Page 27 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 27


                             department of anthropology and sociology

                                                     RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                        Rock Art
                                                        Public Archaeology

                                                     RESEARCH KEYWORD

                                                        Prehistory, rock art, material culture, heritage
                                                        education and knowledge accessibility

                                                     SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                        Saw,  C.Y.,  and  Goh,  H.M.  (2024).  Rock  art  of
                                                        Perlis, West Malaysia. In N. H. Tan (Ed.), Papers from
             dr.                                        the  SPAFA  IPPA  Publication  “From  Megaliths  to
                                                        Maritime Landscapes: Perspectives on Indo-Pacific
             saw chaw yeh                               Archaeology (pp. 83–96). SEAMEO SPAFA Regional
                                                        Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts.
                                                        Saw,  C.Y.  (2023).  Kinta  Valley  Rock  Art:  An
                                                        Introduction. Penang: Clarity Publishing.
                                                        Saw,  C.Y.,  and  Goh,  H.M.  (2022).  The  Newly
             EDUCATION                                  Discovered  Indigenous  Rock  Art  from  the  Kinta
                PhD (Archaeology)                       Valley, West Malaysia. Rock Art Research 39(1).
                   Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)      Saw,  C.Y.,  Goh,  H.M.,  and  Saidin,  M.  (2020).  A
                                                        Preliminary Study into the Ancestral Link of Orang
                Postgraduate Diploma (Asian Art)        Asli in Perak to Tambun Rock Art, Perak, Malaysia.
                   School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), London  In K.K. Eng (Ed.), Archaeology in Malay Archipelago
                                                        and  Beyond  (pp.41-64).  Pulau  Pinang:  Penerbit
                BA (Hons) (Anthropology and Sociology)  USM.
                   Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
              RESEARCHER ID                              Instructor for SEAMEO SPAFA’s international online
          course, Rock Art of Southeast Asia and the World
                                                         (2022), focusing on Peninsular Malaysia.
                                                         Champion  Seed  Grant  recipient,  Environmental
              SCOPUS ID                                  Accelerator  Programme,  Biji-biji  Initiative  (2023-
              57205753663                                2024).
                                                         Rock  art  consultant,  GEONAT  Association  Perak

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