Page 26 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 26


                             department of anthropology and sociology

                                                     RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                        Child and Family Rights,
                                                        Protection and Policy
                                                        Social Justice and Social Intervention
                                                        Human Behaviour and Social Behaviour

                                                     RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                        Social Rights; Social Justice; Health in Social
                                                        Contexts; Social Well-being; Childhood

                                                     SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
             dr.                                        Sulaiman,  Sabri;  Ah,  Siti  Hajar  Abu  Bakar;  Abd
             SABRI SULAIMAN                             Wahab,  Haris;  Jasni,  Muhd  Alif;  Simin,  Mohamad
                                                        Hafis  Amat  (2024).  Growing  up  on  the  Street:
                       Barriers  to  Educational  Services  Among  Street
                                                        Children  in  Malaysia,  JOURNAL  OF  SOCIAL
                                                        SERVICE          RESEARCH.         .
             EDUCATION                                  doi:10.1080/01488376.2024.2348536
                                                        Sulaiman,  S.,  Abu  Bakar,  N.,  Tun  Ismail,  W.  N.  A.,
                PhD (Social Services)                   Mohd  Pauzi,  H.,  &  Tuan  Sembok,  T.  M.  Z.
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)               (2023).   POVERTY   AND   WELL-BEING:   THE
                MA, (Social Intervention)               SUBJECTIVE  WELL-BEING  STATUS  OF  POOR
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)               CHILDREN IN KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. PLANNING
                                                        MALAYSIA,                      21(30).
                BA (Social Administration and Justice)
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)     
                                                        Ah,  S.  H.  A.,  Islam,  M.  R.,  Sulaiman,  S.,  &
                                                        Omar,  N.  (2021).  Material  Deprivation  Status  of
                                                        Malaysian  Children  from  Low-Income  Families.
              UMEXPERT LINK                             Child  and  Adolescent  Social  Work  Journal,  38(2),
      139-148. doi: 10.1007/s10560-020-00732-x

              RESEARCHER ID                            SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
              ABA-2022-2021 (Web of Science)
          Research & Innovation Awards 2023 (RIA) for High
                                                         Impact Articles.
              SCOPUS ID                                  Silver Medal for 2023 Innovation Research Weeks
                                                         (Minggu Penyelidikan Inovasi 2023).

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