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     AA                                                                                         Issue no. 2 | 2022
        When a Sparrow Flies like an Eagle

                                   I  still  remember  years                  By Dato’ S. Kumaran
                                   ago,  an  old  man  in  the             Department of Geography
                                   estates  cautioning  me                         1976-1979
                                   about  my  dream  to         President of Alumni University Malaya Indian
                                   succeed.  He  said  to  me                   Studies (AUMIS)
                                   “don’t  ever  dream  that   delightful learning atmosphere and experiences I gained
                                   the     simple    house     through  every  event.  The  Tamil  studies  lectures  (with  a
                                   sparrow can ever fly like   focus on Tamil linguistics and literature) at that time often
                                   an   eagle.”   When    I    hosted scholars from India which I was very privileged to
                                   graduated    from    the    have attended. Also, majoring in Geography played a big
                                   Faculty of Arts and Social  role in developing my analytical skills.
                                   Sciences  at  Universiti
                                   Malaya,  I  realised  that  Ultimately,  FASS  gave  me  several  lifelong  lessons  about
                                   while the house sparrow     success; (i) always take destiny into your own hands, and
    Graduation day 1979            may not be able fly iike    go  to  where  you  want  to  go,  and  (ii)  while  academic
    an eagle, there is nothing to prevent it from prevailing and  qualifications are important, it is really manners that makes
    manifesting far beyond the ability of an eagle. The size and  the   man-   character   building   and   interpersonal
    how high one can fly does not matter, what matters if one’s  communication  are  skills  that  everyone  must  develop  to
    ability and desire to thrive.                              get ahead in life. When I graduated in 1979, these lessons
                                                               guided me through other phases in my life.
    I was born in the year 1955 in Sungai Tok Pawang, Bedong
    Kedah, an estate by the foothills of Gunung Jerai. My father  As  a  UM  graduate,  I  was  fortunate  enough  to  join  the
    was a direct migrant from South Indian, who worked as a    coveted  Administrative  and  Diplomatic  Service  (known
    factory worker and my mother, a rubber tapper. My primary  locally  as  PTD  officers)  of  the  public  sector.  Throughout
    education  was  in  the  estate  Tamil  School,  after  which  I  my 35 years of service, I had served in three ministries and
    went to secondary schools in Sungai Petani. Growing up, I  retired  as  the  Undersecretary  of  the  Corporate  Strategy
    considered  myself  an  average  student,  who  performed  and Communication Division of the Ministry of Finance in
    decently at school, until I found my way to the Faculty of  2015.  A  noteworthy  mention  was  project  I  ran  while
    Arts and Social Sciences at Universiti Malaya in 1976.     serving  in  this  ministry  in  2012,  was  to  put  an  end  the
                                                               Government’s  policy  of  bearing  1.8%  of  the  merchant
    To  be  honest,  I  would  not  have  qualified  for  a  place  at  charges  for  credit  card  payments  of  corporate  taxes  and
    FASS  if  not  for  the  A  is  scored  for  the  Tamil  language  custom  duties,  since  these  payments  are  under  legal
    subject for my HSC Examination; I considered it luck being  obligation to be paid up.
    on  my  side.  Upon  entry,  I  chose  to  major  in  Geography,
    considering  the  diverse  modules  that  was  offered  by  the  This  resulted  in  a  yearly  expenditure  savings  of  over
    Department, which gave a wide range of opportunities for   RM100  million  for  the  Government  up  to  today.  Other
    my career development.                                     major  achievements  were  the  successful  completion  of
                                                               the Minister of Finance’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
    During my undergraduate years, I served as the secretary   for  the  Prime  Minister’s  Report  Card,  the  Treasury’s
    of the Tamil Language Society (TLS) and became the First   Transformation     programme,     a     comprehensive
    President  of  the  Hindu  Society  of  UM.  Such  activities  communication  programme  for  the  implementation  of
    outside the lecture halls played a crucial role in developing  GST,  and  all  matters  pertaining  to  internal  and  external
    my  character,  personality,  leadership  qualities  as  well  as  audits  of  all  Ministries.  After  my  retirement  at  60,  I  was
    the  confidence  needed  to  excel  in  my  professional  life.     appointed  as  a  member  of  the  Malaysian  Education
     My greatest memory at Universiti Malaya was honestly the   Service Commission until from 2016 to 2019.

      PULSE invites alumni members of FASS to share with us their share of history and the amazing things they have
       done since graduating. Please send your articles directly to (Dr. Vilashini Somiah, Co-
      Editor- in- Chief), (Dr. Vandana Saxena, Co-Editor-in-Chief) or (Ms.
                                      Nadhwah Tul Iman Mizam, Asst. Ed-in-Chief).
              We are also open to receiving donations and any feedback, suggestions and questions as well.

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