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           research journals

                                          Malaysian Journal of Library and Information

                                          The  Malaysian  Journal  of  Library  and  Information  Science
                                          (ISSN: 1394-6234) is published thrice annually (April, August,
                                          December)  by  the  Department  of  Library  &  Information
                                          Science,  Universiti  Malaya.  It  features  original  research
                                          articles  in  library  and  information  science  (LIS)  and  related
                                          fields,  promoting  discussions  on  professional  policies,
                                          practices,  and  advancements  in  the  domain.  The  journal
                                          serves  as  a  communication  platform  for  LIS  professionals,
                                          fostering the introduction of new concepts, methodologies,
                                          and  technology.  Initially  available  in  both  print  and
                                          electronic  formats  (1996-2008),  it  transitioned  to  electronic-
                                          only         from          2009           onwards
                                          (  Indexed  by
                                          Clarivate  Analytics'  Web  of  Science  (Q3)  and  Elsevier's
                                          SCOPUS  (Q2),  it  has  a  focus  on  Asia  Pacific  region
                                          communication among LIS professionals.

           International Journal of China Studies

           The International Journal of China Studies (ISSN: 2180-3250)
           is  a  biannual  academic  journal  focusing  on  contemporary
           China in issues pertaining to the fields of political, social and
           economic  development,  trade  and  commerce,  foreign
           relations, regional security and other domains of the social
           sciences  in  the  context  of,  more  specifically,  today’s
           Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau. The journal is
           abstracted/indexed   in   Scopus,   International   Political
           Science  Abstracts,  International  Bibliography  of  the  Social
           Sciences,  Bibliography  of  Asian  Studies,  EconLit,  eJEL,  JEL
           on  CD,  Ulrich’s  Periodicals  Directory,  Ulrichsweb  Global
           Serials  Directory,  Reference  Corporation’s  Asia-Pacific
           Database, ProQuest Political Science and Research Library,
           ABI/INFORM  Complete,  ABI/INFORM  Global,  PAIS  (Public
           Affairs  Information  Service)  International,  CSA  (formerly
           Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) Worldwide Political Science
           Abstracts and NLB’s ISI (Index to Singapore Information).

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