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FACULTY OPINION PIECE                                                                     Issue no. 2 | 2022
                             The End of Mandatory Death Penalty

                                                                              By Dr Choong Pui Yee
                                 In   June     2022,   the           Department of Southeast Asian Studies
                                 Malaysian     government     and financial capital to make an appeal in the court of law.
                                 announced             the    Apart from the poor, people who are mentally ill tend to be
                                 abolishment     of    the    easy  targets.  A  case  in  point  is  Nagaenthran  K.
                                 mandatory  death  penalty.   Dharmalingam,  a  Malaysian  who  was  executed  by  the
                                 This  announcement  has      Singaporean  government.  The  victim  who  was  mentally
                                 earned some applause from    disabled  was  found  smuggling  42.7  grams  of  heroin  to
    Ithe  proponents  and  supporters  of  human  rights.     Singapore in 2009. Victims like Nagaenthran may not be
    Nevertheless,  it  does  not  mean  that  crimes  that  are  able to fully comprehend the severity of their crimes. What
    punishable  by  death  such  as  drug  trafficking,  terrorism,  is worse is that victims like him may be tricked or coerced
    murder,  kidnapping,  and  possession  of  firearms  are  to smuggle drugs.
    altogether  eliminated.  Instead,  it  means  that  judges  are
    now allowed to choose to impose either the death penalty  While there is no denying that drug smuggling is a crime,
    or other forms of punishment – an option they did not have  executing  these  offenders  does  not  really  truly  address
    in the past.  However,  before  the  law  can  take  effect,  law  the issue of drug trafficking because drug warlords could
    amendments  must  be  first  passed  through  voting  in  the  always find other innocent and helpless people to do their
    parliament’s  lower  and  upper  houses.  While  this  is  a  bidding  while  they  evade  the  risk  of  being  arrested.
    significant step forward on the human rights front, there are  Hence,  justice  is  not  truly  served.  What  is  worse  is  that
    existing questions that need to be answered, such as; what  people like Nagaenthran himself were victimized twice –
    are the alternatives to the death penalty, and what are the  to fully bear the crime of others who were involved and to
    barriers to abolishing the death penalty?                 be executed.

    The  mandatory  death  penalty  is  a  cruel  and  inhumane  On  the  other  hand,  there  is  a  serious  need  to  consider
    punishment that breaches human rights. Specific examples  whether  Malaysian  society  is  ready  to  take  this  step
    of execution methods across the world include beheading,  forward.  Families  of  murder  victims  are  unlikely  to
    lethal  injection,  hanging,  and  shooting.  According  to  the  welcome the abolishment of the death penalty. It is simply
    Death  Penalty  Information  Center,  more  than  70%  of  the  too much to expect the bereaved to accept the notion of
    world’s  countries  have  either  abolished  or  ceased  to  mercy over justice. Instead, it is only fair for them to expect
    practice  capital  punishment.  As  recent  as  2021,  Malaysia  an eye for an eye. There is also a need to consider if the
    was  still  executing  criminals  by  hanging  them.  Existing  wider  society  has  truly  understood  the  rationale  for  the
    criminals who are sentenced to the death penalty prior to  abolishment. In a multicultural and multireligious society
    the  government’s  announcement  will  still  be  subject  to  like  Malaysia,  religious  beliefs,  and  differences  in
    capital punishment.                                       traditional ideals may sometimes make it difficult for some
                                                              to welcome the abolishment of the death penalty. This is
    It is important to note that there are a few key arguments  because people may have different measures to evaluate
    against the death penalty. First, is because it is irreversible.  justice.  Some  may  believe  that  criminals  do  not  deserve
    No matter how low the rate of error is in any investigation,  any mercy and that eliminating them is for the betterment
    the  probability  of  new  evidence  can  not  be  discounted.  of the general society. In other words, the notion of human
    And when new evidence is revealed much later, it will be  should be enjoyed only by law-abiding civilians.
    too late to reverse the execution of a person’s life. Second,
    the death penalty does not truly prevent crimes. There have  Therefore,  steps  towards  the  abolishment  of  the  death
    been  studies  that  show  that  the  death  penalty  does  not  penalty  are  hindered  by  several  barriers  and  more
    truly serve as a deterrence. Third, the death penalty can be  concerted  efforts  are  needed  to  inform  the  public  about
    used  as  a  tool  of  control  rather  than  justice.  For  example,  the rationale for the abolishment.To be sure, it would be
    non-lethal crimes like drug-related offenses are punishable  impossible to convince everyone that the change in lawis
    by  death  in  Malaysia.  But  oftentimes,  it  is  the  less-  a step forward for the country, but it does not excuse the
    threatening offenders that are arrested and punished rather  need  to  create  more  awareness  and  discussions  among
    than the powerful drug warlords.  This leads us to the next  the public. At the end of the day, all of us would have a
    point  -  the  death  penalty  disproportionately  affects  the  different scale of justice. And it is precisely because of this,
    poor. The poor are often an easy target for the police. They  that  more  discussion  in  the  public  discourse  is  needed.
    cannot afford legal services and may not have the social  Justice has to be served but it has to be fair as well.

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