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            0-9                                       Child well-being, 125
            9/11, 48                                  Children, 128
                                                      China history, 83
                                                      China-ASEAN relations, 140, 143
            A                                         China-Malaysia economic relations, 141
            Academic librarianship, 102               China-Malaysia education, 139
            Aceh, 82                                  China’s foreign policy, 143
            Action learning, 35                       China’s soft power, 138
            Adaptation, 47                            Chinese, 69
            Addiction and relapse, 16                 Chinese Christianity, 28
            ADHD neurodiversity, 110                  Chinese classical novel, 29
            Adolescents, 16                           Chinese classical prose, 29
            Advocacy strategy, 126                    Chinese community Malaysian, 22
            Aesthetics, 51, 53                        Chinese culture, 29
            African literature, 49                    Chinese dialect, 32
            African women’s literature, 49            Chinese education, 32
            Agricultural economics, 35                Chinese language, 32
            Agricultural geography, 56                Chinese language and culture, 139
            Agriculture system, 56                    Chinese literature, 23
            Ancient Kedah, 79                         Chinese New Village, 27
            Ancient Southeast Asia, 79                Citation analysis, 101
            Anglophone poetry, 54                     Civil society, 94, 126
            Anthropology, 130                         Classical Chinese drama, 30
            Applied econometrics, 35                  Classical Chinese literature, 22
            Archaeology, 79                           Classical Tamil literature, 91
            Art criticism, 53                         Climate change, 66
            ASEAN, 93                                 Climate risk and governance, 67
            Asian anglophone literature, 46           Climatology, 66
            At-risk children, 122                     Coastal system, 65
                                                      Cold War in Malaysia, 27
            B                                         Collaborative international learning, 39
                                                      Colonial history, 81
            Bibliometrics, 103, 104                   Communication, 118
            Biodegradation, 64                        Communication competency in Japanese, 39
            Biodiversity assessment, 62               Communication technology, 116
            Biography, 83                             Communist movement, 76
            Book reading, 112                         Communist Party of China, 138
            British romanticism, 53                   Communist Party of Malaya, 27, 76
            Broadcasting, 113, 115                    Community development, 20, 107, 121
            Buddhism, 24                              Community information services, 102
            Buddhist women, 145                       Community participation, 121
            Business history, 83                      Community policing, 128
            Business strategy, 34                     Community's flood adaptation, 60
                                                      Comparative Politics, 36, 40
            C                                         Competency, 127

            Candi, 79                                 Competitiveness, 34
            Capability approach, 87                   Conflict, 135
            Case studies, 105

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