Page 92 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20212022
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2021/2022

                                                               SIT3018   NON-PARAMETRIC STATISTICS
               SIT3016     GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS
                                                               Introduction to hypothesis testing, sign test and signed rank
               Introduction  to  generalized  linear  model  based  on  the
               exponential family. For example, multiple linear regression   test,  Mann-Whittney  test,  Kruskal-Wallis  test,  runs  test,
               for normal data, logistic regression for binary data, Poisson   contingency  tables,  median  test,  goodness  of  fit  test,
                                                                               test,  Kolmogorov
               regression for counts, log linear for contingency table, and   permutation test, kernel density estimation, spline regression
               gamma regression for continuous non-normal data.
               Study the theory of GLM including estimation and inference.
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Introduction to fitting GLM in R.
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Focus on the analysis of data: binary, count and continuous,
               model selection, model evaluation, interpretation, prediction   References:
               and residual analysis.                          1.   Sprent,  P.  &  Smeeton,  N.C.  (2007).  Applied
                                                                    Nonparametric  Statistical  Methods,  4th  Edition,
                                                                    Chapman & Hall/CRC.
               Assessment:                                     2.   Myles,  H.,  Douglas,  A.  W.,  Eric,  C.  (2014).
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                     Nonparametric Statistical Methods, 3rd Edition, John
                                                                    Wiley & Sons.
                                                               3.   Daniel,  W.  W.  (1990).  Applied  Nonparametric
               References:                                          Statistics, 2nd Edition, Boston: PWS-Kent Publishing
               1.  Dobson, A.J. & Barnett, A.G. (2008). An Introduction to  Company.
                   Generalized  Linear  Models.  3rd  Ed.,  Chapman  &
                   Hall/CRC.                                   4.   Mayer,  A.  &  Philip,  L.  H.  Y.  (2018).  A  Parametric
               2.  McCullagh P. & Nelder J.A. (1989). Generalized Linear  Approach  to  Nonparametric  Statistics,  1st  Edition,
                   Models. 2nd Ed., Chapman & Hall.
               3.  Myers R.H., Montgomery D.C., Vining G.G., Robinson
                   T.J.  (2010).  Generalized  Linear  Models:  with
                   Applications in Engineering and the Sciences. 2nd Ed.,  SIT3019   INTRODUCTION TO BAYESIAN STATISTICS
                   John Wiley & Sons.
               4.  Dunn P. & Smyth G. (2018). Generalized Linear Models  Bayes'  Theorem.  Bayesian  framework  and  terminology.
                                                               Bayesian  inference.  Prior  formulation.  Implementation  via
                   with Examples in R. Springer-Verlag.
                                                               posterior  sampling. Bayesian  decision  theory.  Hierarchical
                                                               models. Application to real-world problems.
               SIT3017   STATISTICAL   LEARNING   AND   DATA
                        MINING                                 Assessment:
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               This  course  prepares  students  for  applied  work  in  data
               science by building on students’ foundations of data science
               skills.  Students  will  learn  advanced  methods  in  statistical   References:
                                                                   Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B.,
               learning and data mining, using appropriate computing tools   Vehtari,  A.,  &  Rubin,  D.  B.  (2014).  Bayesian  data
               such as R. The strengths of the diversity of approaches are   analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
               illustrated through analyses of real world data sets covering
               commonly encountered data types.                2.  Hoff, P. D. (2009). A first course in Bayesian statistical
                                                                   methods. Springer.
                                                               3.  Turkman, M. A. A., Paulino, C. D., & Müller, P. (2019).
               Exploratory analyses: dimensional reduction methods such   Computational Bayesian statistics: an introduction (Vol.
               as  principal  components  analysis  and  linear  discriminant
               analysis. Feature selection.                        11). Cambridge University Press.
                                                               4.  Lee, P. M. (1997). Bayesian statistics: an introduction.
                                                                   Oxford University Press.
               Supervised  learning:  artificial  neural  networks,  k-nearest
               neighbours,  logistic  regression,  naïve-Bayes,  classification
               and regression trees, or support vector machine. Ensemble   SIT3020   PYTHON FOR DATA SCIENCE
               methods:   bagging,   random   forest,   and   boosting.
               Unsupervised learning: K-means and hierarchical clustering.
                                                               Description:  Introduction  to  Python  programming;  Control
                                                               statement  and  program  development;  Python  data
               Assessment:                                     structures,  strings  and  files;  Functions;  Lists  and  Tuples;
               Continuous Assessment:       50%
               Final Examination:           50%                Dictionaries  and  sets;  Array-oriented  programming  with
                                                               NumPy;  Pandas  series  and  DataFrame;  Data  wrangling;
                                                               Object-oriented  programming;  Python  libraries  for  data
               References:                                     analysis  such  as  Jupyter  Notebook,  SciPy,  mglearn  and
               1.   Flach,  P.  (2012).  Machine  Learning:  The  Art  and  matplotlib.
                    Science  of  Algorithms  that  Make  Sense  of  Data.
                    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
               2.   Irizarry, R. (2019). Introduction to Data Science: Data  Data  science:  Basic  descriptive  statistics;  Simulation  and
                                                               static/dynamic  visualisation;  data  mining  tools  such  as
                    Analysis  and  Prediction  Algorithms  with  R.  Boca  principal component analysis and discriminant analysis.
                    Raton, FL: CRC Press.
               3.   Witten, I.H., Frank, E., Hall, M.A. & Pal, C.J. (2017).
                    Data  Mining:  Practical  Machine  Learning  Tools  and  Big Data and Cloud case study: Deep learning; convolutional
                    Techniques  (4th  ed.),  Cambridge,  MA:  Morgan  and  recurrent  neural  networks;  Reinforcement  learning;
                    Kaufmann.                                  Network analysis.
               4.   Hand, D., Mannila, H. & Smyth, P. (2001). Principles  Assessment:
                    of Data Mining. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       50%
                                                               Final Examination:           50%
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