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                          department of Social Administration and Justice

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Community Development
                                                          Social Work
                                                          Human Development

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Community development, needs assessment,
                                                          community participation, social work practice
                                                          with communities, indigenous people.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

                                                         Haris  Abd  Wahab,  Siti  Hajar  Abu  Bakar  Ah,
                                                         Mashitah Hamidi, Noralina Omar, & Zaiton Azman.
             professor dr.                               (2021).  Social  Administration:  Social  Service
                                                         Delivery  in  Malaysia.  Kuala  Lumpur:  Universiti
             HARIS BIN ABD WAHAB                         Malaya Press.
                                                         Wahab,  H.  A.,  Bunyau,  W.,  &  Rezaul,  Islam,  R.
                                                         (2017). Microcredit for Rural Poverty Alleviation and
                                                         Social Wellbeing: A study in Sabah, Malaysia. Asian
             EDUCATION                                   Social  Work  and  Policy  Review,  12(1),  4-16.  DOI:
                PhD, (Community Development)
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Haris  Abd.  Wahab  &  Abd.  Hadi  Zakaria.  (2012).
                                                         Needs  Assessment  in  Community  Development.
                MSC, (Community Development)             Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya Press.
                   Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)       Haris  Abd.  Wahab.  (2007).  Peasant  Community
                                                         Involvement  in  Community  Development.  Kuala
                BSC, (Human Development)                 Lumpur: Universiti Malaya Press.
                    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
              UMEXPERT LINK                               Principal   Investigator   for   the   Fundamental
           Research  Grant  Scheme  (FRGS)  -  Developing  a
                                                          Sustainable  Bioprospecting  Model  for  Indigenous
                                                          Communities in Malaysia.
             RESEARCHER ID                                Principal Consultant for the Institut Sosial Malaysia
             B-8596-2010 (Web of Science)                 -  Studying  the  Understanding  and  Practice  of
           Social Work Among Community Welfare Officers in
                                                          the Department of Social Welfare.
             SCOPUS ID                                    Principal  Consultant  for  the  Lembaga  Kemajuan
                                                          Ikan  Malaysia  (LKIM)  -  Investigating  Drug  Abuse
             56018765300                                  Levels Among Local Fishermen in Malaysia.

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