60%
                                                                   Methods (2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
                                                                3.  Rubinstein, R. Y. & Kroese, D. P. (2016). Simulation
               1.   Durrett,  R.  (2016).  Essentials  of  Stochastic  Processes,  and the Monte Carlo method (Vol. 10). John Wiley &
                    3rd ed. Springer                            4.  Roberts, C.P. & Casella, G. (2005). Monte Carlo
               2.   Lefebvre,  M.  (2007)  Applied  Stochastic  Processes.
                    Springer.                                      Statistical Methods. New York: Springer.
               3.   Ross, S. M. (1996). Stochastic Processes. Wiley.  5.  Ross, S. M. (2012). Simulation (3rd ed.). San Diego,
               4.   Ross, S. M. (2007) Introduction to Probability Models,  CA: Academic Press.
                    9th edition. Academic Press.
               5.   Jones,  P.  W.,  &  Smith,  P.  (2001).  Stochastic  SIT3004   APPLIED STOCHASTIC PROCESSES
                    Processes: An Introduction. Arnold Texts in Statistics.
                                                               Time  reversible  Markov  chains.  Poisson  processes.
                                                               Continuous-time  Markov  chains  and  birth  and  death
                                                               processes.  Brownian  motion.  Application  to  real-world
                                                               phenomena, such as in finance.
               This course exposes students to some aspects of statistics
               in community. The main aim is to highlight the role of official
               statistics in society. The topics chosen for this course come   Assessment:   40%
                                                               Continuous Assessment:
               from a variety of different areas, for example, statisticians   Final Examination:   60%
               and their work, statistics and technology, and statistics and
               society. Students will work in groups on projects related to
               the topics discussed in lectures. Students will use elements   References:
               of  statistics  in  the  planning  a  community  project  including   1.  Durrett, R. (2016). Essentials of stochastic processes,
                                                                    Second Edition, Springer.
               designing  questionnaire,   collecting/managing/analyzing   2.  Ross,  S.  M.  (2003).  An  introduction  to  probability
               data and reporting the findings. Each group is required to
               identify and plan activities for a community partnership that   models, Eighth Edition, Academic press.
               will  not  only  help  them  to  enhance  their  understanding  or   3.  Kao,  E.  P.  C.  (1997).  An  introduction  to  stochastic
               gain a different perspective of their project but will also be   4.  processes. Duxbury Press.
                                                                    Ross,  S.  M.  (1996).  Stochastic  processes,  Second
               beneficial  to  the  community  partner.  Each  student  will  be   Edition, John Wiley.
               required to record a reflection of their experiences before,
               during and after the field work at the community partner and
               to submit their record with the group project report at the end
               of the semester. Students are also required to do a group   SIT3005   TIME SERIES AND FORECASTING
               presentation based on the project.
                                                               Introduction  to  time  series  and  forecasting.  Time  series
               Continuous Assessment:       100%               graphics. Simple forecasting methods. Transformation and
                                                               adjustments.  Fitted  values,  residuals  and  prediction
                                                               intervals.   Time   series   regression.   Time   series
               References:                                     decomposition.  Exponential  smoothing.  ARIMA  models.
               1.   Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Jabatan Pendidikan
                    Tinggi  (2019)  Chapter  1:  Sulam  as  Community  ARCH and GARCH models.
                    Engaged Pedagogy.
               2.   Harris,  D.F.  (2014).  The  Complete  Guide  to  Writing  Assessment:   40%
                                                               Continuous Assessment:
                    Questionnaires:  How  to  Get  Better  Information  for
                    Better Decisions, I&M Press.               Final Examination:           60%
               3.   Beatty, P.C., Collins, D., & Kaye, L. (2019). Advances
                    in Questionaire Design, Development, Evaluation and
                    Testing, Wiley.
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