P. 155


             Confucianism, 31                             Emergency period, 76
             Constructive journalism, 110                 Employee engagement, 13
             Contemporary Chinese politics, 142           Employment, 132
             Corporate communication, 116                 English language, 44
             Crime prevention, 128                        Environment, 147
             Criminology, 128                             Environmental geography, 59, 60, 136
             Cross-culture, 41, 42                        Environmental governance, 67
             Cross-Strait relations, 99                   ESG, 67
             Cultural identity, 88                        Ethnic Chinese studies, 134
             Cultural industry, 34                        Ethnography, 17
             Cultural policy, 34                          Ethnolinguistic, 48
             Cultural studies, 41, 46, 111, 113, 114, 130  Europe, 72
             Culture, 18, 89, 90                          Evidence-based medicine, 106
             Culture studies, 109                         Extreme rainfall, 66
             Current issues in Japan, 36
             Customary land, 17                           F
                                                          Family, 125
             D                                            Family well-being, 125
             Data librarianship, 104                      Federal, 74
             Defense, 96, 97                              Feminist literature, 50
             Democracy, 72                                Film studies, 113
             Democratization, 94                          Flash floods, 62
             Development news, 118                        Folk religion and culture, 24
             Development of modern strategy, 95           Folktales, 50
             Diaspora and area studies, 135               Foreign affairs, 97
             Digital & information literacy, 107          Foreign policy, 96, 142
             Digital libraries, 101
             Digital library, 104                         G
             Digital marketing, 119                       Gender, 49, 146
             Dissemination, 26
             Drone, 65                                    Gender beliefs, 87
                                                          Gender inequality, 87
             Drug, 16                                     Gender studies, 147
             Drug abuse, 124                              GIS, 58
             Dutch, 82
                                                          Governance, 135
                                                          Grammar, 86
             E-reading, 103                               H
             Early literacy, 103                          Happiness, 110
             East Asian international relations, 37       Health GIS, 59
             East Asian regionalism, 37
             East Asian security, 143                     Health sciences librarianship, 106
             East Asian studies, 40                       Heritage, 130
                                                          High-risk situations, 16
             Economic culture, 42                         Historical thought, 71
             Economic development, 34
             Economic policies, 78                        History, 85
             Economy, 70                                  History & literature of the Siddha tradition, 85
             Election, 58, 72

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